OBA & PLP On Transparency, Contracts & More

October 4, 2024 | 1 Comment

“The One Bermuda Alliance believe the people of Bermuda have a right to know how Government is spending its money,” Shadow Finance Minister Senator Dr Douglas De Couto said, while the PLP said “This government hires Bermudians and Bermudian companies the length and breadth of the island and we do not believe that elected service blocks one from being able to do a job.”


Senator De Couto said, “The One Bermuda Alliance continues to seek transparency on how the Government is spending the peoples’ money. Thanks to questions from OBA Senators Robin Tucker and Dwayne Robinson, we know more about how this Government hires its own legislators with no accountability.

“MP Jamahl Simmons is employed in the Cabinet Office to provide ‘Communications Support’, at $7,767 per month. This employment is ongoing.

“MP Jache Adams was employed as an advisor to the Minister of Finance, earning $142,400 between 1 May 2023 and 31 August 2024. The Government would not answer questions on how or why MP Adams was selected for this role. Also, government would not confirm whether or not MP Adams continued in his role as a paid advisor. We note that MP Adams was appointed as Junior Minister of Finance on 16 September, a position which also earns additional pay over his salary as an MP.

“The One Bermuda Alliance believe the people of Bermuda have a right to know how Government is spending its money, what its elected and appointed representatives are receiving from Government, and whether that money is being put to good use for our people.”


A PLP spokesperson said, “For generations, the elites now aligned with the OBA and UBP before leveraged the government to build business empires.”

The PLP said it is “strange” that the OBA which “showered contracts” on one of their former MP’s company “complains that the government hires Bermudians to do jobs.”

“In finance, MP Adams has delivered a mortgage guarantee programme that has helped dozens of Bermudians buy their first home; pension reform that will help first-time homeowners with down payments; eliminated stamp duty on mortgage transfers, allowing hundreds of Bermudians to reduce their mortgage payments; and other initiatives that benefit Bermudians.

“MP Simmons’ experience in communications ensures Bermudians learn about the numerous programmes that the PLP has introduced to help them cope with 40-year-high global inflation.

“This government hires Bermudians and Bermudian companies the length and breadth of the island and we do not believe that elected service blocks one from being able to do a job and implement policies that help Bermudians reduce costs and buy a home.”

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  1. hmmm says:

    PLP unamed person (again failure in transparency, as we should know who is speaking, OBA person was named) did not address the question. Please can you focus and answer the question. this isn’t nanne nanne boo boo playground time.

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