Hashtag: #BermudaGovernmentRevenue

2012 Bermuda Budget In Charts

2012 Bermuda Budget In Charts

This morning [Feb.24] Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox delivered the 2012 Budget in the House of Assembly. The charts show an estimated revenue of $909.6 million, and the estimated expenditure is $1,081.7 million. You can read the full 2012 Budget here, or view charts extracted from the budget report below: For comparison’s sake,... Read more of this article

White House: ‘Stop Rewarding Tax Havens’

White House: ‘Stop Rewarding Tax Havens’

The Obama administration today [Feb.22] took aim at so-called corporate tax havens including Bermuda in a proposed overhaul of the US corporate tax system which would lower the tax rate for companies and try to encourage job creation in the United States. In a newly released report, US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner expressed disdain for the current... Read more of this article

Senator Burt Responds To Bob Richards

Senator Burt Responds To Bob Richards

Junior Minister of Finance Senator David Burt responded to Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards’ statement yesterday saying, ”The government will not be drawn into a debate about the budget before February 24th, however it is important that we stick to the facts. “The qualification in this and the prior fiscal year was based on the... Read more of this article

OBA’s Richards On Financial Results

OBA’s Richards On Financial Results

[Updated with video] Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards addressed the recent financial statements tabled by the Government, saying in the corporate world this type of financial planning would “get the planners fired.” “The financial results released by the government on Friday stand as an indictment of its stewardship of the public... Read more of this article

Consolidated Fund Statements Tabled

Consolidated Fund Statements Tabled

Premier Paula Cox today [Feb.17] tabled audited financial statements relating to the Consolidated Fund. Speaking on the delay, the Premier said “The delay in issuing the Consolidated Fund Financial Statements for 2011 is not an ideal situation and the Accountant General and her staff will work intensely with the Office of the Auditor General to... Read more of this article

Petition On Duty Delivered To Premier

Petition On Duty Delivered To Premier

A hard copy of the e-petition “Bermudians and Residents for No Duty Increase” was given to Premier and Finance Minister Paula Cox this morning [Feb.14], containing almost 3,400 signatures. The cover letter [PDF here] said, “Please find attached a petition on behalf of Bermudians and Residents for No Duty Increase. With over 3,400 individuals... Read more of this article

Chamber Division Appeals To Premier

Chamber Division Appeals To Premier

In the run-up to the 2012 Bermuda Budget, the Chamber of Commerce Shipping Division has called on Premier and Finance Minister Paula Cox to abandon any proposed duty rate increases on imported personal items currently being discussed. Steve Thomson, spokesman for the Shipping Division said, “It is counter-productive to raise taxes on citizens in times... Read more of this article

Videos: Premier/Ministers Town Hall

Videos: Premier/Ministers Town Hall

Premier Paula Cox hosted the second of a series of Town Hall meetings to discuss the upcoming National Budget last night [Jan.25] at the Leopard’s Club. Premier Cox was joined on the panel by Minister of Economy, Trade & Industry Patrice Minors, Minister of National Security Wayne Perinchief, Minister of Government Estates & Information Services... Read more of this article

Duty Increase: Over 1,400 Sign Petition

Duty Increase: Over 1,400 Sign Petition

Over 1,400 people have signed an online petition protesting against the possibility of additional duty increases for importing items into Bermuda. Government recently raised the duty rate at the airport from 25% to 35%, and following that Premier and Finance Minister Paula Cox said, “At the airport the rate is 35% however via other methods of... Read more of this article

Premier To Host Town Hall Tonight

Premier To Host Town Hall Tonight

Premier Paula Cox will host the second on a series of Town Hall meetings to discuss the upcoming National Budget tonight [Jan.25] at the Leopard’s Club in Hamilton starting at 7.30pm. Premier Cox will be joined by Patrice Minors, Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry; Wayne Perinchief, Minister of National Security; Michael Scott, Minister of Government... Read more of this article

Chamber: Standardized 25% Duty Rate

Chamber: Standardized 25% Duty Rate

The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce’s Retail Division clarified its position regarding any proposed increases on personal import duties, calling for “an across the board, standardized duty rate of 25%” regardless of how they are imported. Last month Premier and Finance Minister Paula Cox said, “At the airport the rate is 35% however... Read more of this article

BEPRO To Host Forum On Economy

BEPRO To Host Forum On Economy

Bermuda’s Emerging Professionals [BEPRO] are holding a public forum on the state of the island’s economy next month. The BEPRO meeting will feature Bank of Butterfield financial analyst Lamar Caines as guest speaker. Being held on February 1 at the Chamber of Commerce boardroom, the meeting will address such topics as the current state of... Read more of this article

Videos: Premier’s Town Hall Meeting

Videos: Premier’s Town Hall Meeting

Last night [Jan.18] Premier Paula Cox was joined by three Cabinet Ministers at the Dalton E. Tucker Primary School in Southampton, as she hosted the first in a series of Town Hall meetings to discuss the upcoming Budget. The Premier was joined by Attorney General & Minister of Justice Kim Wilson, Minister of Health Zane Desilva, and Minister of... Read more of this article

MailBoxes Reiterates Call: ‘Speak Up’

MailBoxes Reiterates Call: ‘Speak Up’

With the Premier scheduled to host the first of Government’s series of Town Halls this evening [Jan.18], Mailboxes Unlimited president Stephen Thomson has reiterated his call for residents to speak up against any potential duty hikes. An email sent out to Mailboxes 9,000 customers yesterday said, “Dear US Express Member, As promised in my... Read more of this article

Premier To Host Town Hall Tonight

Premier To Host Town Hall Tonight

Premier Paula Cox will host the first on a series of town hall meetings to discuss the upcoming National Budget at 7pm this evening [Jan.18] at the Dalton E. Tucker Primary School in Southampton. The Premier will be joined by Attorney General and Minister of Justice Kim Wilson, Minister of Health Zane Desilva, and Minister of Youth, Families, and Sports... Read more of this article

Sir John: Economic Stimulus Proposals

Sir John: Economic Stimulus Proposals

Everything from abolishing work permit limits for key International Business employees to dropping the requirement for firms competing in the local economy to be at least 60 percent Bermudian owned will be up for discussion at a public forum on stimulating the island’s economy. Hosted by former Premier Sir John Swan and political and economics... Read more of this article