Hashtag: #TuckersPointHotel

CURB Calls For Residents To Protest SDO

CURB Calls For Residents To Protest SDO

Citizens Uprooting Racism In Bermuda [CURB] is calling for residents to come to the Cabinet Building grounds next Wednesday to “quietly protest the Tuckers Point SDO.” CURB has also asked for residents to email the Senators and express their concerns over the SDO. The Tuckers Point Special Development Order passed in the House of Assembly... Read more of this article

Opinion: Tucker’s Point Is “Developer’s Mistake”

Opinion: Tucker’s Point Is “Developer’s Mistake”

[Written by Larry Burchall] I’m glad I went on the “SDO” walk around the Tucker’s Point project. I saw and learned a lot and came to a surprising conclusion. I was curious about the whole development because for some years, I had seen the advertising for those beautiful units up on Ships Hill. I confess that my Bermudian heart hankered after... Read more of this article

Photos & Videos: Tucker’s Point Walking Tour

Photos & Videos: Tucker’s Point Walking Tour

[Updated] This afternoon [Mar.6] a group of environmental and social/historical organisations hosted a walking tour of the Tucker’s Point area that will be affected by the Special Development Order [SDO] just passed by the House of Assembly. Host organisations included the Bermuda Audubon Society, Bermuda National Trust, Bermuda Environmental and... Read more of this article

Upcoming Tuckers Point SDO Walking Tour

Upcoming Tuckers Point SDO Walking Tour

A group of environmental and social/historical organisations are inviting members of the public to a walkabout tour of the Tucker’s Point area that will be affected by the Special Development Order [SDO] just passed by the House of Assembly. The event will be this coming Sunday [Mar.6] between 2pm and 5pm. Host organisations include the Bermuda... Read more of this article

Tucker’s Point SDO Is Passed

Tucker’s Point SDO Is Passed

The controversial Special Development Order for Tucker’s Point Resort passed. The debate in the House of Assembly went into the early hours of this morning [Mar.1] and passed 21-10. The SDO was tabled in the House of Assembly on February 4th. The Bermuda Environmental and Sustainability Taskforce [BEST], Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB],... Read more of this article

Documents: Tucker’s Point SDO & Plans

Documents: Tucker’s Point SDO & Plans

Parliamentarians will discuss the Tucker’s Point Special Development Order in the House of Assembly later today [Feb. 28] in what Opposition MP Cole Simons has said is likely to be “one the most controversial debates we have had in some time.” The SDO and the full plans for the proposed expansions of the Rosewood Tucker’s Point... Read more of this article

BEST Calls For SDO Debate To Be Postponed

BEST Calls For SDO Debate To Be Postponed

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] released a statement about the proposed Special Development Order [SDO] for Tucker’s Point Resort, calling on Government “to postpone debate on the SDO until after the the Budget debate has cleared and MPs are able to devote adequate attention to this important and complex issue.... Read more of this article

UBP: Tucker’s Point Price Tag Too High

UBP: Tucker’s Point Price Tag Too High

[By Cole Simons, Shadow Minister of Business Development and Tourism] As far as I know, today [Feb. 28] the House of Assembly will be moving ahead and debating Tucker’s Point Resort Residential Development [Hamiliton and St. George's Parishes] Special Development Order 2011. This will be one of the most controversial debates we have had for some... Read more of this article

Tuckers Point Petition: Over 500 Signatures

Tuckers Point Petition: Over 500 Signatures

An online petition objecting to the proposed Special Development Order [SDO] for Tuckers Point Hotel asking that the Bermuda Government reconsider the SDO and “reverse their decision to potentially allow building on this ecologically and culturally sensitive land” has now reached over 500 signatures. As background the petition states: “The... Read more of this article

Environment Ministry Responds to Dr Wingate

Environment Ministry Responds to Dr Wingate

The Ministry of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy responded to claims made by Environmentalist David Wingate this week regarding the Tucker’s Point Special Development Order. Their full statement follows below: In his statement to media Dr Wingate said that the proposed development would mean “total deforestation” on the densely... Read more of this article

Environment Minister: No HSBC Benefit

Environment Minister: No HSBC Benefit

Minister of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy Walter Roban today [Feb 15] said he is not professionally or personally linked to HSBC and, as such, does not stand to profit from their financial wellbeing.  The statement was made to dismiss any speculation he would benefit through this link from the passing of the Special Development... Read more of this article

BEST: Real Numbers at Tucker’s Point?

BEST: Real Numbers at Tucker’s Point?

[Updated] The Bermuda Environmental and Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] say they have “unearthed some very disturbing issues” arising from the government’s proposal to grant an SDO to Tucker’s Point Resort [TPR] to build 78 new luxury houses on environmentally protected land. BEST said: “The biggest problem is that the financial... Read more of this article

Ministers Answer SDO Questions On CITV

Ministers Answer SDO Questions On CITV

Minister of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy Walter Roban and the Minister of Business Development and Tourism Patrice Minors both appeared on CITV’s “In the Know” programme to recently to address public concerns answer questions regarding the recently tabled Tucker’s Point Special Development Order. The Ministers... Read more of this article

SDO: Environment Ministry Responds to CURB

SDO: Environment Ministry Responds to CURB

The Ministry of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy has responded to statement made last week by Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] regarding the proposed Tucker’s Point Special Development Order [SDO]. CURB strongly condemned the proposed SDO saying: “Once the home for centuries to a majority of Black Bermudians, and... Read more of this article

Ministry: “Stringent Conditions” Attached To SDO

Ministry: “Stringent Conditions” Attached To SDO

Government says it has gone “to great lengths to ensure the protection of Bermuda’s environment through the stringent conditions” attached to the Special Development Order for Tucker’s Point. The Ministry of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy also reiterated the proposed SDO for the East End hotel provided in-principal... Read more of this article

CURB: Tucker’s Point SDO a Slap In The Face

CURB: Tucker’s Point SDO a Slap In The Face

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] have strongly condemned the proposed Special Development Order for Tucker’s Point Hotel saying: “Once the home for centuries to a majority of Black Bermudians, and which was forcibly taken away from them, will be the scene of money-making activity yet again, with 78 residences (starting at $3.2M)... Read more of this article