PLP Statement On Job Categories, Politics, More

September 12, 2024 | 1 Comment

The PLP said they “extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Minister Jason Hayward and the PLP government for your unwavering dedication to maintaining and, if necessary, expanding protected job categories for Bermudians.”

A spokesperson said, “Despite the repeated complaints from those in the Opposition, who have a longstanding record of promoting anti-Bermudian policies, you have stood firm, remembered that we were elected to Stand Strong for Bermudians, and enacted policies that reflect that mandate.

“Our Government’s continued efforts in safeguarding local employment opportunities stand in stark contrast to the OBA’s misguided Pathways to Status initiative, which threatened to open the immigration floodgates and jeopardise the future of Bermudians in our own country.

“Additionally, we stand firm in rejecting Sir John Swan’s long-standing advocacy of granting Bermudian status by birth to the children of non-Bermudians, as well as the FDM’s reckless fascination with birthright citizenship, both of which pose significant risks to Bermudian livelihoods and culture.

“As a Party, we proudly reaffirm our commitment to putting Bermudians first in every policy decision and making steady progress on eliminating the barriers to opportunity for our people. We encourage our government to continue to take a thoughtful, balanced, Bermudian-focused approach to governance so we can ensure our people come first in employment, opportunities, and the full benefits of Bermudian Status.”

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  1. Kenny says:

    So how does this sit with your stated policy that expanding population in Bermuda is essential?

    What a stupid party the PLP are.

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