ICO Decision On Bermuda Police Service

October 21, 2024 | 0 Comments

Information Commissioner Gitanjali Gutierrez issued Decision 30/2024 about the Bermuda Police Service.

A spokesperson said, “On 14 October 2024, Information Commissioner Gitanjali Gutierrez issued Decision 30/2024, Bermuda Police Service. It affirmed the Bermuda Police Service’s decision on a PATI request where the Applicant was seeking records related to a promotion process in which they had participated as a candidate. The BPS administratively denied part of the request because the records did not exist. The BPS also refused access to records containing the selection panel’s individual ranking and feedback on the Applicant, because their disclosure could have a significant, adverse effect on the Bermuda Police Service’s management of its staff, and the public interest test did not favour disclosure.

Decision 30 2024 Bermuda Police Service Bermuda October 2024

“The Information Commissioner found that the Bermuda Police Service was correct to withhold the records related to the promotion process and had taken all reasonable steps to locate records responsive to the PATI request. No further action was required.

“The Information Commissioner noted that once the Personal Information Protection Act 2016 is fully enacted, requests like this one, where an applicant is seeking their own personal information, will be made under that Act, and no longer under the PATI Act.”

The full version of Decision 30/2024 follows below [PDF here]:

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