Hashtag: #OpinionColumns

Column: Sir John Swan On Politics, Trends, More

Column: Sir John Swan On Politics, Trends, More

[Opinion column written by Sir John Swan] Anyone watching the world of international politics will be aware of what I view as disturbing trends, specifically: A decided swing to extremism – people seem attracted to the far right or far left of the political spectrum. The middle, where people are willing to consider other opinions, who see right and... Read more of this article

Column: PIPA Compliance With PIPA Express

Column: PIPA Compliance With PIPA Express

[Column written by The TLC Group] As we approach the full enforcement date of Bermuda’s Personal Information Protection Act [PIPA] on January 1, 2025, it’s crucial for small businesses to ensure they meet the minimum requirements for compliance. With just six months left, there’s still time to get your data protection practices in order,... Read more of this article

Column: Adams On PLP’s Commitment & More

Column: Adams On PLP’s Commitment & More

[Opinion column written by MP Jache Adams] The Bermuda Progressive Labour Party has been making steady progress in our island’s infrastructure. From the early works of restoring the conditions of our roads, the installation of CCTV camera, and the investment into stablising Tynes Bay Waste Management Facility, to name a few, the work is being... Read more of this article

Column: Addressing Environment Issues & More

Column: Addressing Environment Issues & More

[Opinion column written by Malachi Symonds & Noelle Young] As professionals deeply committed to advancing sustainable practices, we are united in our concern for the escalating environmental challenges in Bermuda. Our expertise, although stemming from different fields, converges on a common goal: to foster a culture of sustainability and resilience. Historically,... Read more of this article

Column: AI Ethical, Societal & Technical Concerns

Column: AI Ethical, Societal & Technical Concerns

[Opinion column written by Chris Garrod] Generative AI, and primarily ChatGPT-4 [and now even more so ChatGPT-4o], developed by OpenAI, represents a significant leap in natural language processing and artificial intelligence. Its ability to generate human-like text has opened up many applications, from content creation to customer service automation.... Read more of this article

Column: Adams On Home-Start Programme

Column: Adams On Home-Start Programme

[Written by PLP MP Jache Adams] Supported by the Government’s commitment to making tangible strides toward meeting the housing needs of Bermudians, the Bermuda Housing Corporation’s Home Start programme, has proven to be a beacon of hope and progress in housing our people. This initiative, in partnership with Clarien Bank, offers 100 per cent mortgages... Read more of this article

Column: Bermuda’s Royal Naval Tanks, Part 4

Column: Bermuda’s Royal Naval Tanks, Part 4

[Column written by Dr Edward Harris] In the first part of this series on the Royal Naval Tanks at St. George’s Island, Bermuda, the earliest [1803] published image of the watering facility for British warships was presented and then discussed in part two. In part three, the identities of the warships in the 1803 picture are considered and the 1808... Read more of this article

Column: Myron On Leadership, Ethics & More

Column: Myron On Leadership, Ethics & More

[Opinion column written by Martha Harris Myron] Is ethical leadership an illusion? The recent Bermuda PATI release of information regarding the finance operations of a non-performing Bermuda government guarantee-backed commission is disturbing. The responsibility of government leadership is to report to the truth in all financial matters to the very... Read more of this article

Column: Wysocka-Bradshaw On Insurance

Column: Wysocka-Bradshaw On Insurance

[Column written by Dorota Wysocka-Bradshaw] When applying for life insurance, the underwriting process is a critical step to determine the policyholder’s risk and premium. At CG Insurance, we pride ourselves on a customer-centric approach that ensures a smooth and transparent journey from start to finish. This comprehensive guide aims to provide... Read more of this article

Column: Bermuda’s Royal Naval Tanks, Part 3

Column: Bermuda’s Royal Naval Tanks, Part 3

[Column written by Dr Edward Harris] In the first part of this series on the Royal Naval Tanks at St. George’s Island, Bermuda, the earliest [1803] published image of the watering facility for British warships was presented and then discussed in Part 2. In Part 3, the identities of the warships in the 1803 picture are considered and the 1808 and... Read more of this article

Column: Bermuda’s Royal Naval Tanks, Part 2

Column: Bermuda’s Royal Naval Tanks, Part 2

[Column written by Dr Edward Harris] In the first part of this article on the Royal Naval Tanks at St. George’s Island, Bermuda, the earliest [1803] published image of the watering facility for British warships was presented. That picture and several others are discussed here in part two. Discussion of the Porgay Picture of 1803 While Porgay appears... Read more of this article

Column: Bermuda’s Royal Naval Tanks, Part 1

Column: Bermuda’s Royal Naval Tanks, Part 1

[Column written by Dr. Edward Harris] One of the earliest artistic views of Bermuda appeared in 1803 in The Naval Chronicle and is a scene of the commodious Murray’s Anchorage to the north of St. George’s Island, with Fort St. Catherine and its rearward hills in the background. It is an aquatint, which is a form of intaglio printmaking that relies... Read more of this article

Column: Famous On Flags, Migration & More

Column: Famous On Flags, Migration & More

[Opinion column written by Christopher Famous] What do these two flags have in common? The Blue and White is the flag of the Azorian Islands. The blue flag with the Union Jack is the colonial flag of St. Christopher [St. Kitts], Nevis and Anguilla islands.Both island groups were administered by the colonial powers of Portugal and Great Britain respectively. Ok,... Read more of this article

Column: Omar Dill On Food Security & More

Column: Omar Dill On Food Security & More

[Opinion column written by the FDM's Omar Dill] Bermuda faces a critical challenge with food security. Our reliance on food imports, now over 80% and nearing 90%, impacts our economic stability and self-sufficiency, making us vulnerable to supply chain disruptions. Agriculture and fishing have long been integral to our survival and way of life, laying... Read more of this article

Column: Dill On Problems, Community & More

Column: Dill On Problems, Community & More

[Opinion column written by Reverend Senator Dr. Emily Gail Dill] A life senselessly cut short. A family left to mourn. A day in recognition of Bermuda at its best, marred by tragedy at its worst. To the family and loved ones of the young man who lost his life over the weekend, we extend our deepest sympathies. We pray for you and for justice to be served. We... Read more of this article

Column: Kim Swan’s Tribute to Chesley Trott

Column: Kim Swan’s Tribute to Chesley Trott

[Opinion column written by Kim Swan] I offer this tribute in honour of the life of Chesley Trott. Although my art teacher during my years attending Warwick Secondary School in the early 1970s, it was through golf at Port Royal Golf Course from 1971 that we truly came to know each other. To Maria, Chet, Velda, Teacher May and their families, I offer... Read more of this article