Hashtag: #BPSU

BPSU Hosts Caribbean Association Conference

BPSU Hosts Caribbean Association Conference

The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] said they are “honoured to be the host of the Caribbean Public Services Association [CPSA] 52nd Annual Conference.” A spokesperson said, “The theme of this year’s Conference is “Navigating Challenges by Empowering Workers and Embracing Innovation.” This significant event highlights the... Read more of this article

BPSU: Recognition Of International Workers’ Day

BPSU: Recognition Of International Workers’ Day

“In recognition of International Workers’ Day, the Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] pays tribute to the committed and dedicated workers around the world,” BPSU General Secretary Kevin Grant said. Mr Grant said, “While acknowledging the many victories achieved within the labour movement, the BPSU also reflects on the struggles many have experienced,... Read more of this article

Column: Grant On Tripartite Social Dialogue

Column: Grant On Tripartite Social Dialogue

[Opinion column written by BPSU General Secretary Kevin Grant] As we stand on the threshold of a new year, the horizon is painted with ambitious Government initiatives including Education Reform, Universal Health Care, Pension Reform, Tax Reform, Economic Recovery Plan, Economic Development Strategy, and a Global Minimum Corporate Income Tax plan. While... Read more of this article

BPSU Statement On 2023 Throne Speech

BPSU Statement On 2023 Throne Speech

The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] provided feedback on the initiatives in the 2023 Throne Speech, noting the Union ”will continue to advocate for collaborative decision-making, data-driven policies, and measures that enhance the working conditions and overall quality of life for all Bermudians.” A spokesperson said, “Last week,... Read more of this article

Caribbean Public Service & Solidarity Day

Caribbean Public Service & Solidarity Day

The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] and its affiliate, the Caribbean Public Services Association [CPSA], are celebrating the 4th annual Caribbean Public Service and Solidarity Day under the theme “Celebrating Public Officers in These Challenging Times.” A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] stands proudly... Read more of this article

BPSU On Cyber Attack On Government Systems

BPSU On Cyber Attack On Government Systems

The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] expressed its “deep concern” about the cyberattack on the Government’s IT system, noting what “what often gets overlooked is the impact this has on the workers charged with maintaining public services.” The Government was subjected to what was described as a “sophisticated... Read more of this article

Labour Day Message From The BPSU President

Labour Day Message From The BPSU President

[Labour Day message from BPSU President Armell Thomas] Happy Labour Day! Today, as we gather to celebrate Labour Day, we pause to reflect upon the countless contributions that have shaped Bermuda into the remarkable Island we know today. It is a day to honour the spirit of hard work, dedication, and unity that binds us together as a community. This... Read more of this article

Government & BPSU Sign New CBA Agreement

Government & BPSU Sign New CBA Agreement

Earlier this week, the Minister of Tourism and the Cabinet Office, Vance Campbell, met with the leadership of the Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] to acknowledge the signing of the new Collective Bargaining Agreement [CBA] between the Government of Bermuda and the union. The new CBA sets out amended terms and conditions of employment for those... Read more of this article

12 Students Receive BPSU Education Awards

12 Students Receive BPSU Education Awards

The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] hosted their 31st Annual Education Awards Ceremony, and presented twelve recipients with awards. A spokesperson said, “On Monday, August 21, 2023, under the leadership of President Bro Armell Thomas, General Secretary Bro Kevin Grant and the Education Committee Chair Sis Lauren Bell, the Bermuda Public Services... Read more of this article

BPSU: “A True Champion For Workers Rights”

BPSU: “A True Champion For Workers Rights”

“Bro. Ottiwell Simmons will be forever remembered by the BPSU as a true champion for workers’ rights and a symbol of resilience and determination in Bermuda,” the BPSU said. A spokesperson said, “The Executive Committee and the General Council of the Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] joins its membership to mourn and give... Read more of this article

BPSU: “A Tripartite Consensus Is Key”

BPSU: “A Tripartite Consensus Is Key”

“As we move forward in these uncertain times, we must remember that in order for there to be fair and equitable outcomes as well as the effective implementation of human-centered economic initiatives, a tripartite consensus is key,” the BPSU said, adding that “a tripartite approach that includes the Government, the Private Sector... Read more of this article

‘Moderate Interruption’ Of Services On Thursday

‘Moderate Interruption’ Of Services On Thursday

Due to a BPSU General Membership Meeting on Thursday [June 1] “there will likely be a moderate interruption of public services during this time” that may “impact BPSU services, for in-person, telephone and email services.” A Government spokesperson said, “Tomorrow [June 1] from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, the Bermuda Public Services... Read more of this article

“Moderate Interruption Of Govt Services”

“Moderate Interruption Of Govt Services”

Due to a Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] Membership meeting today [May 4] there will be a “moderate interruption of public services this afternoon,” the Government has advised. A Government spokesperson said, “The public is advised that due to a Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] Membership meeting scheduled for today, [May... Read more of this article

Column: Mental Health In The Workplace

Column: Mental Health In The Workplace

[Column written by Hanif Benjamin] Mental illness should be a concern to employers not only because of the suffering experienced by individual employees but because of its impact on the workplace. Productivity is negatively affected not only by absenteeism but also by “presenteeism” –that is when employees are at work but unable to function well... Read more of this article

‘Officers Play A Vital Role In Delivering Services’

‘Officers Play A Vital Role In Delivering Services’

The BPSU said it was “disturbing” to learn that a Government MP “took to the floor of the House of Assembly to accuse Government employees of engaging in ‘threatening and ‘shameful’ behaviour,” and noted that “public officers play a vital role in delivering services to the community.” While the BPSU... Read more of this article

18 Students Receive BPSU Education Awards

18 Students Receive BPSU Education Awards

The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] recently hosted its 30th annual Education Awards Ceremony, presenting 18 students with education awards. A spokesperson said, “On Friday, July 22, 2022, under the leadership of President Bro Armell Thomas, General Secretary Bro Kevin Grant and the Education Committee Co-Chairs Sis Lauren Bell and Sis Linda... Read more of this article