From Prison To Law Student: Anthony Swan

May 3, 2018

From prison inmate to law student, Bermudian Anthony Swan has made an impressive transition, and he hopes to use his struggles in the past to help work towards the “betterment of our island home.”

The 30-year-old was previously convicted for a gun crime, and after leaving prison has put his full energy into improving himself, and is currently studying in the UK, having commenced his studies in September 2017.

He is doing a law foundation course now, will start a LLB in the next academic year, and plans to be a fully qualified lawyer in a few years.

Anthony Swan

We first met Mr. Swan back in 2012 when he was still incarcerated, and at that time he said, “Choices made have consequences, whether it be a good choice having a good consequence, bad choice, bad consequence. It’s obvious I have made a wrong choice.

“My choice was based around my expectations of self. As human beings, we naturally reach expectations we have for ourselves. Set a negative expectations, you will naturally do everything in your power to reach.

“Setting positive expectations, you will also do everything in your power to reach,” he said.

Fast forward a few years, Mr Swan has more than lived up to his own words, clearly now making good choices as he embarks on his educational endeavours.

Mr Swan speaking from Westgate prison six years ago:

Speaking to Bernews recently from the UK, Mr Swan said, “Everything I’ve survived has served as a catalyst to put me where I am today. Considering this, I’d say I never got caught up but I have now caught on.”

“I love to learn. I’ve held this vision for quite some time now. It was a matter of me finally making my mind up to manifest my dream and college is the vehicle driving me closer to it.

“A choice is a thought we confirm by concentrating our energies on it. What helped me make an excellent choice was solitude and stillness which allowed me to sift through my thoughts and concentrate my energies on the thoughts which complimented my vision.

“Inevitably I began attracting people and circumstances which helped propel this transition. Right thinking plus right action equals desired results.

“The message I have for those of us which Bermuda has no clue what to do with is this; The streets are a blessing if you know what you are doing. What I mean by this is that if you are constantly surviving the dangers presented, you are gifted enough to thrive as CEO of a big company, an insurance broker or anything else in the legitimate business world. Make that choice and let’s do this.

“Many have helped and inspired me along the way. My grandparents, my child, my loved ones and lady are the main sources of my inspiration.

“Special mention goes to Lt. Col. Edward Lamb, Eron Hill, Audley Quallo, Michael Spurling in conjunction with the Raleigh International Family, all of which have gone above and beyond the call of duty.

“Honourable mention goes to my friends I’ve seen incarcerated or shot dead, because having seen what I’ve seen has given birth to a deep yearning to break the cycle.

“The mind is all-powerful,” Mr Swan added. “Perhaps this’ll be best understood by the majority as it is written in the book of Matthew 7:7-8: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

Mr Swan’s recent message for Bermuda and young people:

The law student urged people to “unite and take that which is deep within us and bring it to the forefront, and show them our potential, in particular our young black brothers.”

“I must also acknowledge all the great men I met whilst incarcerated who became brothers to me, sharing in my vision and all the great men and women who work as prison officers who assisted in my evolution in some way, shape or form. When you tune in, everything becomes inspiration,” Mr Swan said.

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Comments (25)

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  1. Yes I says:

    Law of Attraction! Keep thinking positive King!

    • Onion Juice says:

      Very good young man, Shawn and Charles set de pace.

      • The Original Truth™ says:

        You’re all a joke! All the way down this list.

        Freedoms given up? Many others who chose the right path do not have the privilege of being able to afford an education. This man getting praised for it.

        Great deterrent!

        Cains wants to support more of this in the prisons as a solution to stop violent crimes? This has worked like a charm so far hasn’t it?

  2. Nikki says:

    I wish you all the best Mr. Swan!

  3. enough says:

    I met this young man when I was doing prison ministry at Westgate, he was such a respectful young man and I throughly enjoyed talking with him. I am so proud of him and to see where he is now and wish him all the best in his studies. I look forward to seeing him in the media being accepted the the Bermuda Bar. Good Luck Anthony and God Bless.

  4. Politricks says:

    Well done sir.

  5. congrats says:

    congrats young bro.. keep pushing

  6. swing voter says:

    almost.there…thanks for not going back to what you knew….share your story with the other bies that are caught up

  7. watching says:

    Well done!

    I do wish we as a community could stop these young people before they commit a crime and save themselves and their families so much heartbreak and pain. it is clear the potential is there. But kudos to him for turning his life around.

  8. Shahidah Saaam says:

    I am in tears listening to this young man sitting in Prison telling his story of how he got caught up at such a young age. I also am in tears of happiness to see he has turned his life around 100%. May God continue to bless him going forward, and may he continue to share his experiences so as to encourage other young youth.

  9. Warwick West says:

    NEVER give up Mr. Swan! There will still be hard days ahead, but stay the course and stay focused – always!.

    all the best to you and go well.

  10. Pisces girl says:

    Well done!

    I just hope people don’t condemn him like they did to Shawn Crockwell when he entered politics.

  11. Anthony Yesterday is gone, Today is Here and Tomorrow always comes, and I will say it like I have said it before to you, All of your yesterday’s that are a reflection of your Today’s will always help you Supersede into all of your Tomorrow’s.

    Swan you have come a long way and you have a long way to go, but take The good Lord with you, were ever you go, and you will always come out ahead.

    We are so proud of you and yes there will always be hater’s, but that is what make’s the Victory so sweet, because not even the haters can stop your destiny.

    Remember if you can what I shared with you, Jesus Christ is Lord and no one can stop you, when He, Jesus is for you.

    Rev. Blue Jeans, try not to be so hard on yourself because of your choices, it was your choices that actually propelled you into your Divine Destiny, we all have a past and most Powerful individuals, had a colorful beginning.

    Looking forward to you making yourself proud, your family and friends proud, and Bermuda proud.

  12. junior burchall says:

    Much respect to Bro. Swan. He is a powerful mind. And he is in no way the exception.

    In fact, some of the most powerful minds I have ever encountered, anywhere in the world, are found among young Brothers incarcerated at Westgate for violent crimes up to and including murder. These young Black men are, simply, BRILLIANT.

    …which begs the question: what is happening in our schools that has credentialed and experienced educators so consistently failing to tease out the obvious genius that lives within these Brothers?

    Is the fault to be found in the method of instruction? Is it the content of the curriculum? Is it a combination of both?

    What is truly sad is that, were it not for the short, sharp shock of imprisonment (and I say ‘short’, because even the lifers will one day re-enter the community and live out the majority of their lives as free men), the dormant intellectual gifts that seem to flower behind bars might never have been brought to the fore. And that, in my opinion, is the great crime that we – as educators and parents – aren’t even close to discussing.

    Interestingly, a lot of them began their journey to the realization of their own considerable intellectual potential through a critical exploration of the history of Afrikan people (in antiquity, in Bermuda and beyond) and their efforts to right the many wrongs visited upon them by the demonic machinations of institutionalized, global white domination and savagery.

    In light of this, perhaps we might want to look carefully at how we can creatively exploit our history as the means through which the learning deficits that our boys *appear* to have can be emphatically reversed….?

    • Tulani O. Bulford says:


  13. mixitup says:

    This brings me great joy! Rise my people rise.

    • Toodle-oo says:

      It’s a lot better when one doesn’t make dumb choices in the first place.

      • Onion Juice says:

        Too bad people make dumb choices, but at least he is making a positive contribution to society.
        He was destined to doom now he has excelled further then you ever will, but critisize with your stupid dumb comment.
        We ALL make dumb choices, some more dumber like him and others but self rightious fools like you who have cushioned lives will never know the struggle.

      • mixitup says:

        Something we should all know about … right?

        • The Original Truth™ says:

          We all know about dumb choices but not all know about choices that are a reckless disregard for life.

          A dumb choice is importing cannabis into Bermuda. On average it gets you 10 years in prison.

          What dooes gun crime get someone?

        • Question says:

          Most people never did what he did, or anything like it. So no.

  14. Aunt G says:

    Well done Levon,keep up the good work.
    Remember you have a praying Grandmother and family.

  15. Are you kidding me. says:

    Good job my friend ,keep up the good work,don’t worry about yesterday,fight for tomorrow wishing you the very best…

  16. Sandi Ruth says:

    OMG! I’m so proud of you Levon. God is so amazing. If you only know how much joy you are giving me to see you traveling in such a wonderful direction. Keep the faith and stay in prayer.

  17. Look at yourself, before you look at others. says:

    Matthew 7:1-5 Jesus enumerates that we must focus on ourselves before looking elsewhere.

    Eccesiaties 9:11 Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the
    swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to
    the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all.

    Anthony, What has happened in your past is in your past. It has shaped the person that you are today and you have learnt a lot from your experiences. Speak to God and ask for forgiveness, then move on. Now is your calling from God to make a difference to someone, doing something of importance.

    Your ora is very special and you have a great impact on the lives of all that come in to contact with you.

    Keep spreading positive vibes and positive things will continue to happen to you.

    It is not for anyone but his Majesty to judge. On the surface progress is astounding and not all men with a background such as yourself would have come so far. Your heart is cleansed and although difficult situations will arise, I have every trust in God that he will enable you to overcome.

    Continue to gain knowledge in places that give you positive energy, you will succeed and your goals will be met.

    May God continue to bless you and keep you.