Hashtag: #TaniaKowalskiColumns

Column: ‘My Top Five Tips For Lustrous Locks’
[Written by personal trainer and health coach Tania Kowalski] As I’ve gotten older I have to say that the number of strands of hair that end up in my brush are more than I ever remember in the past. I like to blame it on the fact that my hair is really long now so one hair really looks like 5. There are so many things that contribute to hair... Read more of this article

Column: Getting Over Slumps In Productivity
[Written by personal trainer and health coach Tania Kowalski] Even the most motivated people experience slumps in productivity. It’s easy to focus on where we were before and to get stuck in whoas me mode. When clicking the remote to find some mindless reality tv and rolling over in bed feels like it’s zapping the one ounce of energy that... Read more of this article

Column: 12 Habits Of Healthy & Happy People
[Written by personal trainer and health coach Tania Kowalski] There’s nothing like feeling really truly happy. We live and breath on this incredible planet in this insanely miraculous journey called life so why is it difficult to be happy? Although I tout that happiness is a choice, a perception, a mindset, is it really that simple? I don’t... Read more of this article

Tania Kowalski: Banishing Lower Back Pain
[Written by personal trainer and health coach Tania Kowalski] Did you know that chronic lower back pain is one of the top causes of disability in North America? Let’s get to the bottom of what is causing it and how we can overcome it. We lift without squatting, we, as a culture are carrying more weight than ever before, we sit more than ever before,... Read more of this article

Kowalski: Top 10 Reasons You’re Not Losing Fat
[Written by personal trainer and health coach Tania Kowalski] With bathing suit season quickly approaching, I get asked a lot about losing fat. If you are on a mission to *GET LEAN* and you’re not seeing progress it’s easy to blame circumstances, genetics or lack of motivation. Playing the blame game won’t get results but taking action... Read more of this article

“Navigating Holidays With Waistline In Mind”
[Written by personal trainer and health coach Tania Kowalski] How can you socialize and still manage to stay on track with your health & fat loss goals? The holidays really aren’t that much different than any other time other than that there may be more socializing than normal going on. Socializing is an integral part of life. What is life without... Read more of this article

Kowalski: “Getting To The Next Level Of Lean”
[Written by personal trainer and health coach Tania Kowalski] When you are already fairly lean, you have to really want to lose that last 5lbs! We all see the images of those people with the coveted 6-pack and what look to be shrink wrapped muscles, so how can we achieve that look? First off, remember that what you see in pictures are what people want... Read more of this article