Live Blog Updates: 2014 Throne Speech

November 7, 2014

[Updated] The Convening of Parliament will take place this morning [Nov 7], with Government and Opposition MPs gathering to hear Governor George Fergusson deliver the 2014 Throne Speech, which outlines the Government’s Legislative Agenda for the year ahead.

The proceedings — which were moved indoors due to the inclement weather — will covered live on the radio and CITV, and we will also bring live text updates through the day.

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Comments (34)

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  1. serengeti says:

    I thought the PLP had promised to stay out of Parliament? They said they were boycotting it. Is this another promise they’re breaking?

    • aceboy says:


    • haha says:

      among the countless other ones they broke….smh

    • young1 says:

      clearly you know nothing of the rules of the House.

      • Ringmaster says:

        What are the rules?

        The PLP clearly stated during the demonstrations because the Governor wouldn’t convene an enquiry into the Tuckers Town issue without additional reasons, they will boycott Parliament until the Governor is recalled. Walton Brown sent the tweet, but it was backed up by Marc Bean. A bold move. Yet today, the PLP are gathered in the same room as the Governor. Clearly the PLP threat was a lie, and not a bold one. How can anyone believe anything the PLP says? Does “we had to deceive you” sound familiar?

      • Creamy says:

        Enlighten us then. The PLP promised they were boycotting Parliament until the Governor is recalled. He hasn’t been recalled, so they should stay out of Parliament. Otherwise they are breaking a promise.

    • true clours says:

      Call off W&E from minister the to fix House of Assembly. They should of address HOA 1st not the minister residence. Now we word in the media, they hoovered the house too?

    • Creamy says:

      Obviously, when it comes to keeping their own promises, the PLP is not bold. Nowhere close. They’re total pu….s.

  2. Good Stuff says:

    Glad to see us moving forward.

    Reverse Mortgages? What year is this?!

    • swing voter says:

      I’d like to ‘reverse’ out of my f*uc^%g mortgage!!!!

      • really... says:

        Go to the other bank and see if they are interested in taking your mortgage on. So long as you have about 20% equity you should be in good shape.

        • Christopher James says:

          In reality, its doubful that any real savings would be made. After all the transfer fees – it would have to be a HUGE drop in interest to make any difference. And that won’t happen cos they are all in cahoots as far as the lending rates.

          I think Swing meant he wanted to not actually pay his mortgage. Best of luck with that.

    • JUNK YARD DOG says:

      Reverse mortgages are a rip off >….. <

    • rodney smith says:

      The first local government document the the words “Reversible Mortgage” appeared in was in 1992.It has taken 22 years for us just to discuss it at a national level.The UBP , did make mention of it in their 2007 platform. The country would do well to read up on it, and study the pros and cons of it.Older persons with a major asset should be able to go to the bank without their adult children and borrow money.Why should we ,the people of Bermuda, continue to increase pensions for persons who will in the end, pass their homes and property off to their adult children “Free and Clear”? By spending down on some of their equity, these older persons could maintain their standard of living and enjoy life.Thus, saving Govenment/and the tax payers of this country , millions of dollars.

  3. Terry says:

    Who is the lady in the satalite dish hat………………………..

  4. Rodney says:

    Governor: Parks Dept to “implement a phased plan to upgrade and improve rest room facilities in National Parks.”

    Please God let the private sector do the next one. Restrooms up at John Smiths Bat are the most expensive in the world.

    • SMH says:

      Maybe they’re going to fill in that massive crater they’ve done dug in the middle of the Botanical Gardens and then tourist and visitors can use that ugly water tower as a rest room. You honestly can’t fix stupid

  5. Raymond Ray says:

    This is where, (and when) the rubber will finally meet the road…

  6. Unbelievable says:

    I’m not one for liking the Throne Speech idea but I see positives in this year’s speech. It feels fresh. Now let’s see if any of it actually gets enacted.

  7. bluebird says:

    Did they mention the “HUGE” Debt that we have or has that gone away.
    As the sage commission did say something has got to give.
    We will have to “CUT” at least $300Million dollars from Government spending.And still pay $160Million per year in interest,on the money that we “OWE”

  8. Next says:

    Looks like a lot of people are going to come down with a sudden case of glaucoma.

  9. Christopher James says:

    I recommend that Zane hold a press conference to blast the OBA for allowing rain to ruin this mornings event.

    I can hear Zane ranting now, “Clearly the OBA has no ability whatsoever to run its weather department or they’d have arranged more better weather for this morning’s re-convening of Parliament. If the PLP was in power you can bet the sun woulda been out I can tell you. I mean, did the weather ever act up like this between 1998 and 2012? No way is the answer and you know it. This is just one more failing of the OBA government and further proof that they just don’t care about real Bermudians”.

  10. Children of Bermuda says:

    OBA is doing the people’s business.
    Conscription and herb being addressed. That PLP had 14 years and did NOTHING !

  11. Richard T says:

    Safe and boring. While this had many good ideas the OBA have avoided the most important issue, ie resolving the sage suggestions of changes to the civil service.

  12. Christopher James says:

    PLP: Standing strong for themselves!

  13. watchfuleyes says:

    It is unbelievable alright!!! once again the bid to end Conscription is in the Throne Speech- lets see if it’s in there again next year shall we. I won’t believe anything until it is a done deal.It’s all in the wording- ‘plans to end move closer’(it’s been in the plans for years now), ‘we are HOPEFUL that it will end by the end of this year’( why are you hopeful if you are the ones to make it happen, why do you have to hope?).

  14. rodney smith says:

    On January 15, 2013 I wrote to the Minister suggesting to him the need to improve the bath-room facilities along the south shore.Nearly 22 months have past, and nothing has been done.I would want my Govenment/OBA to move on creating jobs for the “Little Man” as quickly as they have to resolve issues for both I.B abd the P.R.C’s.We cannot continue to spend $24 million dollars through the B.T.A. without up- grading our product.THE MONEY MUST BE FOUND, or TAKEN FROM OTHER AREAS.But whose LISTENING?

  15. watchfuleyes says:

    @Children of Bermuda- talking about ending Conscription and actually putting pen to paper and ending it are two different things entirely. Nothing tangible has been done to date, but talking about addressing it.