Hashtag: #BELCO

RA Approve Reduction In BELCO FAR Rate

RA Approve Reduction In BELCO FAR Rate

[Updated] The Regulatory Authority [RA] announced the “approval of a reduction in the Fuel Adjustment Rate [FAR] from the existing rate of 24.5 cents per kilowatt hour [kWh] to 18.4 cents per kWh, effective January 1st.” A spokesperson said, “This decision follows a comprehensive evaluation of BELCO’s 2024 Q1 FAR submission indicating... Read more of this article

Regulatory Authority Starts Inquiry Into BELCO

Regulatory Authority Starts Inquiry Into BELCO

The Regulatory Authority of Bermuda [RA] announced the “commencement of an inquiry into the operations of the Bermuda Electric Light Company Limited [BELCO].” A spokesperson said, “The RA, entrusted with a mandate focused on consumer protection, stakeholder interests, and overall investment welfare, has raised substantial concerns... Read more of this article

Column: Deciphering Your BELCO Bills

Column: Deciphering Your BELCO Bills

[Column written by Denise DeMoura] People all over Bermuda feel helpless about confusing BELCO bills. They trigger many emotions since we know that most of us can’t get our electricity anywhere else. Feeling that electricity rates are out of our control, and getting even more expensive, causes anxiety. We feel powerless against such a large corporation... Read more of this article

Algonquin Announces Q3 Financial Results

Algonquin Announces Q3 Financial Results

Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp — the Canadian company that owns BELCO — reported their financial results for the 2023 third quarter. A spokesperson said, “Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2023. All amounts are shown in United States dollars unless otherwise... Read more of this article

Column: Understanding Belco Fuels

Column: Understanding Belco Fuels

[Column written by Denise DeMoura] A few people have asked me to help them understand more about Belco. So I’m going to try: starting with fuels and the generators that turn them into electricity. It’s overwhelming just trying to understand the differences between the types of fuel that Belco could potentially use–and the many different names... Read more of this article

BELCO Preparating For Hurricane Tammy

BELCO Preparating For Hurricane Tammy

BELCO today advised that “preparations are being made for Hurricane Tammy and offered advice for property owners in advance of the storm.” A spokesperson said, “BELCO’s Crisis Management Team has been convened to coordinate preparations ahead of possible impacts from Hurricane Tammy and will continue to meet frequently until the... Read more of this article

Stakeholders To Cooperate To Reduce The FAR

Stakeholders To Cooperate To Reduce The FAR

Representatives from the Government, Regulatory Authority, BELCO, and SOL Petroleum held a meeting to “address the pressing issue of the significant increase in the Fuel Adjustment Rate [FAR]” and “all of the stakeholders at the table agreed to cooperate to reduce the FAR in the immediate future.” A Government spokesperson said,... Read more of this article

OBA: Legislate Reduction In BELCO FAR Increase

OBA: Legislate Reduction In BELCO FAR Increase

It is “unacceptable for the current Government to do nothing and point fingers at BELCO and the Regulatory Authority as prices skyrocket,” Opposition Leader Jarion Richardson said, adding that the Premier should “recall Parliament to legislate a reduction in the BELCO FAR increase.” Background BELCO previously said, “The... Read more of this article

Column: Ideas For Lowering BELCO Bills

Column: Ideas For Lowering BELCO Bills

[Column written by Denise DeMoura] I’d like to share a few of my easiest ways to save money on BELCO bills. After I moved in with my husband, Anson Nash, he was shocked when I lowered our two-person monthly household electricity bill to about $100. So with BELCO’s new Fuel Adjustment Rate [FAR], our monthly bill will increase about $20. But for... Read more of this article

BELCO Working To Restore Power Outages

BELCO Working To Restore Power Outages

BELCO crews are working to restore power outages affecting customers in parishes including Devonshire and Pembroke, the company confirmed. A post on BELCO’s X account said, “We are aware of an outage affecting a significant number of our customers in Devonshire in the Parsons Lane area and in Pembroke in the Pitts Bay Road area. Crews... Read more of this article

Column: Pearman On BELCO FAR Increase

Column: Pearman On BELCO FAR Increase

[Opinion column written by OBA Shadow Minister for Legal & Home Affairs Scott Pearman] In his speech made the day he became Opposition Leader, Jarion Richardson observed that “blame is not a solution”. Friday’s press conference by Deputy Premier Walter Roban on the impending increases in our electricity costs, was sadly short on meaningful... Read more of this article

Photos & Video: People Gather Outside BELCO

Photos & Video: People Gather Outside BELCO

People gathered outside of BELCO on Serpentine Road in Pembroke this morning [Oct 9] to express their concern about the Fuel Adjustment Rate [FAR] increase which took effect this month. BELCO previously advised that beginning on October 1st, 2023 there will be an increase in the FAR. A spokesperson said, “With the approval of the Bermuda Regulatory... Read more of this article

Video: Minister On Fuel Adjustment Rate

Video: Minister On Fuel Adjustment Rate

[Updated] Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban held a press conference about the recent Fuel Adjustment Rate. Update 5.39pm: Minister Walter Roban’s remarks: Good afternoon members of the public and the media I am very happy that you are here today to witness this press conference. I am here today to speak about the recently announced Fuel Adjustment... Read more of this article

BELCO On ‘Misconceptions’ About FAR Increase

BELCO On ‘Misconceptions’ About FAR Increase

Since announcing there would be an increase in the Fuel Adjustment Rate [FAR] “there have been several misconceptions and incorrect information circulating,” the BELCO President said, adding that “customers’ bills are not increasing by 48%, only a portion of the bill will increase, the base rate and other charges will remain the... Read more of this article

BIU ‘Seriously Concerned’ Over FAR Increase

BIU ‘Seriously Concerned’ Over FAR Increase

The Bermuda Industrial Union [BIU] said they “have serious concerns about BELCO’s latest increase in the Fuel Adjustment Rate,” stating that “this increase will adversely impact the disposable income of each family in Bermuda” and “the cost of living in Bermuda continues to spiral out of control.” A spokesperson... Read more of this article

BELCO: Philippe Preparedness And Advice

BELCO: Philippe Preparedness And Advice

BELCO today advised that preparations are being made for Tropical Storm Philippe and offered advice for property owners in advance of the storm. A spokesperson said, “BELCO’s Crisis Management Team has been convened to coordinate preparations ahead of possible impacts from Tropical Storm Philippe and will continue to meet frequently until the storm... Read more of this article