Hashtag: #CraigCannonier

House Of Assembly Meetings Extended 3 Weeks

House Of Assembly Meetings Extended 3 Weeks

[Updated with response from the Opposition] Premier Craig Cannonier will extend the parliamentary session in the House of Assembly with additional meetings to span over three Fridays, from September 13, 2013 to September 27, 2013. The House will then adjourn for the year and reconvene in November. Premier Cannonier said, “There are a number of reasons... Read more of this article

Premier Cannonier To Attend Gibraltar Meetings

Premier Cannonier To Attend Gibraltar Meetings

The Cabinet Office advised today [Sept 8] that the Premier, Craig Cannonier, will attend a series of meetings in Gibraltar this week with leaders from the Overseas Territories in preparation for a Joint Ministerial Council [JMC] meeting, which will be held in London in November. The invitation to attend the meeting came at the request and expense... Read more of this article

Photos: Labour Day Celebration Speakers

Photos: Labour Day Celebration Speakers

Hundreds of union members, family, friends and supporters turned out to the Labour Day celebrations held at Union Square on Monday [Sept 2] outside the Bermuda Industrial Union Headquarters. The group was addressed by Government and Opposition leaders along with representatives from the different unions on the island. Speakers included Premier Craig... Read more of this article

Premier: ‘This Must Be The Age Of Collaboration’

Premier: ‘This Must Be The Age Of Collaboration’

“The time of conflict has passed and this must be the age of collaboration,” said Premier Craig Cannonier at today’s [Sept 2] Labour Day event. “Now that the middle class has become the new poor, we must embrace a collective effort to collaborate. For we battle on the grounds of a global economy and must embrace the B.I.U. motto... Read more of this article

Premier Craig Cannonier’s Cup Match Message

Premier Craig Cannonier’s Cup Match Message

[Written by Premier Craig Cannonier] Cup Match is upon us and I am excited. It’s all about red and blue and blue and blue – people and players coming together, enjoying the match, enjoying each other, eating the food, relaxing – four days! It’s all about emancipation – the freedom to use our freedom to come together on one field, under one... Read more of this article

Premier: Opposition’s “Over The Top” Criticisms

Premier: Opposition’s “Over The Top” Criticisms

In the six months since they became the Government, the Opposition have “indulged in over-the-top criticisms of the Government,” Premier Craig Cannonier said this morning [July 23]. The Premier was speaking after Opposition Leader Marc Bean delivered his address last night. Premier Cannonier said the Opposition is “working any angle... Read more of this article

Videos: Games Opening Ceremony Speeches

Videos: Games Opening Ceremony Speeches

1,000 athletes from 22 different islands have descended on Bermuda for this year’s Island Games, which officially got underway last night [July 13] with the Opening Ceremony. IIGA Chairman Jorgen Petterson, Premier Craig Cannonier, Governor George Fergusson and Chairman Jon Beard all addressed the crowd, welcoming the athletes to our shores. Calling... Read more of this article

Don Grearson Appointed Advisor To Premier

Don Grearson Appointed Advisor To Premier

[Updated w/PLP comment] Former One Bermuda Alliance communications director Don Grearson has been appointed as an Advisor to Premier Craig Cannonier, and will be working out of the Cabinet Office. The Premier’s Press Secretary said that Mr. Grearson will “primarily be responsible for providing the Premier with advice and assistance on government... Read more of this article

Premier Attends Independence Celebrations

Premier Attends Independence Celebrations

At the invitation of the Prime Minister of the Bahamas Perry Christie, Premier Craig Cannonier is in attendance for the country’s celebration of their 40th anniversary of Independence. Premier Cannonier and Prime Minister Christie: The Premier will attend official ceremonies hosted by the Prime Minister. The Premier has also been in preliminary discussions... Read more of this article

Video: Premier Cannonier’s National Address

Video: Premier Cannonier’s National Address

[Updated] This evening [July 8] Premier Craig Cannonier delivered a National Address, which was televised and is also available in full below in both video and text form. “The Bermuda we inherited on December 17th was in deep trouble; with thousands unemployed, gang shootings, massive public debt, a depressed tourism industry and a government... Read more of this article

Premier To Host “Address To The Nation”

Premier To Host “Address To The Nation”

Premier Craig Cannonier will host a televised ‘Address to the Nation’ this coming Monday [July 8] at 8.00pm, which his press secretary said “will provide the public with an update on various government initiatives over the past six months.” Related Stories Text: Cannonier’s Response To PQ In House Premier: ‘Statistical... Read more of this article

Premier: “We Appreciate Support From US & UK”

Premier: “We Appreciate Support From US & UK”

Premier Craig Cannonier issued the following statement to the international media today [June 28] regarding recent comments by Governor George Fergusson, and U.S. Consul General Robert Settje at the Insurance Day Summit Bermuda conference, urging the insurance and reinsurance industries to promote their value to economies around the world and to help... Read more of this article

Premier: “Governor Made Aware Of Discontent”

Premier: “Governor Made Aware Of Discontent”

Premier Craig Cannonier said that British Prime Minister David Cameron’s comments that the Overseas Territories signed up to a convention “concerned” him, and the Governor has been made aware of “our discontent.” The Premier was answering questions in the House of Assembly today [June 21] about conflicting reports following... Read more of this article

Premier Cannonier: No Same Sex Marriage

Premier Cannonier: No Same Sex Marriage

“I can assure you that under my leadership this is not about same sex marriage, and under my leadership that will not happen,” Premier Craig Cannonier said at a press conference yesterday [June 18]. Minister Bob Richards also addressed the matter, saying that the Human Rights Amendment has nothing to do with marriage, as marriage is dealt... Read more of this article

Premier: “We Have Not Signed An Agreement”

Premier: “We Have Not Signed An Agreement”

[Updated with video] Bermuda “has not signed any agreement at all” and neither have the other territories, Premier Craig Cannonier said today [June 18] at a press conference held to provide an update on his recent trip to London. Premier Cannonier and Finance Minister Bob Richards, attended the meeting in London along with representatives... Read more of this article

Video: Premier Cannonier On Independence

Video: Premier Cannonier On Independence

“Independence is not on our agenda list,” said Premier Craig Cannonier. “We know that Bermuda has spoken for some time now, we continue to look at the polls, Bermuda at this time is telling us that it is not ready to go towards Independence. “Yes, we are happy where we are going as a new administration right now, but in the future... Read more of this article