Video: PLP Host Press Conference

January 13, 2025

[Updated] The Progressive Labour Party [PLP] is holding a press conference this afternoon [Jan 13] and we will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live video is below.

Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 18-minute replay is below

PLP Press Conference Bermuda Jan 13 2024

Update 5.57pm: An OBA spokesperson said, “At this afternoon’s press conference, the PLP discussed steady progress for women and how they intend to make Bermuda fairer for them. Quite simply, this is nothing more than empty sloganeering. We are dumfounded that they have the audacity to imply that they have made anything fairer for anyone, much less women.

“We hear from women every day in our communities. On their behalf, we have a few questions that we would like them to answer.

“Is it fair that women have to leave the country to get a world class education?

“Is it fair that women are homeless and living in their cars or shelters?

“Is it fair that nearly 75% or women are considering leaving the island because they just can’t get ahead in the David Burt economy?

“Is it fair that women are burying their children because of increasing guns and gangs?

“Is it fair that women have to decide between paying for groceries and buying their children a new pair of shoes or their prescription medication?

“Is it fair that 72-year-old women are going back to work just to make ends meet?

“We want a fairer Bermuda too, and the only way to get that is to send David Burt and his team packing.”

Update: A PLP spokesperson said, “The only thing the OBA has gotten right is that this election is about who will build a fairer Bermuda for Bermudians. We know the OBA’s record on women, and its policies that widen the gap between the have-mores and the rest of us.

  • The OBA spent millions on a boat race for the wealthy, while cutting scholarships, school budgets, and childcare.
  • The OBA voted against freezing health insurance premiums
  • The OBA told our seniors money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • The OBA spoke against the minimum wage
  • The OBA sold off our airport in a bad deal that cost 50 million dollars in minimum revenue guarantees

“The OBA can put their head in the sand and try to pretend that things are great everywhere outside of Bermuda, but, they should call their friends/family overseas. The cost of living issue is a global one. And, it was their candidate in C36, Carl Neblett, that said he had ‘no idea’ how to address the cost of living situation.

“Meanwhile, the PLP has reduced taxes for 86% of workers, frozen fuel prices, increased pensions by the rate of inflation, expanded childcare assistance, cut energy taxes by 60%, and laid out plans to provide more relief to Bermudian families.

“Maybe instead of just attacking the PLP, the OBA should go back to the drawing board and offer more than just a flimsy pamphlet to the Bermudian public?”

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