Hashtag: #Bowling

Bowling: Mixed, Classic, Commercial, Continental

Bowling: Mixed, Classic, Commercial, Continental

In Mixed Majors Bowling League action the Warriors defeated the Troublemakers 18 – 2, MiniMax Forwarders defeated the Untouchables 16 – 4, while the Movers “N” Shakers went down 15 ½ – 4 ½ to the Mix Ups, the Unpredictable defeated the Spare Change 17 – 3 and Fight Back went down 14 – 6 to the Activators. Women Scratch Game Patrice... Read more of this article

Results: Second Spring Senior Bowling League

Results: Second Spring Senior Bowling League

In Second Spring Senior Bowling League action at the Warwick Lanes saw the Last Pin fall 3 – 1 to the Last Minutes, the Blue Angels went down 3 – 1 to the Islanders, while Just Kickin went down 4 – 0 to the New Comers and the Drifters went down 4 – 0 to the Pinsplitters. Men’s Handicap Game: Stewart Masters 268 McNeil Simmons 242 Barry Floyd... Read more of this article

Results: Bermuda Mixed Majors Bowling League

Results: Bermuda Mixed Majors Bowling League

In Mixed Majors Bowling League action at the Warwick Lanes saw the Fight Back defeat the Movers “N” Shakers 17 – 3, while the Warriors went down 17 – 3 to the Unpredictable, the Activators defeated the Troublemakers 16 – 4, while the MiniMax Forwarders defeated the Mix Ups 16 – 4 and Spare Change defeated the Untouchables 13... Read more of this article

Freisenbruch-Meyer Continental Bowling Results

Freisenbruch-Meyer Continental Bowling Results

In Freisenbruch-Meyer Continental Bowling League action at the Warwick Lanes saw the Odd Balls defeat The Invaders 19 – 11, the Pinjammers defeated the Quickie Lickie Laundry 21 – 9, while New Hope defeated the Nifty Rollers 22 – 8. The Under Dawgs defeated the Spicenix 20 – 10 and the Bermuda Pest Control defeated the Cubs 20.5 – 9.5. High... Read more of this article

Results: Somersby Classic Bowling League

Results: Somersby Classic Bowling League

Week 7 of the Somersby Men’s Classic Bowling League saw play once again take place inside the Warwick Lanes. The TBI Highspeeders defeated Team Electric 19 – 11, the New Mix Ups defeated Team Reliv 19 – 11, while Team Metro defeated Team Amstel 24 – 6. The Goslings Black Seal team defeated Phones Plus 25.5 – 4.5. High Games 255 LeVinc... Read more of this article

Commercial & Mixed Majors Bowling Leagues

Commercial & Mixed Majors Bowling Leagues

In Commercial Bowling League action at the Warwick Lanes saw the Secret Weapons defeat the BPS Blue Lanterns 4 – 0, Sweet Life defeated We Do It Big 3 – 1, while the Spinners defeated the Pin Pushers 3 – 1. B.T.C. defeated the Super Stars 3 – 1, while Cool Runnings defeated the Sunset 3 – 1 and the match between the Braves and the BLDC Ten... Read more of this article

Freisenbruch-Meyer Continental Bowling Results

Freisenbruch-Meyer Continental Bowling Results

Week six of the Freisenbruch-Meyer Continental Bowling League season would see league leaders the Odd Balls defeat the Under Dawgs 26 – 4, Bermuda Pest Control defeated New Hope 17 – 13, while the Cubs defeated Quickie Lickie Laundry 27 – 3. The Invaders defeated the Pinjammers 18 – 12 and the Nifty Rollers edged the Spicenix 16 – 14. High... Read more of this article

Results: Somersby Men’s Classic League

Results: Somersby Men’s Classic League

The Somersby Men’s Classic Bowling League moved into it’s 6th week, with Team Amstel falling 18.5 – 11.5 to Phones Plus, the New Mix Ups went down 21 – 9 to the Goslings Black Seal, while the TBI Highspeeders went down 22 – 8 to Team Reliv and Team Metro went down 26 – 4 to Team Unsponsored. High Games 243 Lamar Richardson 243 Justin... Read more of this article

Results: Second Spring Senior Bowling League

Results: Second Spring Senior Bowling League

Second Spring Senior Bowling League action at the Warwick Lanes saw the Pinsplitters fall 3 ½ – ½ to Just Kickin, the Islanders defeated the Last Pin 4 – 0, while the New Comers went downed 3 – 1 to the Drifters and the Last Minutes went down 4 – 0 to the Blue Angels. Men’s Handicap Game: McNeil Simmons 248 Richard Norville 215 Barry... Read more of this article

Results: Bermuda Mixed Majors Bowling League

Results: Bermuda Mixed Majors Bowling League

In Mixed Majors Bowling League action at the Warwick Lanes saw the Untouchables fall 11 – 9 to the Warriors, the Mix Ups defeated the Troublemakers 17 – 3, Spare Change defeated the MiniMax Forwarders 12 – 8. The Activators went down 14 – 6 to the Movers “N” Shakers and the Unpredictable defeated Fight Back 13 – 7. Women Scratch... Read more of this article

Freisenbruch-Meyer & Commercial Bowling

Freisenbruch-Meyer & Commercial Bowling

In Freisenbruch-Meyer Continental Bowling League action at the Warwick Lanes saw the Under Dawgs defeat the Quickie Lickie Laundry 18 – 12, the Cubs defeated The Invaders 26 – 4, while the Spicenix defeated Bermuda Pest Control 24 – 6. The Odd Balls defeated the Nifty Rollers 21 – 9 and the Pinjammers defeated New Hope 25 – 5. High Scratch... Read more of this article

Results: Somersby Classic Bowling League

Results: Somersby Classic Bowling League

Week 4 of the Somersby Men’s Classic Bowling League saw Team Reliv fall 21 – 9 to Team Metro, Team Amstel went down 25 – 5 to Team Unsponsored, Team Electric defeated the New Mix Ups 24 – 6, while Phones Plus went down 26 – 4 to the TBI Highspeeders and the BYE Team fell 27 – 3 to the Goslings Black Seal. High Games 276 LeVinc Samuels 251... Read more of this article

Commercial & Mixed Majors Bowling Leagues

Commercial & Mixed Majors Bowling Leagues

In Commercial Bowling League action at the Warwick Lanes saw Sweet Life defeat the Spinners 4 – 0, the BPS Blue Lanterns defeated the Braves 4 – 0, We Do It Big defeated the Secret Weapons 4 – 0, while the Pin Pushers defeated the Sunset 4 – 0. Cool Runnings defeated the Super Stars 3 – 1 and the game between B.T.C. and the BLDC Ten Pin Mafia... Read more of this article

Freisenbruch-Meyer Continental Bowling Results

Freisenbruch-Meyer Continental Bowling Results

In Freisenbruch-Meyer Continental Bowling League action at the Warwick Lanes saw the league leaders Odd Balls open up a 27 point lead at the top of the standings following their 24 – 6 win over the Quickie Lickie Laundry, the Pinjammers and Nifty Rollers played to a tie 15 – 15, while the Spicenix defeated New Hope 26 – 4. The Invaders defeated... Read more of this article

Results: Second Spring Senior Bowling League

Results: Second Spring Senior Bowling League

In Second Spring Senior Bowling League action at the Warwick Lanes saw Just Kickin fall 3 – 1 to the Last Minutes, while the Blue Angels went down 4 – 0 to the Pinsplitters. The Drifters defeated the Last Pin 4 – 0 and the match between the Islanders and New Comers ended 2 – 2. Men’s Handicap Game: Jon Cumber 256 Richard Norville 235 Ellsworth... Read more of this article

Commercial & Mixed Majors Bowling Leagues

Commercial & Mixed Majors Bowling Leagues

In Commercial Bowling League action at the Warwick Lanes saw We Do It Big defeat the Braves 4 – 0, the Sunset defeated B.T.C. 4 – 0, while Cool Runnings defeated the Spinners 3 – 1, the Pin Pushers defeated the Super Stars 3 – 1, while the BLDC Ten Pin Mafia defeated the Secret Weapons 3 – 1 and the game between Sweet Life and the BPS Blue... Read more of this article