Hashtag: #Electricity

Lights Out For The West End Overnight

Lights Out For The West End Overnight

As many locals are aware, the West End of Bermuda experienced a power outage last night from approximately 11pm – 3am. BELCO confirms that approximately 8,900 customers lost electricity supply from 11:19pm to 3:10am. They have extended their thanks to West End customers for their patience and cooperation, and explained that the fault was due to... Read more of this article

Bling: Pembroke East Has Lighting Installed

Bling: Pembroke East Has Lighting Installed

Taking action to combat crime and anti-social behaviour, the Government has installed major street lighting all through the Pembroke East Central constituency. The area, which includes St Monica’s Mission [colloquially known as 42nd], has experienced a recent increase in crime, most notably shootings. Through a combined effort of the Bermuda Government,... Read more of this article

March 27: Bermuda Earth Hour 2010

March 27: Bermuda Earth Hour 2010

Over 100 countries are pledging to turn off their lights for Earth Hour, and Bermuda is amongst those countries, due to the efforts of local environmental organization Greenrock. On Sat, March 27th from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm, Greenrock has asked the government, companies, organizations, and homes to shut off their lights and any other unnecessary power... Read more of this article