Minister Walter Roban Participates In GO CFF

October 7, 2024 | 3 Comments

Deputy Premier and Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban travelled overseas to attend the Green Overseas Climate Finance Forum.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Home Affairs is pleased to advise that the Deputy Premier and Minister of Home Affairs, the Hon. Walter Roban, JP, MP, travelled overseas this weekend to represent Bermuda at the Green Overseas Climate Finance Forum [GO CFF], held from 7 to 11 October.

“The GO CFF is a $19.6 million project funded by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France. It aims to accelerate the energy transition and increase the climate resilience of EU and UK overseas countries and territories [OCTs].

“Up to 150 delegates, including representatives from overseas country and territory governments [OTCs], the private sector, civil society organizations [including youth representatives], international and regional funds and organizations, and from the EU, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, and the UK, will convene for the GO CFF.

“This forum will serve as a key platform for OCTs to:

  • Share experiences on accessing and utilizing climate finance and explore further opportunities for collective action.
  • Finalize tools and resources to improve OCTs’ capacity to secure climate finance, invest in climate adaptation and mitigation, and enhance overall climate and financial resilience.
  • Develop a ‘framework for action’ to raise awareness of challenges and opportunities for OCTs at COP 29 and beyond.
  • Identify priorities for strengthening climate finance mechanisms to be presented to governments for consideration.
  • Set next steps for collective OCT advocacy to unlock access to multilateral climate funds.

“During the event, Minister Roban will deliver a keynote address on climate resilience, discussing Bermuda’s efforts to position the island as a climate risk capital and highlighting its initiatives around conservation and decarbonization.

“In addition to his address, Minister Roban will meet with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Climate Action and renewable energy stakeholders, and the Government of Bermuda’s Brussels Office will co-host a roundtable meeting on biodiversity and climate change with the UK Mission to the EU.”

Minister Walter Roban explained, “Bermuda is proud to stand alongside our fellow overseas territories and international partners in the global fight against climate change. This forum offers a crucial opportunity to share knowledge, collaborate on solutions, and ensure that small island nations like ours have the tools and resources to build resilience and thrive in a rapidly changing climate. Our efforts to position Bermuda as a climate risk capital and invest in conservation and decarbonization are part of our broader commitment to a sustainable future for all.”

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    What is his experience of global climate finance? Hope he isn’t go and talk off topic about electric buses and ministers cars and try and make out Bermuda is eco friendly. Does he ever talk about how Bermuda pollutes the ocean with hazardous materials, chemicals. oils etc. from the airport dump?

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      All you have to do is look at the colour of his necktie to know his credentials!

  2. Hilarious says:

    Not one person at that conference, including our honorable Minister, can define climate change. But hey, the fight against climate change was used as a reason to purchase 13 new electric cars for the ministers. Electric cars that not one minister would purchase with their own money.

    I wonder what purchase is next in line to fight climate change.

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