Walk To Cavalry To Celebrate 40 Years

July 2, 2024 | 0 Comments

The Honouring Our Legacy awards and fundraiser event, which will celebrate 40 years of the Walk to Calvary production, will take place on July 6 at the Earl Cameron Theatre at City Hall.

A spokesperson said, “We are thrilled to announce a momentous event, the Honouring Our Legacy awards and fundraiser, celebrating 40 years of the Walk to Calvary production. This special documentary event will take place on Saturday, July 6th, 2024 at the Earl Cameron Theatre, City Hall.

“As we reflect on four decades of dedication, artistry, and faith, we invite the community to join us in honoring eight extraordinary individuals whose contributions have been pivotal in this journey. These honorees have shown unwavering commitment to the kingdom of God, contributing their time, talents, and resources to ensure the success and continuation of Walk to Calvary.


  • Rev Dr. Erskine Simmons – Bright Temple AME Church
  • Solid Rock Construction with Bro Ernest Signor – Richard Allen AME Church
  • Bro Eugene Wainwright – Richard Allen AME Church
  • Sis Janet Smith – Richard Allen AME Church
  • Sis Rose Douglas – Ebenezer Methodist Church
  • Sis Marion MacPherson – Ebenezer Methodist Church
  • Sis Barbara Atwood – Ebenezer Methodist Church
  • The Salvation Army Band

“This captivating documentary chronicling Bermuda’s Walk to Calvary journey spanning over 40 years was created by Bro Lyle Millett of Eyes of the Eagle Productions.

“Events starts with our VIP reception from 5:30pm to 6:30pm, followed by red carpet and door opening 6:30pm, ending with the awards and documentary at 7:00pm. Experience the glitz and glamour of a red carpet event, complete with a VIP reception and a chance to capture memories at our photobooth corner. Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to celebrate our heritage. Walk to Calvary branded merchandise and others will also be for sale at the event.

“We invite everyone to attend this historic event to celebrate and honor these trailblazers. Let us come together to acknowledge their remarkable contributions and to witness the premiere of a documentary that captures the heart and soul of the Walk to Calvary production.

Walk To Cavalry Honoring Our Legacy Awards & Fundraiser Bermuda June 2024 (2)

“Tickets are available at ptix.bm/walktocalvary. $30 for general admission and $75 for VIP tickets [includes special seating and VIP reception access].

“Join us for an evening of celebration, reflection, and inspiration as we honor those who have faithfully served and paved the way for future generations. Secure your seat and be part of this historic event.

“Each honoree’s story is a testament to their faith and dedication, inspiring us all.

“Here are some remarks and stories from our honorees [or their families].”

Rev. Dr. Erskine Simmons said, “Having been a part of Walk to Calvary for decades, it is very encouraging to know that this event will endure as a legacy which will continue beyond my lifetime. To see the progress has been a testament and the culmination of hardworking and committed individuals, all for God’s glory.”

Bro Ernest Signor said, “On behalf of Solid Rock Construction Ltd, I thank God for the opportunity for us to serve in the capacity to build the props for the Walk to Calvary ministry. We are honored to have been chosen to serve and pray that the Lord will continue to bless this ministry.”

Rose said of Eugene Wainwright participation in Walk to Calvary, “Eugene was always ready to participate whenever he was asked to. Whether it was choir, “serving plates, helping a neighbour, or in this case the Walk to Calvary.

“From the first time he carried the cross from the Co-Ed Prison, where it all began, right until these recent times that the Ministerial Alliance made it a live-action play, Eugene was ready and willing to participate to carry this message of the cross.

“Eugene was getting ready for the walk from Co-Ed weeks in advance, preparing to carry a wooden cross as the crowd would listen to the words of Christ down to St. George’s. That preparation turned into months of transformation as he readied to play the part of Jesus in the Walk to Calvary and even as he helped behind the scenes; for example, finding the holes for the crosses with Bro. Signor, Bro. Alex, and even Shannon from the Corp of St. George’s.

“I loved how he really embodied himself into the character that was Jesus. As a family we supported him every year during the transformation as he prepared. We tolerated the hair, the beard, and reminded ourselves its just temporary.

“But seriously all of his girls just supported him in anything that he would do. And for me, I always kept him in prayer daily. The month before he would fast, and I would pray his strength and ensure that there were no home distractions to break his focus – they could wait because Eugene was on assignment to help tell the story of the Cross. I would also ensure that his garments were clean, ironed and ready for the day properly prayed over. And of course, the codfish and potatoes were awaiting him when he finished.

“I was glad to have watched him these many years and even see his joy when Rev. Cyril Simmons took over the role. He spoke of that with such gladness for weeks, and still wanted to support this movement and be a part.

“His love for people, and his love for The Lord made it easy for him to participate, and it was our joy to watch him in his element.”

Walk To Cavalry Honoring Our Legacy Awards & Fundraiser Bermuda June 2024 (1)

The spokesperson said, “Sis. Janet Smith played a huge part in Costume Design and assisting wherever she was needed. She thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Walk to Calvary. It was the highlight of her year.

“Rose Douglas’s roles included Co-Directing and Custom Design. She applauds Mrs. Johnston the Headmistress of East End School for allowing persons in the play to rehearse at the school. The Students were representatives from different churches in the East End.”

Sis Marion MacPherson said, “I enjoyed being the costume designer and makeup artist for this event. I took pride in making the Roman soldiers’ costumes as well as making the blood on the body of Jesus Christ look realistic. To see the expression on peoples when they looked at my work gave me great joy and satisfaction. It was an honor to serve in this ministry.”

The spokesperson said, “One of the parts Barbara Atwood played was a Bad Girl. Nobody wanted to play this part she said. After hearing one of the soldier’s say, ‘Truly He was the Son of God’ and was immediately converted, Barbara thought – why couldn’t we all have gotten converted at that time. She praised her daughter, Dale Lewis for taking hundreds of pictures in early years which highlights the history and legacy of this event. Barbara is very appreciative of this honor.”

Jamel Bean said, “To be a part of the WTC through the ministry of the band, being used by God to proclaim the Gospel and influence people to come to know Christ, is always a great privilege and honour. I’ve been a part of the WTC for over 25 years, and every Good Friday, I am challenged. When I think about what Jesus did for me, I’m reminded of the words to the songs, “How can I better serve you, Lord? Thou who has done so much for me”…Thou who went to the Cross for me.

“As I read through Scriptures, I always wonder, what was it like being there? Or what was it like being there when the crowds were shouting, “Hosanna!” Or when the crowds were demanding, “Crucify Him!” The WTC gives you a taste of what it was like to be there and brings to life those moments, surrounding Christ’s death and resurrection. Again, even though I’ve been participating in the WTC for over 25 years, every year, the WTC challenges and encourages me to live for Christ because of what He did for me, and for you.

“May God continue to richly bless the ministry of WTC.”

The spokesperson said, “As this is also a fundraiser event, we thank our sponsors and patrons for their financial and inkind support. If more sponsors/patrons would like to contribute, please email us info@walktocalvary.bm.

Thanks to our Sponsors:

  • Whitehorse Pub & Restaurant
  • SACRED – Faith Inspired Gifts
  • Ebenezer Methodist Church
  • Somers Supermarket
  • Heard Chapel AME Church

Thanks to our Patrons:

  • The Hon. Premier David Burt & Mrs. Kristin Burt
  • Fusion4Business – Joyce Hayward CPA
  • L.I.F.E. [Ladies In Faith and Enterprise] Joyce Hayward Founder
  • ReJoyce Experiences – Joyce Hayward, curator
  • Eugenia Robinson-Lobban – Restoration House Ministries Int’l BDA
  • Rev & Mrs Gary Bremar
  • Bro Raoul Ming
  • Rev Charles Alex Smith
  • Sis Nadia Robinson
  • Maxwell Burgess
  • Ann-Marie Bennett Ellis
  • Freddy and Sharry Hall

For more information, please contact email info@walktocalvary.bm or visit walktocalvary.bm.

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