Hashtag: #MarineEEZ

Govt On Marine Zone, Plans, Fishing & More
The Government released a statement covering aspects including the marine exclusive economic zone, Fisherman’s Association Bermuda [FAB] and more. A Government spokesperson said, “While the Government appreciates that the Fisherman’s Association Bermuda [FAB] disagree with the commitment to fully protect twenty per cent of the island’s... Read more of this article

Minister Roban: Protecting Our Marine EEZ
The “Blue Shield team, in conjunction with our local agencies, is now developing a three-year action plan” to help protect our Marine Exclusive Economic Zone, Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban said in the House of Assembly today [Feb 18]. Minister Roban noted that “Bermuda is privileged to have a very large Exclusive Economic... Read more of this article

‘Potential For Renewable Energy Development’
The island’s marine Exclusive Economic Zone offers “great potential for renewable energy development,” Minister Walter Roban said, adding that the “most feasible of these technologies is offshore wind” and the “next most feasible technology is floating solar.” Speaking in the House of Assembly, Minister of... Read more of this article

Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Appoint Wade & Mapp
The Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme, a partnership between the Government of Bermuda, the Waitt Institute, and the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS], announced the appointment of two new coordinators – Mr. Weldon Wade and Ms. Cheryl-Ann Mapp. “The public may recall that in June 2019 the Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme was created... Read more of this article

Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme Formed
The Government of Bermuda has “committed to protect at least 20% of their total Exclusive Economic Zone [EEZ] in marine protected areas [MPAs] while vowing to sustainably develop their Blue Economy,” the Government announced today. Today [June 5] the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Waitt Institute, and Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS],... Read more of this article

Greenrock On Illegal Fishing Study & Marine EEZ
“Bermuda’s EEZ should be protected” with a “no-take EEZ marine conservation area in the shape of a donut from at least 50 miles from the island to the outer reaches of our EEZ, an area in which all fishing and/or other environmental exploitation is banned,” Greenrock said. A spokesperson said, “The world recoiled in horror... Read more of this article

Monitoring Our Marine Exclusive Economic Zone
“In a world where some 90 percent of fish stocks are either fully or over exploited, it is our responsibility to manage the resources under our care sustainably and to establish to what extent our resources are under threat from outside fishing fleets,” Environment Minister Cole Simons said in the House of Assembly today. Minister Simons... Read more of this article

‘Probability Of Illegal Fishing In Our EEZ Is Low’
The Ministry of the Environment said they “received a preliminary analysis of three years’ worth of Automatic Identification System [AIS] data that shows the probability of illegal fishing in our 200-mile exclusive economic zone [EEZ] appears to be low.” “For the first time, Bermuda has the advantage of a real picture of the kind... Read more of this article

Satellite Data To Discover Illegal Fishing In EEZ
An analysis of data from satellites is being carried out to discover whether our 200 mile radius exclusive economic zone [EEZ] is at risk from illegal fishing, the Government said today. The Ministry of the Environment said, “The analysis of historical data from vessels’ signal devices associated with Automatic Identification System [AIS] along... Read more of this article

Column: $200M Fishing Is ‘Pie-In-Sky Dream’
[Opinion column written by Senator Vic Ball] In his Reply to the 2015 Throne Speech, Marc Bean once again recommended offshore fishing as a way of diversifying Bermuda’s economy. He said, “We support investment in the Blue Economy, with an initial emphasis on offshore fishing within our EEZ [Exclusive Economic Zone]. Based on the quotas allocated... Read more of this article

EEZ Study Delayed Due To ‘Budget Restraints’
The cost of the feasibility study for Bermuda’s Marine EEZ “could not be justified when compared with providing for the immediate social and economic needs of our citizens,” Premier Michael Dunkley said today [Mar 16] in the House of Assembly, adding that due to budget restraints, it is “currently not possible for this specific... Read more of this article

Nick Hutchings: Politics Of Deep Sea Mining
[Opinion column written by Nick Hutchings] “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” – Socrates. Deep sea mining featured in the political arena last year during the Throne Speech debate with veteran politician Glenn Blakeney and new comer Glen Smith squaring off over the issue. Blakney claims deep... Read more of this article