Weather Forecast For Saturday February 22
Saturday, February 22 is expected to be cloudy, with the high to be near 17°C/62°F and the low to be near 13°C/56°F, according to the Bermuda Weather Service.
Winds are expected to be NW. The relative humidity is expected to be near 61%.
Sunrise will be at 6:55am and sunset will be at 6:10pm. High tide will be at 3:26am and 3:38pm, while low tide will be at 10:03am and 9:25pm.
The Bermuda Weather Service has issued a Small Craft Warning valid this evening through Saturday evening and their forecast for Saturday says, “A mix of sun & cloud with 1 or 2 showers… Winds northwesterly moderate to strong, decreasing moderate towards noon, then continuing to decrease, becoming light to moderate in the evening and light overnight… High near 17°C/62°F, low near 13°C/56°F. Clear sky UV Index forecast – 4 or moderate.”
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