BHB On Reducing Stroke Risk With Activity

October 22, 2024 | 10 Comments

Bermuda Hospitals Board [BHB] is is reminding the public that the risk of stroke can be reduced with physical activity.

A spokesperson said, “Bermuda Hospitals Board’s Emergency Department sees an average of five people every week who are experiencing a stroke. That’s over 200 people every year.”

Dr Srinath Meadipudi, BHB Primary Stroke Centre Director, said, “Our Primary Stroke Centre provides comprehensive stroke services, but we would like the public to take necessary actions to prevent stroke in the first instance and to seek medical care immediately if affected by stroke.

“Knowing the risks and taking conscious action to reduce them will help you avoid becoming a stroke victim.”


The spokesperson said, “October 29th is World Stroke Day and in keeping with the international theme to boost physical activity, BHB encourages the public to be as physically active as they can. Regular physical activity is a preventative measure for stroke. Statistics show that at least 30-minutes of physical activity five times a week, reduces stroke risk by 20-25 percent. Physical activity after a stroke aids in recovery and the quality of life of stroke patients.”

Dr Meadipudi said, “At BHB we are encouraging all our staff to take the stairs where possible, instead of using elevators. We invite the public to join our take the stairs effort or to create a movement goal that better suits their environment, from 28 October.”

The spokesperson said, “BHB also reminds the public to BE FAST in recognising and responding to stroke symptoms:

  • B is for Balance – sudden loss of balance, headache, or dizziness
  • E is for Eyes – sudden blurred vision
  • F is for Face – one side of the face is drooping
  • A is for Arms – sudden weakness in an arm or leg
  • S is for Speech – sudden difficulty speaking or making sense
  • T is for Time – Time to call 911 and get to the Emergency Department as soon as possible

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  1. Hilarious says:

    The risk of stroke can also be reduced by avoiding certain “vaccines.” See the book writeup on Amazon: The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity

    “CoVax Disease” – something that should be covered by the media and BHB. Oh wait, who pushed the “vaccine” on the population of Bermuda?

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      You do realise that “The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity” is self-published, right?

      • Hilarious says:

        So? I guess you do not have your fingers on the weak pulses around the world caused by the “vaccines.” Does self-publishing make the facts any less factual? Yes/No.

        I guess self-publishing is not a real business, right?

        Self-published Books & Authors Sales Statistics [2023]
        January 30, 2023 by Nicholas Rizzo

        30-34% of all ebooks sold are self-published.
        300 million self-published books are sold each year.
        $1.25 billion worth of self-published books is sold each year.
        Amazon pays $520 million in royalties to self-published authors each year.
        Only 1% of audiobooks on Audible are self-published.
        67% of top-rated, self-published books are written by women, compared to just 39% of traditionally published books.
        The global publishing market is expected to grow at 1% CAGR per year, whereas the self-publishing market is expected to grow at 17%.
        The number of self-published books has increased by 264% in the last five years.

        • Joe Bloggs says:

          “Does self-publishing make the facts any less factual?”

          Not necessarily, but when it comes to such matters I prefer peer-reviewed studies.

          Anyone can say anything in a self-published book or article. A peer-reviewed book or article necessarily means that at least one other person in the relevant field of study agrees with the position being advanced.

          • Hilarious says:

            Hilarious! The “peer-reviewed” card! How many of those COVID “peer-reviewed” studies have been debunked or have you even read? Even Fauci admitted the 6-foot rule appeared out of nowhere, but we had peer-reviewed studies cited by the media, right?

            Perhaps your attitude would be different if your wife had to drive you to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital at 2AM because you had trouble breathing due to fluid buildup on your lungs and around your heart. And then there was that pesky surgery required on your once-healthy heart for a battery-powered device to keep your heart properly working because of irreparable damage. Then, there are those costly medications that are required along with regular visits for medical and device checkups.

            Please stick to commenting on what you know, and do not comment to just see your words online. Thank you.

  2. PAC MAN says:

    Hillarious and all others .

    With reference to the “Breathing Issue ” you mention in your above post ,that is a life treating seriouse problem which happened to me out of the blue at 6 ,oo pm one Satutday evening .

    I was desperately fighting for air, I later found out later that my lungs were filling up with water.

    My wife does not drive, I also knew that I would not make it by driving our car to the hospital. DO NOT TAKE THE RISK

    I decided to call for the Ambulance, I explained to the operator what my problem was so that the ambulance can come fully prepared .

    Here are the reasons for calling the Ambulance and is NOT about the cost, as it was a life or death situation.

    1) The ambulance can drive faster and safer than any car Do not take the risk using a private car .
    2) Other driver may not be able give way in a convoy to a private car.
    3) The Ambulance technition and driver are made fully aware of the emergency situation.
    My wife sat in front with the driver who kindly consoled her .
    Always good, to have a responsible family member on hand .
    4 ) The Ambulance is in constant contact with the hospital who were waiting for me at the hospital door.
    5) The ambulance put me on oxygen an put me on a heart monitor also on the way to the hospital

    6). My best advice always call for the Ambulance as they can deal with you prior to and on arrival at you home on the spot.

    7) CHEST PAINS and STROKE Always call for the ambulance do not second guess that event.
    Just do it ! The ambulance speed matches the type of emergency .
    Drivers alway make room !

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to thank you every one at the hospital who ever day support the public.

    Also again thank you for giving me the opportunity to thank the drivers an tech staf who help me on that wet and rainy night

    To all the daily drivers out there, please alway make way ,and give room to all emergency vehicles with out a giving second thought.

  3. Hilarious says:

    What was your diagnosis? What caused the fluid buildup?

  4. PAC MAN says:


    Thank your for your kind thoughts.

    As you are more than well aware no two people are alike, also, may I just say I have never had a re occurance.

    In the interest of privacy with in the medical profession and my own well being the details of treatment was sort of personal.
    so ! I prefer not to say .

    I thank you , for your understanding.

    K.E.M.H. folowing treatment always refer the patient back to their own family doctor.

    By the way , you could go on the web page WEB MD where I am confident you will find a wealth of information.

    For the benefit of all here .
    Self diagnosis or on behalf of another person and surgested treatment there of, is, in my oppinion not a good idea !

  5. Hilarious says:

    No problem. My concern is that what happened to you might, and I say might, be related to any COVID “vaccine” shots you received, assuming you got them. Not one of three doctors from my emergency room visit reported my adverse reaction to the “vaccine,” but the Ministry of Health required reporting. I specifically told the doctors of my change in health after the vaccine. No one reported anything.

    The follow-up with one of the five cardiologists in Bermuda was a joke. More see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Everything was my fault. Paraphrasing, I just imagined that I almost died from the “vaccine.” Our insurance company approved me going to the US for tests and an educated medical opinion from a highly qualified cardiologist who proved everything the Bermuda cardiologist said was wrong. And I do mean wrong!

    The Ministry of Health is mum on health issues traced to the “vaccine.”
    Given the severity of what happened, you might consider getting a second opinion.

  6. PAC MAN says:

    Mr Hilariouse.

    May I offer my concerns and sympathy for what has happened to you and the many others over Covid 19 and those unfortinate who have passed on .

    So regrettable , heart breaking and so very sad .

    I completely understand your perceived anger, you are not alone, at least you are still alive .
    Please be thank full that we come from good stock.

    The covid 19 affected many thousands as you are no doubt aware.

    The solutions were hard sort after by many fighting solve the problem in the dark .

    Many mistakes were made here and also in other countries.

    Worst or all, did China get away with it ?
    They are not telling ,i could imagin that their loses were nothing short of hurendiouse .

    This covid 19 virus caught the whole world and ever body in it off side, the attempts to resolve problem did not meet initially with very little success , then again half a cake was better than no cake at all.

    I would be hesitant to berate any body. I did not have any solution to offer
    Some times it is better to say nothing , however I have my varied opinions .

    From many years ago as a you n boy i learnt from my parents who separated my brother and i when we got into disagreements .

    Complete and absolute seperation was the only key, that still is going onto this day with other issues .

    My wife and I decided to play the game of “Hermit”, we took the issue to far greater lengths than 6 feet, to thousands of feet. Our relation ship with others was by telephone , our preventative measures were impeccable .

    We did no want to put our head in the lion’s mouth .

    This covid was not the first neither will it be the last. Remenber the effects caused to millions from “Small Pox” !

    When they finish one war, it does notice them longer to start another .

    Next the fools will nuke the place and all humanity.

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