Minister Darrell’s Trip To Paris Cost $6,792.59

September 3, 2024 | 0 Comments

A trip in August 2024 by Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Sport Owen Darrell to Paris cost $6,792.59, according to a recent listing on the Government’s travel webpage.

The trip duration was listed as from August 3, 2024 – August 8, 2024, and the web page listing said, “Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Senator the Hon. Owen K. Darrell, JP attended the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris from August 3rd to August 8th.

“At its core, the Olympics aim to bring people of all nations together to celebrate great feats of athleticism and achievement. This year’s Olympics was a celebration of global unity and diversity, witnessing world-class athletes compete and achieve their dreams at the highest level was both thrilling and inspiring.

“While in Paris, Minister Darrell had the opportunity to engage with other sports Ministers and Olympic Officials from around the world to discuss potential sports development ideas on elite athletic development. Minister Darrell was also invited to the Olympic Village by the Bermuda Olympic Association and had the opportunity to congratulate some of the athletes in person.

“Congratulations to Bermuda Olympians Dame Flora Duffy, Erica Hawley, Tyler Smith, Dara Alizadeh, Adriana Penruddocke, Emma Harvey, Jack Harvey and Jah-Nhai Perinchief for their commitment and hard work; a very impressive accomplishment for a small island.

“Minister Darrell was accompanied by the Director of Sport and Recreation, Kimberly C. Bean.”


  • Air Travel: $1,770.80
  • Accommodation: $4,745.72
  • Meals: $241.07
  • Miscellaneous: $35.00
  • Total costs: $6,792.59

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