Hashtag: #KimSwan

Swan: Ferry Cuts Due To “Financial Indiscipline”

Swan: Ferry Cuts Due To “Financial Indiscipline”

[Written by Kim.Swan, Leader of the Opposition] The PLP Government would have you believe that the cut in the ferry service is a consequence of the economic downturn resulting from the global recession. But that is not the case! The reason for the cut in ferry services is directly connected to the financial indiscipline and poor financial management... Read more of this article

Kim Swan on BELCO Cutting 1000 Homes

Kim Swan on BELCO Cutting 1000 Homes

[Updated] [Written by Kim.Swan, Leader of the Opposition] Reports that Belco has had to cut over a 1000 homes was no April Fool joke; unfortunately it is the most painful reality in modern day Bermuda. An extremely difficult condition that reflects the economic, social and psychological turmoil thousands of Bermudians are today facing. It is hurtful... Read more of this article

Survey: 46.8% Would Vote PLP Next Election

Survey: 46.8% Would Vote PLP Next Election

Research Innovations surveyed 403 Bermuda residents on a number of factors including personal views of the three leaders of Bermuda’s political parties, economic conditions and voting intentions. The survey showed that Premier Paula Cox is viewed the most favourably of the three political leaders, with 84.3% of the respondents having a favourable... Read more of this article

Fast Track Applications to Build Jobs

Fast Track Applications to Build Jobs

(Written By Kim.Swan, Opposition Leader and Shadow Minister for the Environment and Planning) Government should turn its attention to the Planning Department to see if building applications can be fast-tracked to create jobs. We understand the need to make sure construction projects need to comply with building and environmental standards, but feel... Read more of this article

Kim Swan: Job Losses & Shrinking Paycheques

Kim Swan: Job Losses & Shrinking Paycheques

[Written By Kim Swan, Opposition Leader] Bermuda over the next months faces its toughest economic challenge since the Second World War. This is already evident in serious job losses and shrinking paycheques that are making life difficult for many families. It is also evident in declining performances in virtually all sectors of the economy. Most troubling... Read more of this article

Christmas Message from Kim Swan

Christmas Message from Kim Swan

[Written by Kim.Swan, Leader of the Opposition] Over 2000 years ago a baby was born who would revolutionize the way we live and worship God. The prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled and out of Nazareth a King was born. There remains much hope in the fact that our lives continue to be governed and influenced by the life of Christ. It is quite amazing that... Read more of this article

Kim Swan to Stand At Polls for UBP

Kim Swan to Stand At Polls for UBP

Due to the illness of the United Bermuda Party candidate Devrae Noel-Simmons, the Leader of the Opposition Kim.Swan will stand at the polls for him during the by-election at St. Mary’s Church Hall, Warwick today [Dec 15]. Yesterday Mr Noel-Simmons was admitted to hospital, and later released a statement saying “OK well we have the results…... Read more of this article

Kim Swan Delivers US Commencement Speech

Kim Swan Delivers US Commencement Speech

Opposition Leader Kim.Swan this weekend delivered the keynote commencement address at Troy University, his alma mater, telling the graduating class he still lived by a code of ethics and discipline instilled in him at the Alabama university. Mr. Swan graduated from with a bachelor of science degree from Troy University in 1980. While there he was... Read more of this article

Opposition Leader Issues Thanksgiving Message

Opposition Leader Issues Thanksgiving Message

Opposition Leader Kim.Swan extended his Thanksgiving wishes: On behalf of my wife Cindy and United Bermuda Party Colleagues, I would like to extend best wishes to our American family and friends for a Happy Thanksgiving. We in Bermuda have enjoyed a long and distinguished friendship with the United States of America. Our American neighbours to the west... Read more of this article

Kim Swan to Speak at Troy University in Alabama

Kim Swan to Speak at Troy University in Alabama

Kim.Swan will be delivering the keynote address at Troy University’s Commencement. The university, located in Troy, Alabama, is the Oppostion Leader’s alma mater. Mr Swan graduated from with a bachelor of science degree from Troy University in 1980. While there he was a standout golfer; winning medalist honours at the Northeast Louisiana... Read more of this article

Swan: Same Leadership That Got Us In This Mess

Swan: Same Leadership That Got Us In This Mess

Leader of the Opposition Kim.Swan has extended his best wishes to our new Premier Paula Cox, and continued on to say that “I see Premier Cox as a continuation of the same leadership and the same government that got us into this mess in the first place, particularly the financial mess we find ourselves in.” Mr Swan pointed out that “As... Read more of this article

“Port Royal in 1970 = Real Social Change”

“Port Royal in 1970 = Real Social Change”

[The article below was written on the occasion of Port Royal Golf Course celebrating its 40th Anniversary by Kim.Swan, Leader of the Opposition. Mr Swan is a Honorary Member of the Bermuda PGA and a former professional golfer.] The week of Monday October 25th marks the 40th Anniversary of Port Royal Golf Course, a successful vision by the then United... Read more of this article

Kim Swan on Employment Poll Numbers

Kim Swan on Employment Poll Numbers

Leader of the Opposition Kim.Swan has commented on recent employment polls conducted by the Royal Gazette [link], his full statement follows below: The poll numbers on employment serve to substantiate what everyone knows – that thousands of Bermudians are suffering economic hardship. The challenge for us as a community is to do what we can for those... Read more of this article

Swan: Never Too Late To Do What Is Right

Swan: Never Too Late To Do What Is Right

(Written by Kim.Swan, Leader of the Opposition) After hearing words of unity spoken by Premier Brown on the weekend I was of two minds. My first reaction was: “You’ve got to be kidding. After years in which he never hesitated to sow division for political gain, this sounds like a deathbed conversion.” My second reaction was more positive: “Better... Read more of this article

Kim Swan on Causeway: We Need a Safe Crossing

Kim Swan on Causeway: We Need a Safe Crossing

Opposition Leader and St. Georges’s MP Kim.Swan has spoken out on the Causeway, saying while we have a temporary bridge, we need a safe crossing as it “affects the airport lifeline” and could endanger lives should anyone require serious hospital care during a severe storm. Saying Government has “treated the people of St. George’s... Read more of this article

Full Text: Kim Swan 2010 Labour Day Speech

Full Text: Kim Swan 2010 Labour Day Speech

Below follows the full speech given this morning [Sept 6] by the Leader of the Opposition Kim.Swan for the Labour Day occasion: Good Day brothers and sisters of Labour. Whilst it is always a honour to address you on Labour Day, the past year has been tough on everyone in Bermuda. In Bermuda today we face serious challenges economically and socially... Read more of this article