Hashtag: #DrGrantGibbons

Minister On Proposed Education Act Changes

Minister On Proposed Education Act Changes

Minister of Education Dr. Grant Gibbons delivered an update on the state of the public and parent consultation process for proposed amendments to the Education Act 1996 in the House of Assembly last Friday. Minister Gibbons said, “Parental involvement makes a significant difference in the success of the education of children and we know that schools... Read more of this article

Public School System Joins GLOBE Programme

Public School System Joins GLOBE Programme

Minister of Education and Economic Development Dr. Grant Gibbons recently met with US Consul General, Robert Settje to sign the NASA GLOBE Agreement. The agreement represents a joint effort between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA] and the US Government, and the Ministry of Education and Economic Development. Minister Gibbons... Read more of this article

Video: Dunkley, Gibbons, Weldon On A.M. Best

Video: Dunkley, Gibbons, Weldon On A.M. Best

Premier Michael Dunkley, Minister of Economic Development and Education Dr. Grant Gibbons, and Shelby Weldon of the Bermuda Monetary Authority recently discussed the role of insurance and reinsurance in Bermuda and their effort to increase Bermuda’s attractiveness with A.M. Best TV. Premier Dunkley also addressed the developments that led to the... Read more of this article

Dr. Gibbons Highlights Middle School Program

Dr. Gibbons Highlights Middle School Program

In the House of Assembly today [May 30], Minister of Education and Economic Development Dr. Grant Gibbons outlined the success of the recent Middle School Leadership training that was hosted by the Department of Education from May 13 to 17, 2014. Dr. Gibbons said, “Two of the key strategic priorities of the Department of Education are to improve... Read more of this article

Dr. Gibbons On Proposed Education Reform

Dr. Gibbons On Proposed Education Reform

Minister of Education and Economic Development Dr. Grant Gibbons spoke today [May 23] about proposed amendments to the Education Act of 1996, citing the need for parents to be more involved in their children’s education. Dr. Gibbons said, “Parental involvement in children’s education is absolutely essential for the improvement of public... Read more of this article

Dr. Gibbons On Bermuda’s Selection For ARC

Dr. Gibbons On Bermuda’s Selection For ARC

Bermuda has been selected as the jurisdiction of choice to host the first ever African catastrophe insurance pool, Minister of Education and Economic Development Dr. Grant Gibbons said in the House of Assembly on Friday [May 16]. Dr. Gibbons said, “This insurance facility has been launched by an organisation called the African Risk Capacity [ARC],... Read more of this article

Minister On Government Scholarships, Awards

Minister On Government Scholarships, Awards

Today, Dr Grant Gibbons, Minister of Education and Economic Development moved to address what he said was some “misinformation that has been circulating on the granting of scholarships and awards.” The Minister stated, “The Ministry of Education and Economic Development continues to make a substantial investment in public education and... Read more of this article

Dr. Gibbons: “Incorporations Continue To Rise”

Dr. Gibbons: “Incorporations Continue To Rise”

Today [Feb 18] the Minister of Education and Economic Development, Dr. Grant Gibbons announced that the Registrar of Companies’ full-year 2013 results revealed the “largest number of new company incorporations since 2008 and a very healthy increase over the 2012 results.” “The good news is incorporations continue to rise and this trend... Read more of this article

Minister Gibbons To Visit California For Meetings

Minister Gibbons To Visit California For Meetings

The Minister of Education and Economic Development, Dr Grant Gibbons will travel to California next week to conduct a series of business meetings. “During the three day trip [including travel time] the Minister will meet with various influencers of jurisdictional decision making, particularly firms involved with private equity, venture capital,... Read more of this article

Brown & Dr Gibbons On Teachers Pay Incentives

Brown & Dr Gibbons On Teachers Pay Incentives

Shadow Minister for Education Walton Brown said that Education Minister Dr. Grant Gibbons’s “call for pay incentives for teachers” isn’t something he can support, while Dr. Gibbons said he has “not called for or necessarily endorsed pay incentives for teachers.” Mr Brown said, “As Shadow Minister for Education,... Read more of this article

Gibbons: Higher Number Of Companies Register

Gibbons: Higher Number Of Companies Register

[Updated w/PLP response] Minister of Economic Development Dr. Grant Gibbons today [Oct 24] said,“I am delighted to report that we currently have a higher total number of companies registered in Bermuda than we have ever had before. The third quarter statistics reveal that we now have 19,270 companies registered in Bermuda.” A statement from the... Read more of this article

Minister Gibbons Joining Delegation In New York

Minister Gibbons Joining Delegation In New York

Minister of Economic Development Dr. Grant Gibbons will joining a Bermuda delegation in New York to promote Bermuda as a leading jurisdiction for investment fund business. “The visit is strategically timed to follow the recent announcement of amendments to the Investment Funds Act of 2006 which will simplify the process to register funds in Bermuda”,... Read more of this article