Princess Serves Christmas Dinner To BPS & BFRS
Hamilton Princess & Beach Club delivered Christmas dinner to over 60 personnel from the Bermuda Police Service and Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service on December 25th as part of their annual festive outreach.
Hotel General Manager Tim Morrison, Director Of Operations Roydell Neverson, and Maintenance Manager Rajendra Bala, offered Christmas greetings along with dinner for more than 60 personnel who were working on the holiday. The dinner is a part of Hamilton Princess’ annual community outreach during the festive season.
Firefighter Sgt. Ryan DeSilva, Hamilton Princess & Beach Club’s General Manager Tim Morrison, Maintenance Manager Rajendra Bala, Director Of Operations Roydell Neverson; and Firefighter Lionel Furbert, on Christmas Day at the Hamilton Fire Station. Missing from the photo was Firefighter Schyler Smith
Roydell Neverson, Director Of Operations, Hamilton Princess & Beach Club; Police Commissioner Darin Simmons, PC Boden, PC Simmons, PS Millar, PC Franks, PC DeSilva, and Tim Morrison, General Manager, Hamilton Princess & Beach Club, pictured at the Prospect Police Headquarters
Rajendra Bala, Maintenance Manager, Hamilton Princess & Beach Club; PC Boden, PS Millar, PC Franks, PC Simmons, PC DeSilva; front left to right Roydell Neverson, Director Of Operations, Hamilton Princess & Beach Club; Police Commissioner Darin Simmons, DC Lee, PC Nair, PC Tucker, Tim Morrison, General Manager, Hamilton Princess & Beach Club, and A/PS Jackman, Superintendent Rollin, pictured at the Prospect Police Headquarters
Well deserved.