Hashtag: #UBP

“Desperate Lengths To Preserve Status Quo”

“Desperate Lengths To Preserve Status Quo”

Bermuda Democratic Alliance Chairman Michael Fahy said the filing of the injunction earlier this week by some members of the UBP shows “the desperate lengths some will go through to preserve a status quo.” On May 3, members of the United Bermuda Party [UBP] met and voted to authorize party officers to dissolve the UBP  and merge with the... Read more of this article

Burchall: Change And More Change

Burchall: Change And More Change

[Written by Larry Burchall] “Death is rarely a pretty or happy event. Sometimes, though, death is theatrical. I recall watching old-time cowboys die on the silver screen. They’d get hit. Stagger three steps to the left. A half step to the right. Knees would buckle and their upper body would subside in a slow dramatic fall. Then, with a dying breath... Read more of this article

Injunction Filed To Stop UBP Dissolving

Injunction Filed To Stop UBP Dissolving

[Updated] A group including United Bermuda Party [UBP] leader Kim.Swan, MP Charles Swan and recent Warwick by-election candidate Devrae Noel Simmons filed an injunction today [May 10] to stop the UBP from dissolving. Other complainants named in the injunction include former Pembroke MP Erwin Adderly, ex-Senator Charlie Marshall, Robert Lewis, Ola... Read more of this article

May 12th: One Bermuda Alliance Launch

May 12th: One Bermuda Alliance Launch

The One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] will launch this coming Thursday [May 12]. On May 3, months of speculation ended when members of the United Bermuda Party [UBP] met and officially voted to authorize party officers to dissolve the UBP, and merge with the Bermuda Democratic Alliance [BDA] to form a new party. Senator Jeanne Atherden confirmed the vote,... Read more of this article

UBP Agree To Merge With The BDA

UBP Agree To Merge With The BDA

[Updated] Ending months of speculation, this evening [May 3] members of the United Bermuda Party [UBP] met and officially voted to authorize party officers to proceed with the orderly winding up of the affairs of the UBP, and merge with the Bermuda Democratic Alliance [BDA] to form a new party. At 8pm this evening, Senator Jeanne Atherden confirmed... Read more of this article

BPSU March: BDA & UBP Leaders Respond

BPSU March: BDA & UBP Leaders Respond

Both the leaders of the BDA and UBP have commented to yesterday’s march on Cabinet by members of the BPSU. BDA Leader Craig Cannonier said that “Government is out of touch and until they start exhibiting the willingness to work for the people, the unrest will intensify and the country will continue to suffer,” while Opposition Leader... Read more of this article

Upcoming: Kite Festival at Horseshoe Beach

Upcoming: Kite Festival at Horseshoe Beach

The Annual Bermuda Kite Festival at Horseshoe Beach will take place this coming Friday [Apr.22] from 11am to 4pm. Hosted by Young United Bermuda, the event is free and everyone is welcome to attend. There will be a kite competition which is broken up into various divisions, tug-o-war match and various local artists and DJs performing. Related Stories New... Read more of this article

UBP: “Lead By Example. Cut Pay for Ministers”

UBP: “Lead By Example. Cut Pay for Ministers”

[Written by Senator Jeanne Atherden Chairman, United Bermuda Party] The BIU’s call for Government Ministers to take a pay cut is consistent with The United Bermuda Party’s position which was outlined most recently in Reply to the Budget in February 2011 by our Shadow Finance Minister ET “Bob” Richards. We reiterate that we concur... Read more of this article

UBP’s John Barritt Addresses Ministry’s Cuts

UBP’s John Barritt Addresses Ministry’s Cuts

During the budget debate yesterday [Mar.11] in the House of Assembly, UBP MP John Barritt questioned the cuts which had been made to budget of the Ministry of Youth, Families, Sports and Community Development. Mr Barritt spoke on the economics of the situation, saying when you look at the reported $80,000 a year cost of housing an inmate at Westgate,... Read more of this article

Kim Swan: Rethink Ferry Decision

Kim Swan: Rethink Ferry Decision

[Written by Kim.Swan, Leader of the Opposition] As a Member of Parliament for St. George’s West, I am deeply disappointed to hear from the Minister of Transport during the budget debate that the morning commuter ferry service from St. George’s to Hamilton has been axed. Unfortunately, this comes at a time when we need to encourage more locals... Read more of this article

UBP’s Cole Simons: Upcoming Budget Debate

UBP’s Cole Simons: Upcoming Budget Debate

[By Cole Simons, United Bermuda Party] The Premier in her Budget Statement committed her Government to an “open Budget process” to develop opportunities for greater public feedback and engagement in decisions on spending and taxation. The United Bermuda Party wholeheartedly supports this commitment to transparency and we look forward to the two-week... Read more of this article

Videos: UBP MPs Speak on Budget

Videos: UBP MPs Speak on Budget

Yesterday [Feb 25] the UBP hosted a press conference to address the 2011/12 Budget. MPs that spoke UBP Leader Kim.Swan, Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards, MP John Barritt, MP Louise Jackson, and MP Charles Swan. Louise Jackson speaks on pensions, health insurance, seniors and more: John Barritt speaks on the debt level and cuts, saying cuts do not... Read more of this article

Live Webcast: UBP Budget Press Conference

Live Webcast: UBP Budget Press Conference

[Finished] Follow along live as Shadow Minister of Finance Bob Richards, flanked by fellow UBP MPs, hosts a press conference  this afternoon [Feb. 25]. Earlier today, Mr Richard’s delivered Opposition’s reply to the 2011/12 Budget in the House of Assembly. With Mr Richards at the press conference is UBP Leader Kim.Swan, MP John Barritt,... Read more of this article

UBP Bob Richards’s Budget Reply

UBP Bob Richards’s Budget Reply

This morning [Feb 25] in the House of Assembly Shadow Minister of Finance Bob Richards is delivering the reply to the 2011/12 Budget. Mr Richard’s started off by saying: “Mr. Speaker, my colleagues and I had hoped to come to this Honourable House this morning in support of a Government Budget that had set the country on a path to economic... Read more of this article

UBP’s Richards On Budget: No Plan, Direction

UBP’s Richards On Budget: No Plan, Direction

Shadow Minister of Finance Bob Richards spoke about today’s budget saying “The Budget offered no plan, no direction and very few concrete steps that would give the country hope that recovery was within reach.” Mr Richards said the budget failed to “address soaring public debt, with interest charges set to nearly double to $70... Read more of this article

“Mismanagement Must Not Continue”

“Mismanagement Must Not Continue”

[By Shadow Tourism Minister Cole Simons] In yesterday’s article of the RG, it was mentioned that Bermuda’s air arrivals down 30% from the same air arrivals in 2000. This is not surprising as we have been in a Tourism trough for the past 15 years. Our downward spiralling statistics have confirmed only one thing., and that is the PLP Government... Read more of this article