Looking At Past Results Prior To C36 By-Election

September 11, 2024 | 2 Comments

There will be at least four candidates for the Constituency 36 Sandys North by-election — which will be held next month — with the FDM’s Marc Bean, the OBA’s Carl Neblett, the PLP’s Reverend Dr. Emily Gail Dill and Independent Cire Bean all set to contest the election.

Bermuda Sandys North C36 Candidates for 2024 election (1)

Looking at the past results the seat has, to date, always been won by the PLP, with winning margins ranging from a high of just over 66% of the vote in 2017, to a low of 50.51%, where the PLP won the seat by eight votes in 2012.

In the 2003 and 2007 general elections the PLP earned over 60% of the vote against candidates from the UBP. The 2012 general election saw the closest the seat has ever been, with the PLP winning with just 50.51% of the vote against an OBA candidate.

The 2017 general election saw the PLP return to winning the seat with over 60% of the vote, and the 2020 general election saw a three-way contest with the PLP’s Kathy Lightbourne-Simmons — who recently resigned prompting this by-election — winning the seat with 59.04% of the vote, the FDM’s Marc Bean placing second with 25.34% of the vote and the OBA’s Jeff Sousa finishing in third with 15.62% of the vote.

Bermuda Sandys North C36 past election results

The past results all reflect general elections, whereas the upcoming election will be a by-election and the first time since the one seat system was in place that the constituents will have the ability to choose between four different candidates representing three different political parties and one independent. 

Nomination Day is on September 19th, so technically speaking there could possibly be another independent announced before then, however as it stands now there will be four candidates in the Constituency 36 Sandys North by-election, which will be held on October 4th.

The chart below is interactive, if you hover your mouse over it winning percentages will show up, and you can also click to remove certain political parties if you would like and just show one, two or three parties.

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  1. Thus is interesting says:

    And exciting. Good luck and best wishes to the candidates.

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