Hashtag: #McGingerComics

McGinger Comic: Politics & Milk Security

McGinger Comic: Politics & Milk Security

[Written by McGinger Design Lab] In the eleventh of a new comic series from McGinger Design Lab, McGinger comments on politics and milk security. Related Stories McGinger Comic: Greetings Bermuda Style McGinger Comic: Camping In Bermuda McGinger Comic: ‘Beach Vision Is Dangerous’ McGinger Comic: Hangover Beach Swim McGinger Comic: Easter... Read more of this article

McGinger Comic: Hangover Beach Swim

McGinger Comic: Hangover Beach Swim

[Written by McGinger Design Lab] In the tenth of a new comic series from McGinger Design Lab, McGinger notes that what if Hangover Beach Swim was not cancelled? We know that due to the weather Hangover Beach Swim was cancelled this Sunday but What if it would have taken place today? Related Stories McGinger Comic: Greetings Bermuda Style McGinger... Read more of this article

McGinger Comic: 15 Minutes Of Fame

McGinger Comic: 15 Minutes Of Fame

[Written by McGinger Design Lab] In the ninth of a new comic series from McGinger Design Lab, McGinger notes that the day of the World Bermuda Triathlon has arrived. Doggie brings the famous quote of Andy Warhol “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes” to comment on today’s event and reflect on the reasons that push... Read more of this article

McGinger Comic: Electronics Vs Sport

McGinger Comic: Electronics Vs Sport

[Written by McGinger Design Lab] In the eighth of a new comic series from McGinger Design Lab, McGinger notes that McGinger didn’t notice that over 200 kids signed up for the duathlon tonight. His point is that children are only interested in electronics and outdoor sport is old fashioned and will disappear soon. Well, Doggie is happy to prove... Read more of this article

McGinger Comic: World Triathlon Harbour Nights

McGinger Comic: World Triathlon Harbour Nights

[Written by McGinger Design Lab] In the seventh of a new comic series from McGinger Design Lab, McGinger notes that the opening ceremony and street festival at World Triathlon Harbour Nights is set to start in a few hours. Local vendors, keeping an eye on the weather, still expect a lot of customers and sales. Doggie decided to get creative and started... Read more of this article

McGinger Comic: The Ag Show Bermuda

McGinger Comic: The Ag Show Bermuda

[Written by McGinger Design Lab] In the sixth of a new comic series from McGinger Design Lab, McGinger notes that he has a really competitive nature and he couldn’t resist signing Doggie up for the contest. The weather forecast was great for this past weekend for the Ag Show in Botanical garden! Related Stories McGinger Comic: Greetings Bermuda... Read more of this article

McGinger Comic: Shark & Triathlon Training

McGinger Comic: Shark & Triathlon Training

[Written by McGinger Design Lab] In the fifth of a new comic series from McGinger Design Lab, McGinger combines the highlight of the week [Hammerhead shark in Flatts!] with the upcoming Triathlon World Series happening in Bermuda this month and the tradition of not entering the water until the 24th May. Related Stories 2000lb Great White Passing... Read more of this article

McGinger Comic: Easter In Bermuda

McGinger Comic: Easter In Bermuda

[Written by McGinger Design Lab] In the fourth of a new comic series from McGinger Design Lab, McGinger notes that McGinger, Lobsterman and Doggie are celebrating Easter in Bermuda style. They fly a kite and eat fish cakes on hot cross ban with lots of mayo. Happy Easter to everyone from McGinger Design Lab! Related Stories Easter Lilies To Be... Read more of this article

McGinger Comic: Murphy Made Bermuda Proud

McGinger Comic: Murphy Made Bermuda Proud

[Written by McGinger Design Lab] In the third of a new comic series from McGinger Design Lab, McGinger notes that Tucker Murphy made Bermuda proud during the 2018 Winter Olympic Games.Thank you Tucker! Related Stories Murphy Finishes 104th In Winter Olympics Video: Canada’s CTV Highlights Tucker Murphy Video: Winter Olympian Murphy Congratulated ‘Bermuda... Read more of this article

McGinger Comic: Preparing For New Sport Event

McGinger Comic: Preparing For New Sport Event

[Written by McGinger Design Lab] In the second of a new comic series from McGinger Design Lab, McGinger notes that Bermuda is hosting an international sporting event in less than three months, and the island is getting ready. Related Stories McGinger Comic: Bermudian Travel Issues McGinger Comic: Glorious Feeling Of Tank Rain McGinger Comic: Rain... Read more of this article

McGinger Comic: Implications Of A Sugar Tax

McGinger Comic: Implications Of A Sugar Tax

[Written by McGinger Design Lab] In the first of a new comic series about the adventures of McGinger in Bermuda, McGinger ‘debates’ a Government sugar tax and its implications for consumers. A McGinger Design Lab spokesperson said, “McGinger Design Lab created the McGinger comic as a fun advertising mechanism to show off all of our... Read more of this article