Prince Edness Remanded in Custody

February 8, 2011

Despite strenuous arguments against his being remanded into custody, Magistrate Archie Warner today [Feb 8] remanded 25-year-old Prince Edness into custody to await trial on 22nd May 2011.

He was charged with unlawful assault on a female, use of offensive words, and conspiring with others to obstruct the course of justice. These charges will be amalgamated with other un-related charges and all will be heard at the same time.

The three new charges stemmed from incidents occurring between 4th and 7th February this year. They commenced with the alleged assault which took place outside the Captain’s Lounge. The DPP’s office alleged that he should be remanded because he was likely to interfere with the complainant and with other witnesses.

The DPP’s office said that the allegations were that, following the alleged assault, Mr Edness and others sent text and voice messages to the complainant which allegedly told her that she would be safer and would be paid if the matter was dropped.

Ms Shade Subair argued that the Bail Act required that the general right to bail should not be denied unless there were special circumstances; and that the Magistrate could place several restrictions that the defendant would certainly be prepared to adhere to.

Having heard both full submissions, the Magistrate ordered remand.

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Comments (80)

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  1. Winnie says:

    Good job Your Honour

  2. Terry says:

    I would plead not guilty also/too.

    Prince Edness deinies assaulting ” so and so’ in Hamilton Magistrates Court.

    No wonder Archie remanded him…………..

  3. hmmm says:

    It’s “your worship”. “Your honour”, like the gavel, is for the states.

  4. Terry says:

    Good thing it did not take place in the Soopreme Court.

    Come on Mr. Editor. Edit what is wtitten.Thats right. Your asleep.

    My Lord!!!!!!!!!

  5. Missy says:

    About time!!!!! He should’ve been behind bars!!!!!

    • DARRIN DIZZLE says:

      There is a reason he got shot twice.

    • Tyevon Bean says:

      no one deserves to be behind bars unless your a rapist or paedophile, MISSY!

  6. safer says:

    bout time is right lol

  7. Black B says:

    What all you lot wanna do is talk … Keep talkin thats all you bermudians do anyway cuz none of you will say it to his face simple as that WATCH NO FACE P

    • To Black B says:

      You are a joke son, it’s peaople like you and Prince or Princess as I call him that have cause this island to have the problems we have. You know I speak the truth. What are you going to do when your 50 or 60 years old you better re think who your friends are. Oh I forgot your one of his pawns.

    • White Jesus says:

      Y’all have got it all wrong. Free prick, i mean prince, so that we can catch him on something that will REALLY put em away till he farts dust.

    • Save YourSelf says:



    • Call as it is says:

      I will say it to his face ANYTIME!!

    • If it was the old days.. says:

      B, i’d say it to his face easily…provided he deal with it himself and like a man..

      either through brushing it off, arguing, fists(although preferably not)… but no weapons and no buddies with him..

      but the problem today is no one deals with things like a man. 10 years ago someone could get in an argument, get in a fight.. and then once the adrenaline has cooled down it wasnt rare to see those two guys sittin at the bar having a beer..

      today you even look at someone a bit off and you at least get threatened with getting shot by someone that wasnt even involved… its horrendous.

      • Tyevon Bean says:

        you said it but not everyone can handle getting their a**es beat up.

    • Bermy abroad says:

      Black B, I am sure it is a lot of upstanding people that would say it to his punkish Face indeed! Little Boy do you really think all bermudains are frightend of little Prince Endess whom only thinks he is big because little idots like you make him feel like he the Big Man! You little boys and I mean little boys not men who you think you are, would not know how to handle a situation put in front of you because you lack the common sense to know how to walk away without having your punkish boys handle it for you or resort to getting a weapon.

      The Lord does not sleep & if you live by the sword I am sure you will die by the same sword you dealt out! I guess you sitting up casemates for the remainder of your life suits you just fine, as i am sure you will be able to handle doing your 25 years to life in casemates for any crime you think is worthy. Darn Idiot Boy

      • Tyevon Bean says:

        and you think you any better talking to another human being with that mouth you kiss your mother with #smh your just the same as him and you have the nerve to use the lords name for your better judgement, think about what you say before it comes out, the lord never sleeps and some of his children are still here watching, what’s done in the dark…comes to light #ps

    • Tony says:

      Black B – That’s why we have police and judges. Punk is probably safer up yonder. As for saying something to his face – you have to find him first, as he was really good at hiding. Well, most of the time.. Slipped up a few times.. He like most of them are all tough in numbers..

  8. safer says:

    and its people like you that entertain the dumb stuff that goes on in the island watch no face he watching the four walls right about na

  9. Terry says:

    What the hell you talking about Black B.

    I mean for real. Whats your point. You threatening us? You threatening others?

  10. Nicki says:

    Beating up women is as low as raping/molesting children and as usual the criminals fan club members are right on time to defend them. I wouldn’t say it to a criminals face because loose cannon criminals are liable to do just about anything should you piss them off, talking and acting like a mature adult is foreign to them and I value my life.

  11. The mon says:

    Black B your homie no would say it to his face cause they would get jump by a bunch of cowards who can’t back up themself well at lest your King will be able to tell the judge what he means by being “cheaper n safer”.Thanks for showing the rest of us the Cowards you and Prince really are I’ve been telling people this for a long time.

  12. bigga says:

    yall shuld b behind bars. free prince

    • Nicki says:

      Why exactly should we be behind bars? Would you opinion be the same-say if your friend assaulted your daughter? Mother? Sister? SMH. This is the type of mentality we are dealing with in Bermuda.

      • smh says:

        Sad part about it… so sad to say, his opinion would probably be the same cause he and other idiots like bigga follow their lord and savior prince… but who goin save u guys now? who goin tell you drop and give him 50 for being late on the block? or will u be even more stupid then i am given you credit for and take orders from jail?!

        • darkness says:

          Look all u [edited] that don’t kno [edited] bout wa talkin bout need to [edited] up! Cuz u don’t kno nottin bout prince or his circle! All of u r spoon fed [edited] who r Probally jus gossiping! Matter of fact stay the civilians dat u r n keep gossiping! [edited]

          • ToDarkenss says:

            Lesson #1: Learn how to speak so that others can understand what you are trying to convey.

            Lesson #2: Unless you are part of the military or police force, etc. YOU too are a civilian.

    • DARRIN DIZZLE says:


    • Let_Us_Pray says:

      You should learn how to spell.

    • Tony says:

      The little Princess is on borrowed time.. he lives like the elusive pimpernel

      • Spirit says:

        YUP Totally agree with you Tony. “Live by the sword, die by the sword” and Darkness you need to see the light very soon because the sword can HURT you too!

        • Be for real says:

          Darkness this song is for you! Concrete jungle (Bob Marley)
          No sun will shine in your day today; The high yellow moon won’t come out to play. I said (darkness) darkness has covered your light,And has changed your day into night.Where is the love to be found? Won’t someone tell you?
          Cause your (sweet life) must be somewhere to be found,Instead of concrete jungle (jungle!)Where the living is harder!Man you got to do your (concrete, jungle!) best…No chains around your feet,But your not free,U know you are bound here in captivity!Will someone help you? ‘Cause your (sweet life -U have to pick yourself from off the ground(must be somewhere for you),In this a concrete jungle!!!
          *Darkness yes you must see the light my man!

    • Tyevon Bean says:

      free prince ds

  13. It Is What It Is? says:

    No offence but it’s been a longtime coming..some may even say that it is long overdue..he has no one to blame but himself..That person has the right to press charges..puuhlease do you really think that everyone is afraid of “Mr Parkside Darkside?” ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! Welcome to the West Side!!! Enjoy ya life up the country my brother!

    • It Is What It Is? says:

      Hi Pat the sentence that was taken out IS mentioned in the article..should I have used the word “allegedly” is that why it was omitted?

      • bernews says:

        Sorry yes – when someone has only been charged but has not been convicted, that has to be reflected legally speaking. You are spot on, alleging someone did something is legally allowed, saying they did it isn`t.

        Even in cases, where to be blunt, many people are aware the person is guilty as sin, and is a habitual and well known criminal. Once and if they are convicted – gloves off, people can basically say what they like…

        • If it was the old days.. says:

          lol probably the best and least “jargony” way of putting it ive heard pat :P nice one

    • Nicki says:


    • Bernews u need to get a like button!! says:

      Cause this stuff is funny!!

  14. Terry says:

    I need a rum.

  15. Please Black B it’s sounds like your scared of him, that’s why your defending f…kery, and bigga your just as stupid as Black B talking about free him, Yo Pussycats stop letting all that brown s..t flow from your mouth,it suppose to come out from your rectum. Welcome to the West Side!!!

  16. Dan Marino says:

    I would incarcerate all the jerry curl.

  17. Bermudian wannaworker says:

    Oh de pain…..

  18. BermyLove says:

    Deuces!! I’m happy that he is finally off the streets!

  19. Don't print it says:

    bernews…this commentary in my opinion detracts materially from the quality of your offering…why let these illiterate people go on like this…let them use facebook for these exhanges..they can’t even write a complete sentence…pathetic.

  20. Call as it is says:

    wonder what Black B stands for?

  21. DevilwearsPrada? says:

    You do not abuse woman or noone else for that matter and I appauld the girl who stood up for herself and I hope she follows through. I cannot judge Prince Edness as I am not worthy to do so. However, If he is found guilty I hope he finds his time at Westgate useful and he does a lot of reflecting on what has happened to his life over the past 5 or so years. You must ask yourslef where were his parents when he allegedly became King of Parkside the Darkside. The anger and lack of self worth is usually the driving force behind the behaviors he has exhibited.

    In any event, we now have the kings of both sides in one place…….maybe they can finally resolve their differences as they will have some time to do it.

    This is sad as we have a generation of young men, black men, that are either dead or in jail!

    • Time for Change..... says:

      This is very well put….we can not judge any one of these men, but we do need to change these current times because they are now out of reach! Who knows, Prince may have social issues due to other reasons that were not addressed as a child…and this is exactly why we need to GUIDE our youth, LOVE our youth and instill MORALS in our youth! I came from a single-parent home from the Pembroke area, but because my mom instilled morals in me, corrected me when I was wrong, set standards for me, gave me rules to abide by and banned me from sitting on the wall, I did not get caught up as some of the other kids my age in the same neighborhood did! I am not a Saint, I have done things that were wrong, I have been rebellious at times, but I know my extent because I have morals and as I grew older and saw the path my peers were traveling, I knew I had to separate myself and go the other way because of what was instilled in me! I have been to college, obtained a Bachelor degree and am currently doing my Masters degree! The standards YOU instill in your child, the tone you set, the rules you give them to abide by, the love you show them and the quality time you spend with them on a daily basis determines the life your child will leave when they become an adult! Children mirror parents! The seeds we sow determine the plants we will grow! EACH ONE TEACH ONE!

  22. Just Yell says:

    Hopefully these young men will learn as they grow older that the system will knock them down in their ways… But its not too late as the Lord watches over us all…

  23. Footballer says:

    What’s sad to me is that the kids that aren’t even teenagers yet are getting caught up in all this Parkside/42 nonsense. I was at a middle school the other day where I mentor a boy and two of his friends had pictures of that Hartford guy as their screensavers. When I asked why they didn’t have an answers. These kids need real role models not these wannabe gangsters!

  24. It's About Time says:

    SMH…. it’s about time someone finally stood up to Prince and pressed charges against him. It is “alleged” that this is the norm for him, no one knows because no one’s ever said anything. I know a girl who trusted him as a friend and was “allegedly ” seriously assaulted by him— this was almost seven years ago, before he even started hanging out Parkside; Prince is originally born and raised in Spanish Point – he tried to name himself King of Point back then too, but that didn’t sit well with those residents. These Parkside dudes are nothing but pushovers – they let someone else from a completely different territory take over their neighborhood and boss them around… GOOD JOB CHANTICE!!! I just pray that she is kept safe….

  25. Sarah says:

    Um, is the girl’s name printed in the last sentence of It’s About Time’s post? :/

    • smh says:

      yea but it was also printed in the royal gazette

      • Sarah says:

        I didn’t read that article. Hopefully she will be kept safe, then.

  26. truesay says:

    I agree its about damn time Prnce is an idiot & to correct the person he was raised as a young child up the country ord road area its sad because he wars with them too. I hope he is locked up forever him & jahkiel samuels.

    • Friend of the family says:

      As Prince’s neighbor for his ENTIRE life he grew up in Spanish Point!! Bermudians are HILARIOUS!! Just pray for him. His family tried their best!! No One is perfect…trust me he wants to change but has gotten so deep into this madness that he can’t get out. This boy saw A LOT as a child and needs help mentally and spiritually.

  27. Born N Rasied in Spanish Point says:

    Just reading these comments shows just how little people know others lives and how they grew up… I was born and raised in that neighborhood for ova 30 yrs and knows Prince and many more individuals very well… To the person “it’s about time” get your facts right, he NEVER tried to STAKE claim as KING of POINT, LOL!!! Just to hear it is a joke and I know full well he would LOL at this to… I am not justifying what he has done in life… People make their own choices in life and that individual needs to learn to make the RIGHT choice or learn form the BAD choice that they have made, he is respectful and grew up in a loving home. No one is perfect and no one is a saint. (edited) A person is INNOCENT until proven guilty… He has rights and nobody knows what really took place or what was said between the 2 parties… Let their conscience guide them. Just tryna keep it REAL !!!

    • It Is What It Is? says:

      I don’t care what it is alleged that he slapped her he had no right to put his hands on her let alone in her face….and if she did do something to offend him then he had the choice of pressing charges if need be or walk away….he instead allegedly chose to result to violence hence the consequence he is now facing….

  28. Observer says:

    Good Job Girl, and I hope Bermuda wakes up from this example to put these rotten no good boys, thats all they are behind bars to find themselves as we in society gave them a chance in the open world and they messed up! Hope he and others all get big time. Big Up, the girl! I don’t know why people are scared or intimidated by these guys, but if you get them by themselves, they are nobody. Yeah! Some more are on there way up Westgate and the so called daylight shooters will soon be caught also, so have your fun now!

  29. just wonderin... says:

    Why can’t we have file photo’s or mug photo’s like the US? The public deserves the right to be aware of people who are disrupting communities.

    • US Observer says:

      I agree..if the culprit or the one being accused is pulled in and held, let’s see the face. It’s time that Bermuda starts putting people out in front. Use people as examples so that the law makers, upholders of the law and the people of Bermuda are taken seriously enough. Again, you reap what you sow. If I can recall, I remember when Prince was born 25 years ago…what happened?

      • Tony says:

        Not cool US Observer.. not cool at all.. The tree is not always the cause of fruit gone bad…

        • US Observer says:

          Tony..I totally agree with you. I wasn’t speaking of the tree I was speaking of the once fruit that dropped from the tree. I guess fruit do eventually fall unless someone is there to pick it or catch it before it falls.

  30. RealisticApproach says:

    At one point all of these guys were friends.

    You were a soldier at the bottom and then became king at the top, literally!!! Parkside was created to fight the wars for 42 and then they were to graduate to the top road but something went really wrong……………..maybe a certain someone wanted to be King to fast…sounds very much like Satan in heaven he too wanted to me lord, well a certain someone wanted to become King before his time and becasue he couldn’t, started his own little army and found a reason to be at war with the top road hierachy.

    In any event, they did not know what they had on their hands or what beast they had created along with him three others with the same issues formed their dark world or robbery, assault and finally murder.

    It is long gotten out of hand. Now there are about 100 darkside members with one main leader at hand. These 100 are younger and parents are absent in most cases on drugs. They live in the middle and are ready to pounce at any one any time.

    Younger without a fully developed conscience is what we have and from what I understand from the younger boys I have spoken to, you don’t have ot be a part of it they will take you out for being from a certain area that they are at war with. If you are seen talking to someone that they beleive is an enemy you are added to the list. They will take out family without a thought to get to the people they want to get at and this is distrubing. Young men cannot roam freely to enjoy a soccer game or an outing without being threatened or harmed.

    So here it is, what do we do now, lock them all up and have one big war at Westgate, I guess we will all be safer, but they will come out again at some point. They still have a strong membership, who are ready to make a name for themselves. We need to work on this younger group, let’s find them mentors, jobs and take care of them so we at least cut back the army.

    Any other solutions as we are desperate this will not get better by locking up Prince nor Kai or the rest of the Kingpins.

    • just observing says:

      I agree FULLY !!!! The mind has to be strong enough to WANT to become a BETTER person.. Locking ALL or SOME of the m up isnt gonna make things better .. Start from the SEED and the PLANT will BLOSSOM !!! They all were a seed at one time as time moves forward things happened for a reason. I just hope being that he is up their i pray that he takes this time to reflect on life and the things that are happening.

    • Bubbles says:

      THIS IS ON POINT IN EVERY WHICH WAY…YOU HIT THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD. I personally know many of these men from both sides and this is exactly what has transpired

  31. ..unreal says:

    ALL of you are wrong,
    so who are you to judge when you don’t even know what happen.
    was you there?, did you see it?
    forget all you hating people.
    fRee all my [edited]

  32. Onlooker says:

    Even though this little boy has SEEN lot in his younger years he still was taught Right from Wrong. He STILL CHOSE to make the Wrong decisions. I know ALOT of people that have grown up in households that could have been better BUT they either Chose to follow what they grew up in or didnt. Clearly he is NOT respectful because if he was he wouldn’t be “allegedly” up for assaulting or threatening this female. His wickedness is FINALLY catching up with him.

    I just hope that the parents get peace because it is NOT there Sole fault as to how he has turned out. He claims he’s a MAN so he’s made his bed now he has to sleep in it…..At least being locked up he wont have to look over his shoulder, hide or travel with people because his afraid something will happen….Hopefully he will get some good rest up West!

  33. twoswordali says:

    Its a shame, however as the saying goes your own hands will hem you in, if he is guilty then he will get whats comming to him. On the streets there will only be a period of time before good citizens get fed up and start going to war with these evile people. Just like it was only a period of time before these lot started feeling comfortable about taking someones life. These gangsters have started a life cycle that will bring about their own death, or their own imprisonment.

  34. US Observer says:

    I’ve been here that there are street wars going on in Bermuda for a while…one side of the island or street against another. What wars? In Bermuda? Really? Send some of those males and possibly females to a real war over in Iraq or Afganistan or even in Egypt now. Come on now…Young Bermudians have it very good compared to a whole lot of other places in the world. Are the young people in Bermuda that bored to the point they have to create their own little world in an already little world? And then we complain when ex-pats from all over the world are given rights to live and work in Bermuda but we can’t push ourselves enough to maintain a God given right?…It’s time to stop living on fantasy island.

  35. The mon says:

    I just upset they don’t have a picture of him in cuffs so I can add it to my facebook page with all the other losers if anybody a picture of him in cuffs let me know

  36. FACTS not fiction says:

    i realized ppl in bermuda are truly bias today!…have any of your ever really met prince edness? I’m not a freind , nor am i 1 of his pawns, as you’ll say in this chess game! judging by the comments of majority i’m assuyming not, becuase i have had a chance to meet the men behind the name. So basically, the majority commenting are persons who know or know of Mr.Edness through simply word of mouth!!! I thought in this justice system you were INNOCENT till proven guilty not GUILTY till proven innocent; like i’ve seen time and time again in BDA. i’m not saying he’s an angel or saint but every one deserve to be listened to or their story heard out. its not about punks its not about cowards or anything like that, when it comes to the courts and an individual’s freedom it should all be about the TRUTH; what really happened….other than fist fights and bar quarrels, who to say everything your hear or assume about this individual or anyother it true? I BELIEVE in evidence and facts, not news paper articles! WHAT EYES SEE AND THE EAR HEARS; THE MIND BELIEVES!!!! so really the more you beat down a perosn imagaine and character like two other media. And another media outlet DO TIME AND TIME AGAIN; YOU obviously will always be guilty and your voice never heard! To let you know it is a such thing as a fabricated story or a true AMPED up a little! enjoy your day every 1

    • Born N Raised In Spanish Point says:

      I AGREE !!!! Like I said INNOCENT until proven GUILTY !!!! Not condoning what he has done or did do . A person has a RIGHT to tell their side. Dont judge a person until you sit and talk with that person.

  37. It's About Time says:

    To Born N Raised in Spanish Point- You ever considered that because you were “born and raised in that neighborhood for ova 30 yrs” that he would NEVER say anything like that to his neighbours, especially someone who is older than him like you? Trust me, Prince has told plenty of outsiders that he is the King of Point – he has gone on bad to his own suppose to be boys…they have since forgiven him and whatnot, but that doesn’t change what he has done.