Jessica Lewis Finishes 5th In Paralympics 100m

September 4, 2024 | 1 Comment

Jessica Lewis is set to compete in the 100m at the 2024 Paralympics in Paris today [Sept 4] — making her 4th Paralympic appearance for Bermuda – and you can watch live below, with Lewis set to compete at 3.08pm Bermuda time.

Update: Jessica Lewis delivers a 5th place finish in the 100m, finishing in a time of 16.83, and becomes the first Bermudian to compete in four Paralympic Games.

5th jessica 100m 1234243256436

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  1. Lion Paw says:

    Congratulations Jessica. You gave it your best and 5th is very impressive on the world stage. You are a champion. A winner and worthy of all the opportunities that have come your way.

    Extremely impressed by your progress over the years and desire to be a champion. Amazing talent and dedication.

    Well done

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