Marilyn Cameron Celebrates 50 Years Of Service

September 19, 2024 | 0 Comments

Marilyn Cameron Bermuda Sept 2024Marilyn Cameron reached a significant milestone, celebrating 50 years of service with the Government of Bermuda.

A Government spokesperson said, “Last month [August], Marilyn Cameron marked a significant milestone by celebrating 50 years of dedicated service to the Government of Bermuda.

“Currently serving as a Salaries Supervisor, her career, which began on August 29, 1974, as a temporary clerk in the Accountant General’s Department, has evolved into a remarkable journey of leadership and commitment.

“Starting as a Salaries Clerk in 1975, Ms. Cameron quickly recognized the need to enhance her skills to advance in a landscape where most clerical roles were held by Bermudians, but leadership positions were often occupied by non-Bermudians. Determined to succeed, she took evening classes at Bermuda College, preparing herself for opportunities that soon came her way.

“Her hard work paid off with a promotion to Senior Payments Clerk and later, Salaries Supervisor. As Salaries Supervisor, Ms. Cameron manages critical responsibilities, including payroll, Government Employee Health Insurance [GEHI], and pension administration. Her expertise extends to understanding collective bargaining agreements [CBAs] and legislative frameworks, making her an indispensable asset to the department.

“Beyond her formal duties, Ms. Cameron serves as the department’s shop steward, participating in the Women’s Committee and the Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] negotiation team. Her leadership in these roles underscores her commitment to her colleagues and to the broader mission of public service.

“Throughout her career, Ms. Cameron has embraced continuous learning, seizing every opportunity to enhance her skills and contribute more effectively. Her dedication and pride in her work have been a source of inspiration for many, as she embodies the spirit of ‘At your service, Bermuda.’

“As she reflects on her five decades of service, Ms. Cameron expresses no regrets about her career choice. Her journey from a temporary clerk to a respected leader is a testament to perseverance, professional growth, and an unwavering commitment to the people of Bermuda.

“Ms. Cameron’s 50 years of service are not just a personal achievement but a legacy to inspire future generations of public officers to approach their roles with the same dedication, passion, and integrity.”

A Cabinet Office spokesperson said today, “The Government of Bermuda is delighted to take this opportunity to thank Marilyn for her many decades of dedicated service not just to the public service, but to the people of Bermuda. She is a true example of public service commitment and excellence.”

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