Three Senior Citizens Defrauded Of $685,000

September 23, 2024 | 2 Comments

Following three senior citizens being defrauded of approximately $685,000 via online and phone scams, the police have issued another advisory urging “residents, particularly senior citizens, to remain vigilant regarding online scams and phone scams.”

A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service [BPS] continues to urge residents, particularly senior citizens, to remain vigilant regarding online scams and phone scams.

“In three recently reported incidents, one local senior citizen was apparently contacted through Facebook, while two other local senior citizens are understood to have received random phone calls. Combined, the three senior citizens involved reportedly were defrauded of approximately $685,000.

“It is believed that the senior citizen contacted via social media received a message that appeared to come from someone known to them, containing specific instructions. Purchase Apple gift cards, photograph the back with the redemption code visible and send the pictures to an e-mail address provided in the message.

“The two senior citizens that received unsolicited phone calls were led to believe the caller was a local bank employee contacting them because their accounts had been compromised. In one instance, it was reported that the senior citizen was persuaded to give the caller their bank information. In the other, it was reported that the senior citizen was persuaded to allow the caller remote access to their computer.

“All of these scenarios are tactics regularly used by scammers to defraud unsuspecting individuals.

Renewed Practical Scam Prevention Advice

  • Avoid social media messages with instructions to redeem gift cards or send cash.
  • Don’t install any computer software recommended by an unknown caller.
  • Hang up on callers who ask for personal or bank information and either call the specific business to confirm if there is a problem, or contact the police for advice.
  • Check your bank account[s] regularly for any unusual activity.
  • Report any suspected fraud to the relevant bank and the police immediately.

“Family members and friends are once again urged to speak with their senior citizen relatives about how to avoid being defrauded, as seniors are often targeted by swindlers.

“To make a police report regarding suspected fraud, please call 211, or visit the BPS community reporting portal at”

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  1. make it so says:

    There need to be severe penalties for such despicable and evil crimes. Make a public spectacle of these cretins as well as at least 25 years in prison no parole, on top of selling all their belongings and repaying 100% of the stolen amount.

  2. PAC MAN says:

    How they spin the wheel of ineptitude .

    Senior citizens barely get by as hardship has no friends, our senior aparently get the dirty end of the stick as there are hundreds of both minimal and major infractions which seniors and many others get it in the back of the neck.

    For example many of all of us, have been and seen abuse ,

    Strong words!

    Example forced in to early retiremen by the numbers a brain drain for sure.

    This island needs ever last person to pull their weight rich and poor, young and old alike.

    “Never throw your old shoes away ”

    This inflation we have inherited is an ill wind ,exaserbated by in activity and redundancy.

    I am not complaining just putting abuse in plain sight .

    Two days discounts a tempory measure ! Not a mis guided reduction in the cost of living.

    ” Look after the pennies as the pounds never look after them selves” .

    That is not the half of it, if i were to list only a small portion of those underhanded infractions usually over underfunding of programs relating to our on going inflation , and a deaf ear , that would cause a major embarasmnt to the rest of society..

    “They take good care of the, but not me”.

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