Hashtag: #Polaris

Warren Jones Named CEO Of Polaris Holding

Warren Jones Named CEO Of Polaris Holding

Polaris Holding Company Limited announced the appointment of Warren Jones as CEO for the group of companies, effective January 2014. As CEO, Mr. Jones will be responsible for implementing the strategy of the Polaris Group of Companies as well as overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Group’s subsidiaries Stevedoring Services Ltd., Equipment,... Read more of this article

Polaris Appoints Hayward-Chew, Wayne Caines

Polaris Appoints Hayward-Chew, Wayne Caines

Polaris Holding Company Limited — the parent company of Stevedoring Services, Equipment Sales & Rentals and Mill Reach Holdings — today announces the appointment of Cheryl Hayward-Chew as Chairman and Wayne Caines as Deputy Chairman, effective immediately. Cheryl Hayward-Chew is President & CEO of the Meyer Group of Companies. She... Read more of this article

Polaris/Stevedoring Seeking 60/40 Exemption

Polaris/Stevedoring Seeking 60/40 Exemption

In a filing to the Bermuda Stock Exchange, Polaris Holding Company Limited gave notice of the Company’s intent to re-apply to seek relief from the 60/40 rule, and asked for a meeting with the Ministry to discuss this matter prior to their reapplication Polaris — the parent company of Stevedoring Services, Mill Reach Holding and Equipment Sales... Read more of this article

60/40 Exemption: Polaris/Stevedoring To Reapply

60/40 Exemption: Polaris/Stevedoring To Reapply

Polaris Holding Company Limited said it will reapply for 60/40 relief after being told the “criteria was not satisfied.” Polaris — the parent company of Stevedoring Services Ltd, Mill Reach Holding Ltd., and Equipment Sales & Rentals Ltd — originally applied for 60/40 relief last month. The Companies Act was recently amended... Read more of this article

Polaris Holding To Seek Relief From 60/40 Rule

Polaris Holding To Seek Relief From 60/40 Rule

[Updated] In a filing to the Bermuda Stock Exchange, Polaris Holding Company Ltd. gave notice of the Company’s intent — effective 02 January, 2013 — to seek relief from the 60/40 rule. Polaris Holding Company Ltd. is the parent company of Stevedoring Services Ltd, Mill Reach Holding Ltd., and Equipment Sales & Rentals Ltd. The Companies... Read more of this article