Hashtag: #AmaniFloodColumns

Column: What Kind Of Doctor Are You Again?
[Written by Dr. Amani Flood, N.D.] I’m a Naturopathic Doctor. Yes, it can be a bit of a tongue-twister to pronounce, and even harder to understand exactly what it is that we do. But I never get tired of trying to explain, so please read on. First, a blurb from our professional association website: “Naturopathic doctors combine the wisdom of... Read more of this article

Health Column: Dr. Flood, Healing With Nutrition
[Written by Dr. Amani Flood, N.D.] Imagine sitting down to dinner before a plate filled with capsules and tablets of various sizes, shapes and colours. What if this meal, served with a tall glass of water, was your dinner! Well, things have not gotten that bad yet, but the popularity of nutritional supplements, fueled by our quest for optimal health... Read more of this article

Dr Amani Flood: Alternative Medicine For Cancer
[Written by Dr. Amani Flood, N.D.] Probably the most frightening three words you could ever hear a doctor say are “you have cancer.” But cancer is no longer the automatic death sentence that it once was. Today, many people are surviving cancer, some as a result of medical discoveries in the field of cancer treatment and many because of new therapies... Read more of this article

Column: Getting Over Your Hangover
[Written by Dr. Amani Flood, NMD, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine at NMAC] Bermudians are not strangers to alcohol indulgence, especially over a holiday. After all, its’ been said that “Bermudians love to drink.” So what can you do if you throw back one too many over Cup Match? You’ve probably heard the rule to drink one glass of water between... Read more of this article

Column: The Naturopathic Approach To Acne
[Written by Dr. Amani Flood, NMD, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine at NMAC] Did you know that healthy skin begins within? Your outward appearance is a reflection of internal health, so part of any plan to achieve radiant skin is to be aware of what you put into your body and what you should leave out. One thing to be sure to leave out is sugar. Sugar... Read more of this article