Hashtag: #SarahWilliamson

Eating Healthy Before, During & After Covid-19

Eating Healthy Before, During & After Covid-19

[Written by Clinical Dietitian Sarah Williamson] The last two years have made clear that not everything in the world of health is under our control. However, most of us are lucky enough to have a say in one important element, and that is what we eat. The food we put into our bodies directly affects the way that we feel and the way our body functions. When... Read more of this article

Expert Advice On Nutrition Myths, Health, Covid

Expert Advice On Nutrition Myths, Health, Covid

Noting they have “growing concerns at the increase of unproven nutrition advice circulating online and throughout our community,” the Bermuda Dietitians Association provided a range of helpful and expert advice related to nutrition, health and Covid-19. Sarah Williamson, a Clinical Dietitian at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and President... Read more of this article