Hashtag: #BermudaLaws

Consultation On Pesticides Regulations Launched

Consultation On Pesticides Regulations Launched

Minister of Health Kim Wilson announced the launch of a public consultation on pesticides regulations, saying this “marks a significant step towards ensuring the safe and responsible use of pesticides in Bermuda.” Speaking in the House of Assembly today [June 28], the Minister said, “While pesticides offer undeniable benefits in various... Read more of this article

Column: PIPA Compliance With PIPA Express

Column: PIPA Compliance With PIPA Express

[Column written by The TLC Group] As we approach the full enforcement date of Bermuda’s Personal Information Protection Act [PIPA] on January 1, 2025, it’s crucial for small businesses to ensure they meet the minimum requirements for compliance. With just six months left, there’s still time to get your data protection practices in order,... Read more of this article

Govt To Amend Health Council Legislation

Govt To Amend Health Council Legislation

Minister of Health Kim Wilson announced plans to amend the Bermuda Health Council Amendment Act 2024, with the “proposed amendment to be laid in the Senate, which will remove the penalty of imprisonment.” Minister Wilson said, “I am holding this press conference to address the recent developments related to the Bermuda Health Council... Read more of this article

Senator On New Short-Term Relief Programme

Senator On New Short-Term Relief Programme

“On the doorstep and in the community you have told us that the Financial Assistance Programme simply wasn’t meeting the needs of every Bermudian,” Senator Lindsay Simmons said, adding “we listened to you and took action to make change.” Senator Lindsay Simmons — the Jr. Minister for Youth, Social Development and Seniors... Read more of this article

Govt Introduce Short-Term Relief Benefit

Govt Introduce Short-Term Relief Benefit

The Government has introduced legislation to “establish a framework to provide immediate financial support on a short-term basis for persons who qualify in the event of experiencing financial hardship due to unforeseen circumstances” which would provide $1,500 per month. Speaking in the  in the House of Assembly, Minister of Youth, Social... Read more of this article

Legislation Aims To Strengthen Cybersecurity

Legislation Aims To Strengthen Cybersecurity

“I will table the Cybersecurity Act 2024 and the Computer Misuse Act 2024,” Minister of National Security Michael Weeks said in the House of Assembly today [May 3], adding that “these are two important pieces of legislation aimed at strengthening our cyber posture in Bermuda.” The Minister said, “The September 2023 cyberattack... Read more of this article

Social Justice Bermuda Urges Cannabis Reform

Social Justice Bermuda Urges Cannabis Reform

Social Justice Bermuda said that it is “crucial that Bermuda introduces a safe and accessible cannabis market for all.” A spokesperson said, “Social Justice Bermuda is a collective of Bermudians who are inspired by the global Black Lives Matter movement and the way that communities around the world are standing together to tackle... Read more of this article

Minister Hayward On Paid Leave Entitlement

Minister Hayward On Paid Leave Entitlement

Minister of Economy and Labour Jason Hayward said he ”would like to take this opportunity to bring clarity to the paid leave entitlement for personal service employees who receive commission and employees who receive gratuities and services charges in accordance with the Employment [Minimum Hourly Wage] Order 2023.” Minister Hayward said,... Read more of this article

OBA Plan Amendment To Corporate Tax Bill

OBA Plan Amendment To Corporate Tax Bill

[Updated] The OBA plan to bring an amendment to the proposed Corporate Income Tax bill to ensure that any windfall “is properly deployed to address Bermuda’s crippling national debt and crumbling infrastructure,” Shadow Finance Minister Senator Dr Doug De Couto said. The Government bill is to introduce a 15% corporate income statutory... Read more of this article

Bill For 15% Tax On Large Multinationals

Bill For 15% Tax On Large Multinationals

“With the bill that will be tabled later today, the Government plans to introduce a 15% corporate income statutory tax that will be applicable to Bermuda businesses that are part of a multinational group with annual revenue of €750M or more,” Premier David Burt said, adding that it will ”fulfil Bermuda’s commitment to participate... Read more of this article

Chamber Concerns: Bill, Timing, Consultation

Chamber Concerns: Bill, Timing, Consultation

[Updated] The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce expressed their “concerns regarding the recent tabling of the Employment Amendment Act 2023″ saying “it is alarming that neither the Chamber nor the industries it represents were consulted” and the “timing of the bill’s debate amidst Government closures, with the challenges... Read more of this article

Town Hall On Tourism Investment Act On Aug 24

Town Hall On Tourism Investment Act On Aug 24

On August 24, small and medium sized entrepreneurs and individuals whose businesses cater to the visitor experience are encouraged to attend a town hall meeting to learn more about the Tourism Investment Act. A Government spokesperson said, “The meeting will take place at the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation’s St. George’s Economic... Read more of this article

Financial Assistance Benefits To Be Increased

Financial Assistance Benefits To Be Increased

Amendments will be made to “increase benefits received by over 2,000 seniors, disabled, low-earner and abled-bodied recipients of financial assistance,” Minister of Economy and Labour Jason Hayward said. Speaking in the House of Assembly, the Minister said, “I am pleased to highlight some examples where increases have occurred in the... Read more of this article

New Child Day Care Allowances Start In October

New Child Day Care Allowances Start In October

The new Child Day Care Allowance system will take effect in October, Minister of Economy and Labour Jason Hayward said. Speaking in the House of Assembly on Friday [July 21] the Minister noted the Child Day Care Allowance Amendment Regulations 2023 introduces “tiered, income-based benefits, and a maximum gross annual household income of $130,000.” “The... Read more of this article

Tax Relief For Some Tourism Investments

Tax Relief For Some Tourism Investments

“The Tourism Investment Act 2017 is a catalyst for growth in the restaurant and attraction sectors by creating a favorable investment climate,” Minister of Tourism and the Cabinet Office Vance Campbell said, adding that it “incentivizes entrepreneurs to establish and expand their businesses; promotes collaboration between the public... Read more of this article

Domestic Workers Entitled To Minimum Wage Act

Domestic Workers Entitled To Minimum Wage Act

“Domestic workers, whether full-time or part-time and living in or out of their employer’s home, are entitled to receive the minimum hourly wage rate of $16.40 as of 1 June 2023,” the Ministry said today. A Government spokesperson said, “With the implementation of the national minimum hourly wage and considering the number of queries... Read more of this article