Hashtag: #RemembranceDayWarVets

Photos/Videos: Remembrance Day Parade

Photos/Videos: Remembrance Day Parade

This morning’s [Nov.11] Remembrance Day Parade on Front Street honoured those who served during the two 20th century World Wars and other conflicts — especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Crowds lined the street to watch the parade, and pay honour to those who served. Wreaths were laid by Governor George Fergusson, Premier Paula Cox,... Read more of this article

Video: BVRC Hold Remembrance Service

Video: BVRC Hold Remembrance Service

This morning [Nov.11], people gathered in Victoria Park to hold a short Remembrance Service to honour the men of the Bermuda Volunteer Rifle Corps [BVRC] who served and died overseas in World War l [1914 -1918] and World War ll [1939 – 1945]. Victoria Park is home to the bronze granite memorial to the 40 men who died in WWI, and the 18 who died in... Read more of this article

Remembrance Day Parade This Sunday

Remembrance Day Parade This Sunday

The Remembrance Day Parade to commemorate those who fell in the two World Wars is scheduled for this Sunday [Nov 11] at 10.30am. Governor George Fergusson, and Premier Paula Cox will lead the dignitaries who will lay wreaths at the Cenotaph on Front Street, Hamilton and also at the War Memorial on the Cabinet Office grounds. War Vets march on during... Read more of this article

Book Review: ‘In The Hour Of Victory’

Book Review: ‘In The Hour Of Victory’

[Written by Jonathan Land Evans] In his 2011 book “In The Hour Of Victory”, Senator Jonathan D. Smith has presented an absorbing transcription of wartime letters sent home by his grandfather, the Second World War Bermudian soldier Major Anthony F. [Toby] Smith — mostly to his wife, Faith, during the course of his military service in... Read more of this article

Bermuda Soldier’s Story Documentary

Bermuda Soldier’s Story Documentary

Acclaimed local filmmaker Lucinda Spurling’s adaptation of a recent book about a Bermuda soldier killed in action just seven months before the end of World War Two is likely to premiere at next year’s Bermuda Documentary Film Festival. Senator Jonathan Smith published “In The Hour Of Victory” — based on letters his grandfather... Read more of this article

Video/Photos: 2011 Remembrance Sunday

Video/Photos: 2011 Remembrance Sunday

Yesterday morning [Nov.13] the East End honoured Bermuda’s war veterans with a ceremony in Kings Square, St George’s, which was followed by a Remembrance Ceremony at St Peter’s Church. Wreaths were laid by dignitaries in attendance including Deputy Governor David Arkley, Premier Paula Cox, St George’s Mayor Kenny Bascome, Education Minister... Read more of this article

Videos: 2011 Remembrance Day Parade

Videos: 2011 Remembrance Day Parade

The Remembrance Day Parade held on Friday [Nov.11] honoured those Bermudians who served in the two World Wars of the 20th century along with other conflicts — and honoured those who made the ultimate sacrifice. In World War One [1914-1918] and World War Two [1939-1945], a combined total of approximately 600 Bermudians served overseas, all of  them... Read more of this article

Backing For Bermudian’s War Grave Call

Backing For Bermudian’s War Grave Call

On this Remembrance Day weekend, Bermuda National Museum director Dr. Edward Harris urged locals to spare a thought for William Edmund Smith — the first Bermudian casualty of World War One [1914-1918]. The Somerset man — who had worked at the Royal Naval Dockyard in Sandys Parish — left Bermuda to go to sea in 1912. He was serving... Read more of this article

US Vet Recalls U-Boat Brought To Bermuda

US Vet Recalls U-Boat Brought To Bermuda

A Washington State war veteran initially thought he was hearing things when the captain of his aircraft carrier told the crew to board and capture a surfaced German submarine that was then secretly towed to Bermuda during World War Two. Don Baker, 87, an Aviation Boatswain’s Mate First Class serving on the USS “Guadalcanal”, now lives... Read more of this article

Photos: 2011 Remembrance Day Parade

Photos: 2011 Remembrance Day Parade

[Updated with additional photos] The inclement weather did not stop crowds from coming out for this morning’s [Nov.11] Remembrance Day Parade on Front Street, which serves to honour those who served during the two 20th century World Wars and other conflicts — especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. There are no Bermudian veterans... Read more of this article

Bermuda Volunteer Rifle Corps Remember

Bermuda Volunteer Rifle Corps Remember

At 9.25am this morning [Nov.11], about 75 people gathered under the Bandstand in Victoria Park to hold a short Remembrance service for those men of the Bermuda Volunteer Rifle Corps who served and died in the two World Wars, 1914 – 1918 and 1939 – 1945. This service is held annually and is organised by the BVRC Association. As in the national... Read more of this article

Bermuda Conference Dodged Jewish Question

Bermuda Conference Dodged Jewish Question

The United States and Great Britain convened a wartime conference in Bermuda in 1943, supposedly to deal with the issue of Nazi persecution of the Jews and wartime refugees. The real reason the conference was called, however, was to dampen growing public outcries for the rescue of European Jewry during World War Two [1939-1945] without actually having... Read more of this article