Hashtag: #BermudaEnvironmentalAndSustainabilityTaskforce

BEST: Real Numbers at Tucker’s Point?

BEST: Real Numbers at Tucker’s Point?

[Updated] The Bermuda Environmental and Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] say they have “unearthed some very disturbing issues” arising from the government’s proposal to grant an SDO to Tucker’s Point Resort [TPR] to build 78 new luxury houses on environmentally protected land. BEST said: “The biggest problem is that the financial... Read more of this article

Ministers Answer SDO Questions On CITV

Ministers Answer SDO Questions On CITV

Minister of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy Walter Roban and the Minister of Business Development and Tourism Patrice Minors both appeared on CITV’s “In the Know” programme to recently to address public concerns answer questions regarding the recently tabled Tucker’s Point Special Development Order. The Ministers... Read more of this article

Ministry: “Stringent Conditions” Attached To SDO

Ministry: “Stringent Conditions” Attached To SDO

Government says it has gone “to great lengths to ensure the protection of Bermuda’s environment through the stringent conditions” attached to the Special Development Order for Tucker’s Point. The Ministry of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy also reiterated the proposed SDO for the East End hotel provided in-principal... Read more of this article

Warwick Long Bay Beach Bar Refused Again

Warwick Long Bay Beach Bar Refused Again

A businessman’s plans to build a bar and restaurant at Warwick Long Bay have been turned down by the Development Applications Board again. Environmental group BEST released a statement this morning [Jan. 9] saying “BEST has received formal notice that the application from Belcario Thomas to construct a beach bar at Warwick Long Bay has... Read more of this article

BEST on Warwick Long Bay Beach Bar

BEST on Warwick Long Bay Beach Bar

Environmental group BEST has commented on the news that Mr. Belcario Thomas has re-submitted his application to build a beach bar and restaurant at Warwick Long Bay. On August 4th 2010, Justice Ian Kawaley quashed Environment Minister Glen Blakeney’s decision allow a beach bar to be built on Warwick Long Bay. The Minister’s decision came after the... Read more of this article

BEST: “Development Being Negotiated In Secret”

BEST: “Development Being Negotiated In Secret”

One of the island’s leading environmental organizations is concerned that a “major development is being negotiated in secret,” saying that there is a “proposal is for a large-scale residential development at Tucker’s Point on lands protected by Nature Conserve, Woodland Reserve and Coastal Conserve designations.” The... Read more of this article

Supreme Court Quashes Beach Bar Decision

Supreme Court Quashes Beach Bar Decision

Yesterday [Aug 4] in Supreme Court, Justice Ian Kawaley in a historic ruling quashed Environment Minister Glen Blakeney’s decision allow a beach bar to be built on Warwick Long Bay. The Minister’s decision came after the Development Applications Board refused the application, and several experts including an Independent Planning Inspector... Read more of this article

Senator Marc Bean: Full Text of Apology

Senator Marc Bean: Full Text of Apology

Senator Marc Bean spoke in the senate yesterday and apologized for recent statements he made concerning BEST protesters. Opposition leader Kim Swan had called upon the PLP senator to apologize, with Premier Dr. Ewart Brown responding that “The leader of the Opposition does not have the moral authority to ask me to reprimand anyone.” After... Read more of this article

Photo Gallery Part #2: Southlands

Photo Gallery Part #2: Southlands

Below are a few more photos of Southlands Open Day on March 21st. You can click here to view Part #1 of Southlands photos [27 pics], and click here to view three videos from Southlands; BEST Chairman Stuart Hayward’s speech, Musician Louise Southwood and and a cute video of children swinging on the vines of a Banyan Tree. Click to enlarge images: #gallery-1... Read more of this article

Videos: Southlands Open Day In 2010

Videos: Southlands Open Day In 2010

Scroll down for four videos from Southlands; BEST Chairman Stuart Hayward’s speech, musical entertainment, a cute video of children swinging on the vines of a Banyan Tree and one highlighting the park itself. On Mar 21, the much discussed Southlands Estate in Warwick was opened to the public through an initiative by the Bermuda Environmental and... Read more of this article

Photo Gallery: Southlands

Photo Gallery: Southlands

Scroll down for a photo gallery of Southlands; a place both renowned for its natural beauty and features, as well as the controversial hotel development plans. This afternoon [Mar 21] Southlands Estate in Warwick was opened to the public. Organized by the Bermuda Environmental and Sustainability Taskforce [BEST], there were tour guides, and presentations... Read more of this article

Swan Speaks On Senator Bean’s “Dissing of BEST”

Swan Speaks On Senator Bean’s “Dissing of BEST”

Speaking out against Senator Marc Bean’s statements on BEST,  UBP Leader Kim Swan has most likely earned approval from young voters with his usage of the word “dissing“. The Leader of the Opposition said “Senator Mark Bean’s dissing of BEST is a classic example of Premier Brown’s appointees trashing the messenger.” The... Read more of this article

Senator Bean: BEST Protesters are “Selfish”

Senator Bean: BEST Protesters are “Selfish”

With strong words in the Senate yesterday, Senator Marc Bean called the Bermuda Environmental and Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] “discredible” and said he “cannot take them serious“. Clearly stating that he himself is a naturalist, the Senator praised the work of Greenrock, another local environmental organization prior to... Read more of this article

Sun March 21: Southlands Open to the Public

Sun March 21: Southlands Open to the Public

On Sunday March 21st, from 2pm until 5pm, the much discussed Southlands Estate in Warwick will be open to the public. The Bermuda Environmental and Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] have obtained permission from the Southlands owners to invite the public to visit the site for an afternoon. Tour guides will be on hand to show and comment on the notable... Read more of this article

Southlands: Senators Complain of Rude Emails

Southlands: Senators Complain of Rude Emails

Today in the Bermuda Senate, Senators David Burch and Kim Wilson complained of the tone of emails they have received over the Southlands land swap situation. The Bermuda Environmental and Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] are actively seeking to preserve the Southlands Estate. BEST have asked supporters to write their MPs telling them to complete the... Read more of this article

BEST Relaunches Petition to Save Southlands

BEST Relaunches Petition to Save Southlands

The Bermuda Environmental and Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] have relaunched an online petition to save the 37 acre Southlands Property in Warwick from development. They are also asking for interested persons to email elected officials to call for the land swap to be completed. The petition calls for the Bermuda Government to complete the promised... Read more of this article