Parliament: Audio & Order Of Business

December 6, 2024 | 1 Comment

[Updated with audio] The House of Assembly will be in session on Friday [Dec 6] and statements listed on the Order Paper include the tabling of Amendments to the Clean Air Act 2024, the Bermuda College Annual Report 2023-2024, the Cruise Ship Season 2025 and the 2023-2024 Annual Report of the Department of Financial Assistance.

Update: Live broadcast has concluded, and the audio of the morning session is below

The Order of Business is below [PDF here]:

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  1. PAC MAN says:


    I have decide if the shoe fits so shall you or the Government wear it.

    it is said that money does not grow on trees, sure it does, but you have to plant the tree first.

    Donald Trump’s government will use money to rule the USA. and the rest of the world.

    The people earn some crumbs off the table, and business earns the money, a portion of which gets paid over to Governments in the form of taxes to fund it various departments and governments infrastructure and sleepy civil servants pay packets .

    Take that a one step further, if business or their employees do not earn money thay can not or may have dificulty in paying taxes consequences business and people wind up having to borrow money that inceases the cost of living being the cost of food and item or services .

    The debate in the house cherry picks at the problem of business and employment .

    The government is the working man as it is neither a bank or an insurance company.

    This country as do many others functions through the expertise of it Governments laws and policy and ………. .

    We live in a two tier economy a seasonal an international economy that is two strikers from the word go !

    Neither business or their employees wear a halo, just accept the fact that there is wrong doing on both sides .

    Business go under and people either loose their jobs of the business goes bust ,alway the people are out the door first.

    if iI lost a job at 5 to 5 pm on Friday I want a writen explanation as to why like ~~~~~~~ lS NOT A TEAM PLAYER~~~~~~~ what works .

    I wonder if we the working class are being pushed to th breaking point ,or does the squeeky wheel get the most oil,.

    FACT : The union keep every body honest .


    Not every body is honest, been that way since the second hand car salesman took up residence.

    We all live in a capitalist society no mater which way we look at it , society is run by a labour government with a masive responsibility to save it own life..

    Want a better life. Go to China !

    Labor and Money controls the world, non the less a very complicated issue as one will not function with out the other .

    Each section of the economy is goverened by one comon goal or denominator and that is money fueled by greed by all parties as neither institution or society can perform with out it.

    It therefor remains the task for a responsible Government to improve the economy faling that we will all will go hungry .

    What can i do? not much ! but complain or go fishing in the job market.

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