CURB Responds To 2025 Throne Speech
Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] said they “applaud the Government of Bermuda for its commitment to law reform, restorative justice, and the continuation of the Land Grab Commission, as outlined in the 2025 Throne Speech.”
A spokesperson said, “CURB particularly welcomes the Government’s commitment to advancing restorative justice principles. The proposed reforms reflect a significant step forward in creating a more equitable and rehabilitative justice system that addresses root causes of crime while fostering accountability and healing within our communities. These initiatives reflect a significant step toward building a more just, equitable, and responsive society.
Advancing Law Reform
“CURB strongly supports the Government’s recognition that many of Bermuda’s laws must be modernized to reflect contemporary principles of justice. The reinstitution of the Law Reform Commission is a positive step towards ensuring greater fairness and equity within Bermuda’s legal system. The Government’s focus on legal reform, particularly in the areas of youth justice, wrongful imprisonment, and access to legal aid, is commendable.
“Key reforms include:
- “Raising the age of criminal responsibility from 8 to 14 under the Young Offenders Act 1950. This change aligns Bermuda’s legal framework with modern international standards and recognizes the importance of providing young people with the opportunity for rehabilitation rather than criminalization. Scientific research underscores that early involvement in the criminal justice system has long-term negative consequences, particularly for vulnerable and marginalized youth. This amendment is a necessary and welcome reform.
- “Introducing a statutory compensation regime for individuals wrongfully convicted and imprisoned. The miscarriage of justice can have devastating effects on individuals and their families, and ensuring fair compensation is a critical step toward restoring dignity and rebuilding lives.
- “Conducting a comprehensive review of Legal Aid, ensuring equitable access to legal representation for all Bermudians, regardless of economic status. Equitable access to justice is a cornerstone of a fair society and ensuring that all residents – regardless of financial status receive adequate legal representation is essential in addressing systemic disparities.
Commitment to Restorative Justice
“CURB is encouraged by the Government’s continued emphasis on restorative justice and crime prevention. As highlighted in the Throne Speech, a justice system focused solely on punishment fails to address the root causes of crime or create long-term solutions.
“The Government’s commitment to:
- “Implementing the National Violence Reduction Strategy to break cycles of violence,
- “Fostering rehabilitation and personal growth, and
- “Enhancing community safety represents a progressive shift towards justice that prioritizes healing, accountability, and community well-being.
Supporting the Land Grab Commission’s Work
“CURB welcomes the Government’s renewed commitment to the Commission of Inquiry into Historic Land Losses, now that the legal barriers to its progress have been resolved. Addressing historical land injustices is vital to Bermuda’s pursuit of racial and economic justice. We urge the Legislature to give serious consideration to the Commission’s findings and recommendations, ensuring that past injustices are acknowledged and rectified.
Moving Toward a More Just Bermuda
“CURB believes that these reforms represent a crucial moment in Bermuda’s history. The Government’s focus on law reform, restorative justice, and historical land losses aligns with CURB’s ongoing efforts to promote racial equity and systemic change. We look forward to working with policymakers, stakeholders, and the wider community to ensure that these commitments lead to tangible, lasting improvements for all Bermudians.”