Premier On Public Service Career Guide

July 1, 2024 | 0 Comments

Premier David Burt delivered a Ministerial Statement “highlighting the introduction of a comprehensive Public Service Career Guide that showcases the varied and rewarding opportunities in Government.”

A Government spokesperson said, “The Guide explains the qualifications, skills, and competencies needed for different roles within the public sector and is part of the broader “Careers in the Public Service” campaign.

“The “Careers in the Public Service” awareness effort seeks to:

  • Reach qualified, capable young Bermudians to prepare them to become public officers;
  • Reshape the perceptions about careers in Government; and
  • Attract individuals for Hard to Fill posts in the public service.

Public Service Careers Bermuda June 28 2024

“And following his House of Assembly presentation, Premier Burt met with two of the many individuals in Government who are doing works of excellence in the public service – Mr. Joshua Powell [Marine Operations Centre Controller] and Mr. Vernon Harrison [First Class Branch Pilot].

“Both came through the Marine and Ports Services apprenticeship training programme, and today, they personally shared their success stories with the Premier. They are also part of the “Careers in the Public Service” campaign and serve as Public Service Career Ambassadors.

“Joshua and Vernon share their career journey here: : Careers in Public Service – First Class Branch Pilot

“For more information about the recently launched Career Guide, individuals can visit here:

The Premier’s full statement follows below:

Mr. Speaker, today I wish to highlight a new initiative intended to inspire young people to pursue careers in public service. The aim is to reach qualified, capable young Bermudians to prepare them to become a part of our public officer team.

Mr. Speaker, the Public Service Career Guide is an online resource that shows the varied and rewarding opportunities in the public sector. The Guide explains the qualifications, skills, and competencies needed for different roles within the Government.

Mr. Speaker, a recent review identified more than 150 posts in the public service that are hard to fill. These are posts that have consistently low or no responses from recruitment efforts, or internal training programmes.

This is often because of high demand for talent creating global and local gaps, or posts needing rare skills that are not found in Bermuda. Some of these posts are pilots, maritime operations controllers, public health specialists, compliance officers, engineers, accountants and even auto mechanics.

Mr. Speaker, the Career Guide will help inform motivated individuals, who share the government’s vision and mission, about education and training requirements for posts within the Service.

The Guide shows how public service roles are diverse and impactful, and how they help the social and economic development of the country. It will help students and career changers understand what it means to work in the public sector and be a tool for generating interest amongst potential talent.

Mr. Speaker, the public service is vital for our society and economy. It provides important services and programmes that improve the lives of the people of Bermuda.

It also supports the Government’s vision and policies for a better and fairer Bermuda. The public service needs a strong and diverse talent pool that represents our community and aspirations.

It also needs a culture of excellence, innovation, and learning that helps public officers grow and succeed in their careers.

Mr. Speaker, the Public Service Career Guide is part of a bigger strategy to revamp and modernize the public service and make it sustainable and relevant for the future.

The Re-imagining Careers in the Public Service Campaign aims to raise awareness and interest among young Bermudians, especially in high school and college, about the value and impact of working in the public service. It provides information to help clear some of the myths and stereotypes that may stop some people from choosing a public sector career.

Mr. Speaker, the Guide will be sent to schools through principals and guidance counsellors, promoted on social media and supported by a campaign to promote job specific training programmes to find new talent willing to be trained in some areas.

In fact, the Service will soon launch a drive to recruit trainees for roles as pilots and maritime controllers.
Recruitment for other training programmes will follow.

Mr. Speaker, Public Service ambassadors who are current public officers, will share their personal experiences to build awareness about public service careers among young people and the public.

Mr. Speaker, using employees to tell their stories of working for the public service is a powerful and genuine way to show the diverse and meaningful careers that the public sector offers.

It lets potential candidates hear from people who have similar backgrounds, interests, and passions as them, and who have found fulfillment and purpose in their public service roles.

It also helps to show the impact and value that public officers have on the lives of Bermudians and the development of our island. By sharing their journeys, challenges, and achievements, public service ambassadors can inspire and motivate young Bermudians to join the public service and contribute to the common good.

Mr. Speaker, the link for the initial version of the Public Service Career Guide is on the Government Portal at It will evolve over time. I urge all Bermudians, especially our young people, to explore the Guide and discover the many opportunities and paths that a career in the public service can offer.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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