Hashtag: #HurricaneIgor

Videos & Charts: Hurricane Igor

Videos & Charts: Hurricane Igor

The video and images below show the projected path as well as satellite views of the powerful Category 4 Hurricane Igor. The US National Hurricane Center said this morning that Igor had weakened some, with maximum sustained winds dropping from 150mph to 135mph, and that more fluctuations are expected. As of 6am today [Sept 14] the Bermuda Weather Service... Read more of this article

Fourth Hurricane of Season Forms: Igor

Fourth Hurricane of Season Forms: Igor

Late tonight [Sept 11] Tropical Storm Igor gained strength and was upgraded to a Hurricane, however it posed no immediate threat to land. The US National Hurricane Center said Hurricane Igor had top sustained winds of 75 miles per hour, a Category 1 hurricane on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale. “Additional strengthening is forecast and Igor... Read more of this article

New Tropical Storm Brewing In Atlantic

New Tropical Storm Brewing In Atlantic

The US National Hurricane Center is tracking a new tropical storm brewing in the Atlantic. Tropical Storm Igor is presently extremely far away from Bermuda, churning in the area of the Cape Verde Islands. The graph below, courtesy of the NHC, shows Igor heading in the direction of North America, however the weather system is not forecast to travel anywhere... Read more of this article