Opposition Leader On Premier’s Comments

October 24, 2024 | 5 Comments

“If Premier Burt wants a fairer Bermuda – he needs to stop wasting time complaining about the ‘combined opposition’ and start fixing the problems that his government created,” Opposition Leader Jarion Richardson said.

Mr Richardson said, “Bermudians must have listened to Premier Burt’s comments to PLP party delegates wondering if he’s on the same planet.

“In what world does he think life is fairer for working Bermudians under the PLP’s 20-year race to the bottom?

“Instead, the PLP has gifted Bermuda with under-resourced schools, escalating healthcare, crumbling roads and bridges and under-staffed government services.

“If life was so fair, why are working Bermudians worst hit to the point that they are leaving the Island in droves?

“If life was so fair, why are 70% of all Bermudians considering leaving?

“Premier Burt’s so-called ‘sweeping changes for equality’ seem to have swept away everything Bermudians value about this Island: pride in the excellence of our education, pride in our well-maintained roads and buildings and pride in the fact that families can create a decent standard of living for themselves.

“The PLP’s notion of fairness has not brought prosperity to the people who gave it power. It has made life much worse.

“I know this must be very disappointing to many Bermudians. But people should also know that while poor government has run this country into the ground – good government can also turn it back around again.

“If the PLP really wants a fairer Bermuda it needs to fix the basics of good government. That means:

“Creating an environment where investors want to come here and cutting taxes and red tape to help local businesses thrive.

“Delivering a world-class education for our children.

“Investing in our roads and infrastructure to bring Bermuda back to where it should be.

“And reducing our crippling national debt.

“Most importantly and the most basic of all, is governing with integrity and accountability – and being accountable to the people who put you in government.

“If Premier Burt wants a fairer Bermuda – he needs to stop wasting time complaining about the ‘combined opposition’ and start fixing the problems that his government created.”

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  1. History says:

    Jarion the clown when are you giving up the leadership? Place FDM Leader Marc Bean as the new OBAubpFDM leader fast and sit on the side like the white boyz want you to do.

  2. Lisabet says:

    Absolutely fantastic response. Get it done. Stop the blame game.

  3. Question says:

    Well said. Here is someone who finally gets it. This is a guy worth supporting.

  4. PAC MAN says:

    Mr. Richardson

    How long do you think it will take you to figure out what that which faces the many problems that Bermuda and her people are subject too.

    Bashing Mr . Burt is about 99 on the list , leave the man alone ,given time, he may see the light has burned out from a candle that has melted down to a ball of wax on the kitchen table.

    If you Sir and your followers eventually got into power or initially became a driving force to be reconed with ,are you going to bow and scrape to our seniors and young people where their anger is almost to the boiling point ,as they see no hope?

    The old ways of political bashing do not apparently seem to work any more you will get back what you give with 10 fold .
    Your Party has to be 50/50 for a fair Government to function , failing that you have no chance or change the voting system .

    You and friends have to diversify So ! get out there and face the Nation take the biter and the sweet .

    You can not fly a plane while sitting in an assimulator , or sitting on the couch.

    How many tax laws are you wanting to repeal and reduce the size of Government before that burden sends us all including our visitors to the”poor house “.

    Money goes out with next to nothing comimg in ? So sorry, you know that.

    Tell us why your party has or seen very little future ?
    They talk about the power of one . May i ask, what & which one ?

    Churchill who has smelly Bull Dog invited Hitler for a romantic interlude .
    ” We will fight them in the fields on the seas and in the air and we will never withdraw ” !

    Take two slices of bread with noting in between them that do no taste that great, what missing. ? It is not ham an cheese it is MONEY !

    For example …
    I attended a seminar at the bank.
    The narator initially asked us all. ” Why do we all go to work”?
    He got back all the wrong answers, he corrected and shocked ever body in the room by saying , MONEY !

    Mr. Richardson , how can you think an wonder that our remaining population are not smiling any more?
    We can barely get by.
    Some are not so lucky.

    The tax burden leave me and many other with no money to put in the piggy bank, simply ! because our Government pays it self first .

  5. John says:

    The oba will lose the next election because of this idiot.

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