Two Bermuda Golf Courses Rank Among Top

September 9, 2024 | 2 Comments

Two of Bermuda’s golf courses – Mid Ocean Club and Port Royal Golf Course – have been ranked among the top in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central American region.

A spokesperson said, “Two of Bermuda golf courses are rated among the top golf courses in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central American region. For a 20 square mile island as tiny as Bermuda, to have two golf courses highly featured in such a ranking is commendable. The Mid Ocean Club ranked #8 and Port Royal Golf Course #28.”

Jayson Jackson, the Acting Operations Manager and Golf Course Superintendent at Port Royal Golf Course, said, “We are honoured to learn of this ranking, especially as a Government owned and operated public golf facility. We operate on a tight budget, while at the same time maintaining a standard that meets the requirements to host five consecutive PGA Tour events since 2019 and met the needs of the general golfing public we serve.

“The recognition is a testament to the hard working men and women who take great pride doing their jobs.”

The spokesperson said, “Junior Minister for Tourism, Culture & Sport Kim Swan, a former PGA European Tour player, is ecstatic about the news and is pleased for both Mid Ocean Club and Port Royal Golf Course.”

Mr. Swan said, “It’s a proud day when the golf courses that help shape my life 50 years ago are recognized as still being the best in this huge tourism centric region today. It is truly gratifying recieving this news and I congratulate all those responsible for the maintenance, operation and management of both Mid Ocean Club and Port Royal Golf Course.

Mid Ocean Club


“Mid Ocean Club, the Charles Blair MacDonald classic masterpiece with the legendary Seth Raynor’s fingerprints, is no stranger to top world rankings and has a special place in the golf history books on many levels as a pioneer golf course and private club during the emergence of golf in the Americas region in the early 1920’s. As a private golf club it has opened its doors to thousands of visitors from overseas, which is unprecedented for decades – certainly not commonplace for private courses of its stature in the Americas.”

Port Royal Golf Course

Port Royal Golf course Bermuda Generic 2020 39r8239 JM

In contrast Kim Swan added, “Port Royal Golf Course – which recently celebrated its 50th Anniversary was built especially to be a public daily fee golf course and it has admirably fulfilled that manadate serving locals and visitors from all walks of life.”

The spokesperson said, “Bermuda must be proud of this ranking from Golfweek / USA Today. It’s noteworthy that this ranking took into consideration 321 golf courses in Mexico [200], Central America [51] and the Caribbean [70]. When you imagine that in 2024 Bermuda has seven golf courses in 22 square miles- the most per capita in the world – this ranking is a booster shot for golf tourism in Bermuda.”

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  1. Lion Paw says:

    We are truly global competitors. Congratulations Mid Ocean Club and Port Royal Golf courses.

    What a remarkable feat

  2. Joe Bloggs says:

    Beautiful photographs of beautiful golf courses that have been ranked among the top in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central American region

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