Hashtag: #WalterRoban

PLP Commend BPS, BFRS, Bystanders, Teacher

PLP Commend BPS, BFRS, Bystanders, Teacher

Saying the PLP “like all of Bermuda was shocked and dismayed over the bus collision on East Broadway,” Shadow Public Safety Minister Walter Roban commended the Police, Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service, BELCO, bystanders and the preschool teacher for their work in the aftermath of the situation. Yesterday a bus crashed into parked cars... Read more of this article

“We Must Cultivate A Culture Of Zero Tolerance”

“We Must Cultivate A Culture Of Zero Tolerance”

Shadow Minister of Public Safety Walter Roban has expressed concern over “the recent spike in domestic violence and increase in cases of alleged inappropriate sexual conduct being brought before our courts.” This follows after a string of cases before the Court, including the appearance of four men earlier this week on charges related to... Read more of this article

PLP Pembroke East Branch Holds Hamper Drive

PLP Pembroke East Branch Holds Hamper Drive

The Progressive Labour Party’s Constituency #15 Pembroke East Branch held their second Annual Hamper Drive to assist needy families and seniors today [Dec 20], accepting donations at Grace Methodist Church on North Shore during MP Walter Roban’s regular constituency clinic. Area MP Walter Roban pictured this morning with some of the items for the... Read more of this article

Video: Shadow Minister On Recent Shootings

Video: Shadow Minister On Recent Shootings

“We must come together, work with the Police and identify solutions that address the root causes of our young men targeting each other for death,” Shadow Minister for National Security Walter Roban said. Mr. Roban was speaking after three separate shootings occurred in quick succession, with the first shooting taking place on November 11th in... Read more of this article

Shadow Minister Questions Status Of CCTV

Shadow Minister Questions Status Of CCTV

[Updated] The Opposition has called on Premier Michael Dunkley to advise the public of the status of CCTV, saying that while they “know that it may not catch every incident, if not operational then it will not catch any.” Earlier this year it was announced that a new CCTV system would be implemented, which will consist of 150 cameras island-wide,... Read more of this article

Walter Roban To Host Constituency Clinic

Walter Roban To Host Constituency Clinic

PLP MP for Constituency #15 Walter Roban  will be hosting his monthly clinic this Saturday, September 20 from 10am – 12 pm at Grace Methodist Church on North Shore Road in Pembroke. “I consider it a special privilege to represent the people of Pembroke East,” Mr. Roban remarked. “That’s why we have established the third... Read more of this article

PLP: Time For OBA To Collaborate With PLP

PLP: Time For OBA To Collaborate With PLP

The Opposition Progressive Labour Party today [July 7] said it’s time for the OBA to collaborate with the PLP and end conscription. Shadow Home Affairs Minister Walter Roban said, “The news that support for the abolition of conscription is growing among Bermudians is encouraging, and hopefully sends a message to the OBA that the time has... Read more of this article

PLP: 1066 Jobs Lost, New Direction Needed

PLP: 1066 Jobs Lost, New Direction Needed

“1066 jobs lost in 2013 show that new leadership, a new direction and new ideas are needed to create opportunities and jobs for Bermudians,” Shadow Home Affairs Minister Walter Roban said. A recently released report indicated that Bermuda’s employers reported a loss of 1,166 jobs last year, with 34,277 jobs counted in 2013, compared to... Read more of this article

Walter Roban: “Remove Your Political Blinders”

Walter Roban: “Remove Your Political Blinders”

[Opinion column written by Shadow Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban] Just one year ago the OBA broke their promise and scrapped term limits. In the lead up to the 2012 General Election, OBA candidate after OBA candidate claimed that the PLP were lying when we said that that given the chance they would go back on their word. After the OBA took office,... Read more of this article

Roban: Debate Pushback A “Victory for Labour”

Roban: Debate Pushback A “Victory for Labour”

Shadow Home Affairs Minister Walter Roban called the decision to delay the debate on the Labour Law a “victory for Labour and consultation and a defeat of heavy handed government and the restraining of workers rights and intimidation.” Earlier today [Mar 7], Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy — who was joined by BIU President Chris... Read more of this article

PLP Respond To Criticism From Sylvan Richards

PLP Respond To Criticism From Sylvan Richards

Shadow Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban responded to recent columns by OBA MP Sylvan Richards saying that “while criticising the stance of the PLP, he failed to address any of the concerns of that Bermudians have regarding Commercial Immigration.” One of Mr. Richards columns drew attention to opinion pieces penned by PLP MPs for an... Read more of this article

PLP Supports Linking Concessions To Jobs

PLP Supports Linking Concessions To Jobs

After ten people were made redundant on Tuesday [Jan 28] at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess, Shadow Home Affairs Minister Walter Roban says that the Progressive Labour Party supports linking future concession packages to jobs and opportunities for Bermudians and that concessions should also be tied to succession planning and workforce diversity. Mr Roban... Read more of this article