BLDC: Energy Facility & Cargo Port Projects

March 27, 2018

The Bermuda Land Development Company Limited [BLDC] is inviting local and international companies to “submit their qualifications to be considered for future proposals to design, build and operate two major infrastructure projects in the East End – an energy generation facility and a cargo port at Ships Wharf.”

A spokesperson said, “Bermuda Land Development Company Limited [BLDC] today announces an exciting new phase in its long-term plan to redevelop land for economic growth, infrastructure improvement and job opportunities in Bermuda.

“BLDC invites local and international companies to submit their qualifications to be considered for future proposals to design, build and operate two major infrastructure projects in the East End – an energy generation facility and a cargo port at Ships Wharf [A.K.A. Marginal Wharf].

“The RFQ [Request for Qualifications] processes for both infrastructure projects begin today, and will close on May 23, 2018.

“Formed in 1996, BLDC is a private company created to steward the development and management of land and buildings previously occupied by the US and Canadian military. ”

Francis Mussenden, CEO of BLDC notes, “Our mandate is to evaluate and support redevelopment options that strengthen the social and economic fabric of Bermuda.

“After a comprehensive three-year exploratory period on how best to potentially use the land at Ships Wharf, and upon consideration of various ideas submitted by our community through the Expression of Interest [EOI] process, we are excited to launch the next phase of redevelopment in the East End.”

Concept sketch of cargo port Bermuda March 2018

Minister of Public Works Lt/Col David Burch said, “The potential projects at Ships Wharf are of national interest, and will provide short and long-term jobs and business opportunities in the East End.

“The projects will also improve Bermuda’s infrastructure with potential improvements in energy generation and cargo operations that will benefit both residents and businesses on the island. We commend the BLDC for their work to date, and look forward to the next steps in the redevelopment process.”

Minister David Burch says, “Since the current energy infrastructure is nearing the end of its life cycle, an additional energy facility would help improve stability and reliability, especially during times of peak demand and emergency situations.”

BLDC said, “The expectation is that the proposed facility would have a minimal generation capacity of 20 megawatts to add to BELCO’s existing power grid. As of April 2017, Bermuda’s current capacity was 160 megawatts. This redevelopment project provides the opportunity to explore ways to reduce the cost of electricity, and investigate reliable and sustainable energy using modern technology and cost-effective resources.”

“A cargo port at Ships Wharf will increase Bermuda’s capacity of Bermuda and facilitate the provision of potential new services. A new cargo port could be designed to accommodate two ships thereby increasing efficiency, support diversification into Atlantic transshipping, and allow investigation into other services, such as fish processing. ”

Minister Burch added, “The location could also accommodate bonded warehouses on site that would facilitate the breakdown of containerized goods at the port, enabling the transporting of goods in smaller vehicles on Bermuda’s roads.”

Concept sketch of energy plant Bermuda March 2018

“The proposed developments at Ships Wharf are expected to be completed over several years, following the selection of the most viable partners for each project,” BLDC said.

“These are exciting times for Bermuda. Along with the global economy, Bermuda’s economy is growing and we are preparing for the future,” says Mr. Mussenden.

“We look forward to engaging with all members of the community as we invest in new opportunities for the East End. We encourage Bermuda’s residents to participate in dialogues and provide input on the upcoming projects through community engagement sessions and other discussions to be scheduled in the coming months.”

Asked about the impact of the potential projects to East End residents and existing tenants at Ships Wharf, Mr. Mussenden said, “BLDC will support possible transitions and future opportunities for current tenants during the redevelopment process. We will be meeting with tenants later this month, and look forward to their ongoing input as we move forward.”

Mr. Mussenden also intends to consult with East End residents prior to final decisions on land use and any possible impacts, noting that, “These projects are for the long-term benefit of Bermudians, and we look forward to community input at each stage of the process.”

BLDC added, “The proposed Energy Production Facility and Cargo Plant are both expected to exceed US$150m, and take several years to complete. Details and requirements for the two RFQ processes are available on BLDC’s website –

“This process allows BLDC to evaluate the qualifications of potential local and international partners in the redevelopment of Ships Wharf, and short list developers who will be invited to submit innovative infrastructure proposals through the RFP [Request for Proposal] process later this year. Questions about the Request for Qualifications [RFQ] process requirements and submissions should be emailed to”

Minister of Public Works, Lt/Col. David Burch and Francis Mussenden, CEO of BLDC

Minister David Burch and Francis Mussenden Bermuda March 2018

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Comments (25)

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  1. You never listen to me says:

    Solar panels etc. should be installed to cut down the electrical bill at the cargo port and the facility should be connected directly to the new energy generation facility to ensure electricity when Belco goes offline.

    • YES! says:

      Yes! You are correct. At 15W/sf and the size of marginal warf we should be able to power white horse tavern provided there are no clouds. Let’s do this and stick it to the man! U got $15million?

  2. Kevin says:

    well if we develop the wharf in the east maybe that means the 18 year old temporary bridges will be replaced with a permanent structure and the causeway will get replaced…or are we purchasing helicopters to transport containers around the island….Stay tuned the fun is about to begin

    • Vote for Me says:

      @ Kevin
      The recent budget allocated $$ to new designs for both Longbird and Swing bridges. Perhaps we will see progress on all fronts sooner than we think.

    • agatha christie says:

      the causeway needs replacing regardless of this – we cannot have a spanking new airport that no-one can get to! LOL!

  3. Rocky5 says:

    One thing for sure – Aecon will NOT be awarded any of these Projects EVEN if they have the best bid! But you can bet your bottom dollar Island Construction will WIN both Projects hands down and it’ll be Port Royal all over again!!

  4. San Patrick says:

    The Col. is back! Private sector can’t compete with the government. The Col. should be resolving his South Shore Condo project before he gets involved in anything new.

  5. Truth says:

    So we will ignore the legislation on energy planning. What a joke. Two characters shaking hands that don’t understand the laws in place today. How will this project reduce energy costs. Didn’t belco get their replacement generation project approved.

    • evelyn w says:

      How do you know they have not met with the Regulatory Authority? In my experience, things like this are not just ‘announced’. It would be pretty pointless to put this out to an RFQ and they turn around and say ‘oh, sorry, we forgot to consult the RA,’ wouldn’t it?

  6. Um Um Like says:

    How is this going to be funded?

    • agatha christie says:

      It is all private money, private investment

      • morgan says:

        just like Morgans point
        thats working well lol

  7. Hello says:

    This could well be the reason Zane DeSilva resigned……he knew he would get the job! This project has been in the works for a long time.

  8. Hmmm says:

    sooooooo we can ignore all of the studies that have stated introducing another plant given our peak demand will be more expensive? Sounds like the workers will be arriving via 4 wheeler

  9. Kathy says:

    Just what we need another fossil fuel energy plant. What the hell is wrong with the Government? This could have been used as an assembly area for an offshore wind farm that could generate renewable energy bringing us closer to meeting our energy goals. It also could have provided hundreds of jobs!!!

    We ain’t going forward folks, we’re going backwards!

  10. Micro says:

    Another billion or two in debt is the only likely outcome of these projects.

  11. The Original Truth™ says:

    Seems PLP and BELCO have not heard that there has been climate change agreements made globally that will make running an internal combustion generator more expensive than a lithium ion setup. Then again maybe they do know but since they are vested in it they will still reap profits by holding our energy supply hostage while they get rich and we go broke.

    Do we have any minister or mp with the guts to stand up to Ascendant Groups monopoly or will we just let them pollute the rest of the island for their own profits.

  12. Stinky D. says:

    I think they would make more money by building a cruiseship port

  13. morgan says:

    let us not forget the dock is too shallow for the ships to get into so they had to be unloaded by barge for the airport??????

  14. Gustav says:

    ” Atlantic transshipping”
    those who talk about this have absolutely no clue.

    1.) the port entry is not wide enough to take larger vessels , and only with larger vessels you can run a service profitable
    2.) competing with NYC, Norfolk and Boston ( who have direct services to Europe .
    3.) increased transittime to Europe ( which shipper will accept that )
    4.) increased costs to Europe ( which shipper will accept that )
    5.) risk of industrial action in a transshipment port
    6.) last but not least : small vessel who are able to entry the port are not build for an Transatlantic journey

    conclusion : a lot of nonsense without any real backround

  15. agatha christie says:

    it’s a bit early to say isn’t it? The developers could conceiveably build an arm for the ships to berth at?