Column: PLP’s Simmons On Assisting Women
[Opinion column written by the PLP Senator Lindsay Simmons]
The world is facing trying times, but here in Bermuda, we are doing our part to help many to ease the burden. Yesterday, Minister Tinee Furbert, Minister Crystal Caesar and Myself spoke about how we are helping our fellow Bermudian women during these times.
Here is how we are making life fairer for Bermudian women:
- Expanded & Increased Child Care Assistance helping 146 more parents & children
- Senior pensions increased 6x
- Help for female entrepreneurs through BEDC
- Provided help for at home caregivers
- Strengthened protection for domestic violence survivors and increased funding for counseling and legal support.
- Revenge porn made illegal
This is but just some of what we are doing for the women of Bermuda. Over the next few weeks other women will speak on other initiatives that benefit the entire family.
- Senator Lindsay Simmons
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