Video: January 16th Bernews Morning Newsflash
Independent candidate Juanae Crockwell, PLP candidate Iesha Musson, private jet returns for precautionary landing, Free Democratic Movement Economic Policy, Somersfield Academy to hold Personal Project Exhibition, Moongate Brewing opens in St George’s and 32 days to election are some of the stories in this morning’s [Jan 16] Bernews Newsflash.
The Bernews Morning Newsflash includes an overview of the latest Bermuda news, the local weather forecast for today, local stock report, our photo of the day, as well as a look at news headlines from around the world.
In addition to being available each morning on the website, the Newsflash is designed to suit your favourite social media network, so is also available directly on the main Bernews Twitter feed, our YouTube channel, and our Instagram account.