Video: OBA Leader On By-Election Location

September 24, 2024 | 8 Comments

[Updated] Opposition Leader Jarion Richardson is holding a press conference this morning [Sept 24] to discuss the upcoming C36 by-election. We will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live video is below.

The Constituency 36 Sandys North will take place on October 4th and will see four candidates — the FDM’s Marc Bean, OBA’s Carl Neblett, PLP’s Reverend Dr. Emily Gail Dill, and Independent Cire Bean — all standing for election.

Update: Mr Richardson said, “On 11th September 11th, 2024 I wrote to Her Excellency the Governor to object to the Constituency 36 by-election polling station being Allen Temple AME Church. The Reverend Dr Emily Gail Dill, who is a candidate in the C36 by-election, is an assistant pastor at that Church and lives in the adjacent building on the Church’s property. Surely this is a conflict of interest.”

The OBA leader added that they requested to change the location of the polling station, however the Governor said she has no explicit power to change the polling place.

“Given the relationship between Dr Emily Dill and the polling station, that she is both resident on property and the associate pastor at the Church, we call on her to refuse to allow the Allen Temple AME Church to be used for the Constituency 36 by-election,” Mr Richardson added.

The 7-minute live video replay is below:

Update 2.31pm: A PLP spokesperson said, “”It is disheartening that Mr. Richardson continues to focus on the venue for the by-election in Sandys North instead of addressing the real issues that Bermudians care about. The Allen Temple AME Church Hall has been a longstanding venue in the Sandys community, serving as a space for civic engagement, and it is perfectly suited to host this important by-election. Reverend Emily Gail Dill, like many Bermudians, plays multiple roles in her community, and her connection to the venue should not detract from its appropriateness for this democratic process.

“Bermudians want a government that is focused on the real issues—issues like lowering the cost of living, improving access to affordable housing, and reducing unemployment. Unfortunately, the One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] has shown that they prefer playing politics over delivering real solutions. Just recently, the OBA admitted they had no plans to address the rising cost of living, a critical issue that affects all Bermudians.

“As for the OBA’s investigation into legal alternatives, we believe that this is yet another attempt to distract from their lack of meaningful policies. The PLP remains focused on the people and their needs. We are deeply rooted in the Sandys community and proud of our candidate, Reverend Dill, whose commitment to service is undeniable. The election venue is not an issue; the real issue is ensuring that the voices of the people of Sandys North are heard and respected.

“It’s telling that the only place the OBA feels is appropriate without a PLP connection is the very same venue where they wasted tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on the America’s Cup, displacing local residents in the process. This speaks volumes about the OBA’s priorities.”

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  1. VIP says:

    Weakest leader the oba has ever selected. We all understand you only had 6 choices, but why did you select the clown?

    • Ringmaster says:

      The PLP have had 22 years to do all the things they say need to be done, issues like lowering the cost of living, improving access to affordable housing, and reducing unemployment and haven’t. Pretty clear who are the real clowns. 29 currently.

      • What! says:

        If the PLP Spokesperson cannot see that the location of the voting exhudes a huge amount of bias (it being the PLP candidates home), then they do not understand fairness and equality, but instead understand me myself and mine.

        The Americas Cup was a massive financial success for Bermuda and all Bermudians Benefitted, despite the Gutter crawling the PLP spewed out. Many Bermudians bought into that gutter spewing and missed out on a pro level event (I don’t sail, never have, don’t even have any interest in trying, but I managed to get to the Village and enjoyed a day there).

        You do realize that Sail GP was a spin off following Oracles loss in the Americas cup. that would have never been here without the Americas cup.

      • watching says:

        The cost of living hasn’t needed lowering for 22 years. But the PLP has actually implemented many measures to address it and at the minimum have allowed it to not be as bad as it could be. Without some of the measures of the PLP it would be a lot worse. Additionally, the PLP has built many units for affordable housing and the unemployment rate is actually lower than ever. I understand the truth doesn’t fit your narrative but…it’s still the truth.

        • Joe Bloggs says:

          “The cost of living hasn’t needed lowering for 22 years.”

          A lot of people would disagree with that statement. Including most union members.

        • What! says:

          Get a grip Watching,

          Sugar tax, makes grocery shopping, take out and restaurant foods more expensive.

          Minimum wage and now increasing it by a whopping 5%, which hen you add pension, payroll tax and other things makes groceries and food more expensive. I do not dispute that people need to be able to make an appropriate rate of money for the work they do.

          Letting Belco through the RA increase electricity rates. For some people (not me) they are not be properly compensated for their contribution to the grid.

          PLP allowed huge tracts of land to be used for the Finger (a massive solar farm), that should have reduced electricity, but no , had the opposite effect.

          Damage to cars, vehicles and increase in insurance costs due to the PLP not maintaining the roads increased the cost of living.

          There are other things too , but am wasting my breath on you Watching, you simply cannot understand that the current PLP are not good for all Bermudians !

        • Toodle-oo says:

          “The cost of living hasn’t needed lowering for 22 years.”

          That’s gotta be the stupidest thing I’ve read on the local web for a decade , maybe even 22 years !
          Can I have some of what you’re smoking , please ?
          Furthermore ‘your’ truth is yours only , not the rest of us who don’t bleed green.

    • Answer says:

      The CLOWN is all the OBA had. You can’t fault them for trying.

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