Hashtag: #BermudaInstituteOfOceanSciences

Students Enjoy Immersive Science Lessons

Students Enjoy Immersive Science Lessons

A recent collaboration was established between ASU BIOS, CedarBridge Academy, and Waterstart which “engaged students aged 14 to 16 in science learning through hands-on experiences across various environmental and scientific fields.” A spokesperson said, “The Signature Learning Partnership is a cornerstone of the educational initiatives... Read more of this article

ASU BIOS Appoints Dr. Rosemarie McMahon

ASU BIOS Appoints Dr. Rosemarie McMahon

The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [ASU BIOS] appointed Dr. Rosemarie McMahon as its new Director of Advancement. A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [ASU BIOS], a unit of the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University, is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Rosemarie McMahon as... Read more of this article

15 Students Selected For ASU BIOS Internships

15 Students Selected For ASU BIOS Internships

ASU BIOS welcomed 15 Bermudian students as Bermuda Program interns for the 2024 session, offering them hands-on research experience in marine and atmospheric sciences. A spokesperson said, “Each year, a select group of Bermudian students are chosen to participate in the ASU Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [ASU BIOS], a unit of the Julie Ann... Read more of this article

ASU/BIOS Launch Scholarships For Students

ASU/BIOS Launch Scholarships For Students

An initiative in collaboration with the Bermuda Institute of Oceanic Studies [BIOS] and Arizona State University [ASU] will “greatly benefit our Bermudian students,” Minister of Education Diallo Rabain said in the House of Assembly. The Minister said, “I was pleased to join BIOS/ASU Chairman Steve Weinstein, BIOS/ASU President and... Read more of this article

Photos & Video: BIOS Hold Open House

Photos & Video: BIOS Hold Open House

The ASU Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS] program hosted an open house on June 8 at their Ferry Reach campus to celebrate World Ocean Day, inviting the public to explore their ocean science facilities and participate in talks highlighting their programs. Related Stories BIOS To Test New Oceanographic... Read more of this article

ASU BIOS To Host Events Around Ocean Day

ASU BIOS To Host Events Around Ocean Day

ASU BIOS is set to celebrate over 120 years of marine research in Bermuda with a gala on June 7 and an open house on June 8, featuring music, food, talks, and facility tours. A spokesperson said, “ASU BIOS is looking forward to welcoming the community to some public events around World Ocean Day in a couple of weeks. The ASU BIOS Celebration theme... Read more of this article

Dr Mark Guishard Appointed COO At BIOS

Dr Mark Guishard Appointed COO At BIOS

The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS] has appointed Dr. Mark Guishard as its Chief Operating Officer [COO] with Dr. Guishard noting he is “thrilled to be returning to BIOS in a leadership role.” A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, a unit of the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona... Read more of this article

Global Atlantic Leads Funding Efforts At BIOS

Global Atlantic Leads Funding Efforts At BIOS

The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, a unit of Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory and School of Ocean Futures at Arizona State University, has announced funding support for deep-sea research and education training for Bermudians. A spokesperson said, “The funding is led by a charitable grant from the Global Atlantic Re foundation,... Read more of this article

BIOS: Innovations For The Environment

BIOS: Innovations For The Environment

A collaboration between BIOS and the University of Rhode Island will be providing an exciting educational opportunity for Bermudian students within the Mid-Atlantic Robotics In Education [MARINE] program called ‘Innovations for the Environment’. A spokesperson said, “With generous support from lead sponsor RenaissanceRe and contributing support... Read more of this article

BIOS Releases Part II Of Climate Change Report

BIOS Releases Part II Of Climate Change Report

The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS] published the second half of a two-part report on the local impacts of climate change in Bermuda. A spokesperson said, “The new report, titled “Climate Change and Bermuda, Part II: Impacts and Societal Risk” was produced by the Bermuda Airport Authority’s Dr. Mark Guishard, a BIOS adjunct scientist... Read more of this article

BIOS Opens Internship For Bermuda Students

BIOS Opens Internship For Bermuda Students

The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS] is accepting applications for the 2023 iteration of its Bermuda Program, which aims to provide the opportunity for students “to broaden their knowledge of marine and atmospheric sciences and learn about the daily operations of an active research station.” The BIOS website said, “The Bermuda... Read more of this article

“Exploring Bermuda’s Blue Backyard’ Session

“Exploring Bermuda’s Blue Backyard’ Session

Scientists from the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS] participated in a virtual education session for local schools as part of the Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme’s [BOPP’s] ongoing youth engagement. A spokesperson said, “BIOS scientists have been involved with BOPP since the programme’s inception, serving on both the Steering... Read more of this article