Video: Minister Wilson & Minister Weeks

September 23, 2024 | 0 Comments

[Updated] Minister of Health Kim Wilson and Minister of National Security Michael Weeks are holding a press conference this morning [Sept 23] to share further details of the programmes announced in Friday’s Mid-Year review. We will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live video is below.

The 17-minute live video replay is below:

Update 12.53pm: Minister of National Security Michael Weeks’ full statement follows below:

I am pleased to announce that the Ministry of National Security has been allocated an additional $5.4 million for the 2024/2025 fiscal year. This substantial investment allows us to expand and enhance programmes that will directly benefit our communities and improve the quality of life for all Bermudians. One of our primary focuses with this extra funding is to empower our youth, especially those involved with the Gang Violence Reduction Taskforce’s outreach programme. We are dedicated to providing opportunities for them to advance their education and develop vocational skills. For participants nearing the end of high school, we will offer assistance to help them obtain their GED within the next academic year. Those who meet the entrance requirements for Bermuda College will receive financial support to cover tuition, fees, books, and materials. We are also expanding training options to include apprenticeships, local certifications, and opportunities for overseas training.

Our aim is to open doors for individuals seeking positive change. By investing in their education and skills, we empower them to build more secure futures for themselves and make meaningful contributions to our community. The Ministry is expanding its coordinated Crisis Response Team to provide more timely and comprehensive assistance to individuals and communities affected by violence. By expanding our capacity and resources, the team will be better equipped to offer prompt support and a broader range of services during crucial times. In addition, we are expanding the Community Counselling Programme to offer more personalised support to those impacted by violence and trauma.

Recognising the profound effects on families, children, and victims, this programme provides access to trained grief and trauma counsellors for a series of individual and group sessions. It is crucial for the overall mental and physical well-being of our people that we address the emotional and psychological needs of those affected by violence. We aim to foster real healing and recovery within our communities through these support services. We are also launching an individual counselling programme to provide personalised support for those affected by violence. There are hundreds of people on our island who are dealing with the trauma of violence.

These sessions, lasting between 10 to 12 weeks, will offer weekly one-on-one counselling aimed at mental and emotional health recovery and reintegration. On average, we experience 20 violent incidents per year, each impacting about 10 people, including family members, children, and close friends. Furthermore, we are introducing a family counselling programme. These group sessions are designed for families who have lost loved ones or have members involved in gangs and need more impactful and meaningful support.

The goal is to strengthen family bonds and provide collective healing through group therapy to help families rebuild their support networks and by extension, improve the familial wholeness and stability. We are providing additional funding and support to existing community outreach and school programmes that serve at-risk youth. Our objective is to strengthen these programmes so they can deliver higher-quality services and expand their impact. In our schools, we are increasing funding for existing violence prevention and personal development programmes, allowing the GVRT to improve its delivery and reach more students, including those that are not involved in anti-social behaviour. We are also supporting ongoing student engagement, encouraging leadership and peer mentorship in violence prevention and conflict resolution. For community outreach, we are enhancing support for organisations that work with youth, such as sports and community clubs for after- school programmes to improve their current offerings, whether through enhanced resources, staffing, or materials.

I am also pleased to announce that, as part of our commitment to addressing substance misuse in our community, we are allocating an additional funding to the Department for National Drug Control for important grants to both Pathways Bermuda and Focus Counselling Services. This funding will enable the NDC to offer more support to essential substance abuse intervention programs. Focus Counselling Services has been a cornerstone in providing comprehensive support for individuals in recovery.

This additional funding will allow them to sustain their operations, particularly in their supportive housing initiative. By ensuring that these services continue, we reaffirm our commitment to those who are seeking recovery and healing. Meanwhile, Pathways Bermuda plays a crucial role in connecting individuals with international treatment centres and local addiction professionals. Their approach focuses on providing holistic, sustainable pathways for those affected by substance misuse. With this funding, we will be able to enhance their capacity to offer treatment, aftercare, and group programmes, ensuring that Bermuda residents receive the appropriate level of care and support.

This investment not only strengthens our existing initiatives but also reinforces our collective responsibility to address the challenges of substance misuse in our society. Together, we are taking significant steps toward building a healthier and safer Bermuda. All of the initiatives I have outlined represent the Government’s dedication to making tangible improvements in the lives of Bermudians. By focusing on education, rehabilitation, and comprehensive support services, the Ministry of National Security is actively working towards enhancing the well-being and safety of our community.

Thank you.

Minister of Health Kim Wilson’s full statement follows below:

On Friday, September 20, 2024, the Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. David Burt, shared some wonderful news during the Government’s Mid-Year Budget Review. He announced a generous $25 million support package aimed at addressing critical public needs.

I am pleased to say that a key feature of this package is the $2,290,000 investment in a comprehensive mental health support program, set to run until March 31, 2025. This is truly wonderful news for the people of Bermuda!

At the Ministry of Health, we want to ensure that mental health concerns are met with understanding and compassion, not stigma. And, we want everyone to have access to the support they need.

Mental health challenges can strike anyone, anywhere, at any time. Globally, one in four people will face a mental health issue during their lifetime. Tragically, stigma and discrimination often stand in the way of individuals seeking the help they desperately need, resulting in unnecessary suffering and delayed recovery.

The Ministry of Health will continue to work hard to dismantle these barriers, foster a culture of empathy and support, and ensure that everyone feels understood and has access to the care they need.

Additional funding will significantly bolster our efforts to support mental health initiatives. With more resources, we can expand our programs, reach more people, and provide even better care and support.

So today, I am excited to share our vision for a healthier and more supportive community. While the full details of the programmes will be shared soon, here’s a brief preview.

With funding from the Ministry of Health and collaboration from our many dedicated partners, we are launching a range of initiatives designed to care for the mental well-being of our entire community.

We will soon introduce a comprehensive mental health awareness campaign, aiming to break down the walls of stigma and encourage people to seek help without fear.

We will also roll out a suicide prevention strategy—because saving lives through both protective and preventative measures is our priority.

We also recognize the power of our community. That’s why we’re introducing a community outreach program to engage local leaders and provide critical information and resources directly to where they’re needed most – ensuring that everyone in our community feels seen, heard, and supported.

I am equally excited to announce the National Health Advocacy Program, which builds on successful global models but is tailored specifically for Bermuda.

From mental health literacy programs in schools to national conferences and training for mental health first aid, we are dedicated to equipping people with the knowledge and tools they need.

Our work doesn’t stop there. Through the Mental Health Gap Action Program, led by the Bermuda Hospitals Board, we will integrate mental health into primary care—making support more accessible for all, especially in the early stages when it’s needed most.

We have not forgotten our young people—our future and our greatest responsibility. We understand the challenges they face and are deeply committed to supporting them.

That’s why we are introducing a school-based health behavior intervention program designed to nurture their well-being where they spend so much of their time.

In addition, we will be hosting a Youth Mental Health Summit, a space for our young people to come together, learn, grow, and be empowered with the skills and resources they need. We want them to know they are not alone and that they have the tools to support one another and themselves. This is about building resilience, fostering understanding, and ensuring every young person knows there is help, hope, and a community ready to lift them up.

We are also grateful for the incredible contributions of our community partners—organizations like Age Concern, The Family Center, The Women’s Resource Center, and Teen Services. We will continue to support their vital work with funding that expands their impact.

Finally, we are strengthening our own capacity by hiring more staff and creating an emergency fund for those complex cases where mental health and social support must come together.

We now have significant additional resources to tackle mental health throughout all segments of our community.

And, as the Premier said last week, we can confront the growing challenge of mental health, and ensure that mental health resources are more accessible, and support is available for those who need it, helping to reduce stigma and provide healing in our community

Thank you.

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